European Symposium of Social Science & Humanities Journals
In every country and discipline, scientific journals are one of the main vectors for the dissemination of knowledge and remain at the heart of all developments in the world of research.
To take an interest in the organization of academic journals, in their sustainability and various economic models, in the status and position of those who run them and contribute to the quality of their content (editorial board members, publishing professionals, reviewers), in the way papers are evaluated, in the journals’ linguistic choices and dissemination policies, or in their greater or lesser autonomy vis-à-vis the market or the political world… – to take an interest in journals, indeed, is to consider the actual conditions and dynamics of the production and dissemination of science.
And paradoxically, there are few opportunities to reflect collectively on the situation of SSH academic journals, and even fewer opportunities to do so among journals, especially on an international scale.
The First European Symposium of Social Science and Humanities Journals aims at creating a new forum for journals to meet and address together shared issues and contemporary debates around scientific publishing, ethics and practices.
More about the Symposium:
Sponsors: FNRS, Université Paris Lumières, Programme Emergence(s) de la Ville de Paris, Faculté de Lettres, Traduction et Communication de l’Université Libre de Bruxelles, COnTEXTES, Wallonie Bruxelles International, Centre Philixte, Cresppa-CSU, Gresco, Sage, Institut universitaire de France.