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Recommendations for authors

In its Bulletins et Mémoires (BMSAP), the Société d’Anthropologie de Paris publishes original content, whether articles, book reviews or research notes, relating to the discipline of Biological Anthropology sensu lato, which covers the origin and evolution of Hominids, populating processes, funerary archaeo-anthropology, human ecology, population genetics, the demography and dynamics of social change and the history of the discipline.

All manuscripts sent for review are submitted to a peer-review process in several stages, involving the editorial committee, a peer-review panel and external experts.

These expert reviews are simple blind assessments (the experts are given the information about the authors and the assessments are produced anonymously). The experts may make themselves known to the authors if they so wish.

To qualify for peer review, manuscripts must:

  • Comply with the journal's presentation requirements.

  • Comply with the rules of scientific ethics.

  • Receive a favourable opinion from the members of the Editorial Committee.

To qualify for publication, manuscripts must:

Receive a favourable opinion from the members of the Editorial Committee after their analysis of the expert opinions issued by the specialists assessing the manuscript and its revised versions.

1- Electronic manuscript submissions

The manuscript must be written in French or English. Each manuscript must be submitted as a single file in DOC or ODT format and comprise, in the following order:

  • The title,

  • The list of authors and their academic affiliation,

  • The abstract and keywords,

  • The main text with the titles and legends to figures and the tables where they should appear in the manuscript,

  • The bibliography,

  • The annexes, supporting material on electronic media.

Manuscripts should be sent by email to: redacchef[at] Accepted manuscript versions must be sent in several separate files as follows:

  • A single DOC or ODT file with the text, tables and figures legends.

  • Figures to be sent as separate files preferably in SVG, EPC or AI formats, or in JPEG, TIFF or PDF format (minimum resolution 600 dpi). All supporting visual material must either be free of copyright or have received written permission from the rightsholders for republication by the authors.

  • Annexes and multimedia supporting material.

2- Manuscript preparation

This section describes the different components of the manuscript.

  • A title in English and in French.

  • The surnames, first names and addresses of the authors, their ORCID numbers (not compulsory) and the email address of the corresponding author.

  • An abstract in English and in French (maximum 1,500 characters including spaces).

  • Keywords separated by commas (maximum 5) in French and in English.

  • The manuscript text must comprise no more than two non-numbered title levels. Article texts must not exceed 60,000 characters including spaces, and research notes no more than 30,000 characters including spaces. Titles and legends to figures along with the tables will be positioned in the text where they should appear in the final version of the manuscript. Each legend to figures and tables must be translated into English or French. Authors should ensure that each legend is explicit enough in itself not to require the reader to refer to the text for elucidation, but should nevertheless keep to a limited number of words.

  • Tables and figures should be numbered (in Arabic numerals) in the order of their appearance in the text.

  • Bibliographic references must be listed in alphabetical order and must comply with the guidelines set out below.

  • For accepted manuscript only, figures should be provided in JPEG, TIFF, SVG or EPS format with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi, and composed to a width of one column (8.2 cm) or two columns (17 cm) of the article layout. Any text in the illustrations must be in Cambria font, using 9-point (print size) and 10-point for titles. All visual supporting material in the article must be either free of copyright or have written permission from the rightsholders for republication by the authors.

  • Annexes and multimedia supporting material must be sent as separate files, unless they are deposited on an open archive site. The article must explicitly mention by what means the raw data are made available, either in an annexe to the article or on data servers (cf. §4 infra).

The manuscript pages and lines must be numbered continuously from the title page onwards.

Manuscripts should preferably be typed in 12 pt Times New Roman with double line spacing, using an A4 page layout with 25 mm margins.

Links to end-of-page notes should be inserted in the text in superscript Arabic numerals with no brackets or parentheses. End-of-page notes should be limited in number and length (maximum 500 characters, including spaces, per page).

Abbreviations and acronyms must be given in full when they appear for the first time. Scientific and technical terms, units of measurement and statistical symbols must conform to international standards.

Bibliographic references:

  • These must be indicated in parentheses () in the body of the text.

  • When the publication has one author, the name must be given followed by the year(s) in parentheses, for example: "… as presented in the synthesis by Parker-Pearson (2016)". When there are two authors, the names must be given followed by the year or years in parentheses, for example: "In the article by Richtsmeier and Lesciotto (2020)…". When there are more than two authors, only the first name should be given, followed by "et al.", for example: "This hypothesis proposed by Jablonski et al. (2002)…". When there are several references in parentheses, they should be given in chronological order of the publications separated by a semi-colon, for example: (Gomila, 1980; Scheuer and Black, 2000; Hershkovitz et al., 2011).

  • The list of bibliographic references must be given in alphabetical order. Only those references mentioned in the text must be included in the bibliography at the end of the article. Titles of periodicals must be given in full and the DOI for articles must be added at the end of the reference.

The following examples illustrate the presentation requirements:

  • For an article in a periodical: Hershkovitz I, Smith P, Sarig R et al (2011) Middle Pleistocene dental remains from Qesem Cave (Israel). American Journal of Physical Anthropology 144(4):575-92 []

  • For a book: Scheuer JL, Black S (2000) Developmental Juvenile Osteology, Academic Press, San Diego, California, 587 p

  • For an article in a collective work: Gomila J (1980) L’Afrique subsaharienne. In: Hiernaux J (ed) La diversité biologique humaine. Masson, Paris, pp 107-196

  • For an electronic document: WHO (2019) Global Tuberculosis report, (consulté le 2 octobre 2020). If the document has a DOI or library number, this should be used instead of the URL.

Multimedia material:

Multimedia files such as 3D models (.ply, .stl, .obj), videos or high-resolution interactive images may be added as supporting material to articles published in the BMSAP. The files should be hosted on the BMSAP website by preference. The size of each file, if hosted on the BMSAP website, should not exceed 150 Mb. Files may be hosted on external servers.

3- Scientific Integrity

It is expressly agreed that any manuscript submitted to the Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris shall be:

  • An original unpublished work which is not under peer review for another journal.

  • A work that is free of plagiarism of any kind.

  • A work that conforms to the rules of ethics for scientific publications (cf.

  • A work that is transparent with regard to funding, research permissions (sampling, access to collections, validation by an ethics committee, etc.) and conflicts of interest if any.

4- Data sharing

The raw data used in all studies published by the BMSAP must be freely accessible, annexed to the manuscript and available from the BMSAP server by preference, or from an external server. The server name and access link must be included in the manuscript.

5- PCI Archaeology

The BMSAP support open access science and are backing PCI initiatives. The BMSAP are a PCI Archaeology friendly journal and as such the journal will consider PCI-recommended manuscripts and decide within 5 working days whether the manuscript will be 1) accepted with minor modification and no further peer-review; 2) sent to further peer-review; or 3) rejected.

The manuscript recommended by the PCI Archaeology and published by the BMSAP will include the following statement: “This manuscript has been peer-reviewed and recommended by PCI Archaeology (”.

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