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124-1 | 2022
Portes et seuils au Siècle d’Or

Puertas y umbrales en el Siglo de Oro
Doors and thresholds in the Golden Age
Bulletin Hispanique, tome 124, numéro 1, juin 2022
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Credits: ©Photographie Federico Bravo
ISBN 979-10-300-0844-9

The thirteen articles in this book examine the concept of the “threshold” in the literature and iconography of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain, understood in its material and architectural dimensions and considered in its dual spatial and temporal valence. They show that the threshold, open to the domestic or private space, gives the full measure of its dramatic potentiality and its symbolic profitability not only in plots, in novels and in theatre, but also in poetic discourse since Antiquity. In the same way, in iconography, the open door becomes a vanishing point and carries perspective towards an out of field suggested by the painter.

Editor’s notes

Avec le soutien de l'Université Bordeaux Montaigne, le CRISOL 16/17 et l’UMR 5317 – IHRIM (Institut d’histoire des représentations et des idées dans les modernités), sous la tutelle du CNRS, de l’ENS de Lyon, des universités Lumière-Lyon 2, Jean-Moulin-Lyon 3, Jean-Monnet-Saint-Etienne et Clermont Auvergne.

Con el apoyo de la Universidad Bordeaux Montaigne, CRISOL 16/17 y el laboratorio IHRIM.


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