Keywords – social unrest
Des golden sixties à 2010 : un demi-siècle de désindustrialisation et de conflits sociaux à Bruxelles [Full text]Article 93, 16 November 2015Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionVan de golden sixties tot 2010: een halve eeuw desindustrialisatie en sociale conflicten in Brussel [Full text | translation | nl]Article 93, 16 November 2015Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionFrom the Golden Sixties to 2010: half a century of deindustrialisation and labour disputes in Brussels [Full text | translation | en]Article 93, 16 November 2015Published in Brussels Studies, General collection
Article 68, 01 July 2013Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionRellen in Matonge en… onverschilligheid van de overheid? [Full text | translation | nl]Article 68, 01 July 2013Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionRiots in Matonge and… the indifference of public authority? [Full text | translation | en]Article 68, 01 July 2013Published in Brussels Studies, General collection
Article 63, 26 November 2012Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionGevoelens van onrechtvaardigheid en complottheorie. Opvattingen van migrantenjongeren en jongeren met een Afrikaanse migratieachtergrond (Marokko en subsaharaans Afrika) in kansarme wijken van Brussel [Full text | translation | nl]Article 63, 26 November 2012Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionFeelings of injustice and conspiracy theory. Representations of adolescents from an African migrant background (Morocco and sub-Saharan Africa) in disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Brussels [Full text | translation | en]Article 63, 26 November 2012Published in Brussels Studies, General collection
Een vergelijking van Turkse en Marokkaanse minderheden in Brussel en in AntwerpenArticle 47, 07 March 2011Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionDo feelings of discrimination explain the riots in Brussels? [Full text | translation | en]Een vergelijking van Turkse en Marokkaanse minderheden in Brussel en in AntwerpenArticle 47, 07 March 2011Published in Brussels Studies, General collectionLes sentiments de discrimination expliquent-ils les émeutes bruxelloises ? [Full text | translation | fr]Een vergelijking van Turkse en Marokkaanse minderheden in Brussel en in AntwerpenArticle 47, 07 March 2011Published in Brussels Studies, General collection