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Joachim Jungius and the Transfer of Knowledge from Weaving to Mathematics in the 17th Century

Joachim Jungius et le transfert de connaissances du tissage aux mathématiques au xviie siècle
Michael Friedman
p. 43-82


Joachim Jungius, l’un des savants allemands les plus renommés de la première moitié du xviie siècle, a rédigé entre les années 1620 et 1640 un ensemble de notes intitulé Texturæ Contemplatio (Une contemplation du tissage). Ces notes inédites, écrites en allemand et en latin, traitent du tissage et d’autres pratiques textiles, et tentent de présenter divers tissages de manière mathématique et de les étudier scientifiquement. Mais quelle était la nature de cette mathématisation du tissage ? Dans quelle mesure Jungius connaissait-il les artisans et les pratiques artisanales qu’il décrit ? Cet article vise à décrire la rencontre entre le tissage et les mathématiques dans les écrits de Jungius afin d’examiner les relations entre la connaissance artisanale des textiles et sa supposée mathématisation au cours des premières décennies du xviie siècle.

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Texte intégral

The author would like to thank David Rabouin for his helpful comments after reading the initial version of this paper, as well as the two anonymous referees for their constructive suggestions which helped greatly to improve the paper. This research was supported by the Israeli Science Foundation (grant No. 461/21).

  • 1 On Jungius’s life and work, see: (Wohlwill, 1887; Kangro, 1968; Meinel, 1982, 1995; Wollgast, 1993, (...)

1Joachim Jungius (1587-1657) was a German mathematician, logician, and philosopher of science. He worked in Gießen, Lübeck, and Rostock; and from 1629 until 1657 he was a professor of natural sciences at the Akademisches Gymnasium in Hamburg. Mostly known today for his Logica Hamburgensis (1638), his understanding of mathematics was also influential during the 17th century. For Jungius — as he stated explicitly in his inaugural speech on March 19, 1629, in Hamburg (Jungius, 1929) — mathematics should not only be used to solve arithmetical and geometrical problems; it should also be at the basis of all scientific domains — which underlines the importance he attached in his work to observation and mathematical demonstration (Hübner, 1996). Jungius was also known for his Geometria empirica (1627), as well as for his studies on botany and on the corpuscular theory of chemistry. His scientific investigations were published in several books, including Disputationes (1642) and (posthumously) Doxoscopiae physicae minores (1662). His work was well known to Samuel Hartlib, Jan Amos Comenius, John Pell, and, later, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, all of whom praised Jungius and his work.1

  • 2 On how Jungius’s Nachlass was handled by Martin Fogel and his successors, see: (Meinel, 1984, p. ix (...)
  • 3 The full title of the manuscript, probably given by Fogel, is “Texturæ Contemplatio. Auct. Joach. J (...)

2One of Jungius’s research themes between the 1620s and the 1640s was the investigation of textiles and textile practices (in particular, weaving, knitting, and plaiting). This interest culminated in a set of notes titled “Texturarum theoria modo sciendi physico inserviens,” which is mentioned by Martin Fogel in 1657 (shortly after Jungius’s death) in the inventory Fogel made of Jungius’s Nachlass (Meinel, 1984, p. xxiii).2 As with most parts of this Nachlass, it is unlikely that Jungius intended “Texturarum theoria” to become a text that was structured in any definite way; rather, it took the form of a collection of notes — one which was later copied and excerpted by Jungius’s students. The original collection of notes was subsequently lost, and what have survived are the copies and excerpts. These were then incorporated into Fogel’s Nachlass, where they were given the title Texturæ Contemplatio3 — henceforth TC. It is with TC that the present paper will mainly deal.

  • 4 On the way in which Jungius wrote and arranged his notes, see: (Meinel, 1995).
  • 5 In Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek – Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, Leibniz-Handschriften (...)

3TC was probably put together in Hamburg between 1660 and 1678, when former Jungius students, under the direction of Johannes Vagetius, arranged and transcribed Jungius’s numerous notes (Meinel, 1984, p. xii-xiv).4 Fogel took some of the copies with him to Hanover, where Leibniz managed to purchase Fogel’s library in 1678, shortly after Fogel’s death. Jungius’s original collection of notes was probably lost in 1691 during a fire in Vagetius’s house, where the notes were being stored. Neither TC nor “Texturarum theoria” were published in any form, even though Leibniz (2009, p. 147) expressed his wish for this to happen, and himself copied (and further edited) TC.5

4TC is partially an attempt to describe geometrical structures of certain weaves and to develop corresponding theorems, partially an investigation with the help of a microscope of certain textiles, and partially an account of various artisanal practices. Examining the manuscript raises the question of how Jungius came to conceive weaving (to take the main textile practice discussed in TC) as a mathematically oriented practice. Can weaving in particular and textile practices in general be considered, in the 17th century, as an area of intersection between the interests of scholars and the interests of practitioners, even if their concerns and motives may have been different? Can this intersection be considered, following Peter Galison, as a “trading zone,” or was the transfer of knowledge only unidirectional? If we concentrate on Galison’s notion of “trading zones,” to which I will return during this paper, the question arises whether there was a “reciprocal exchange of substantive knowledge or expertise” (Long, 2011 p. 95), such as, for example, in the form of a local common vocabulary between mathematicians and artisans which was established in their respective practices, or whether such encounters were simply imaginary, that is, conceived in the mathematician’s (in our case, Jungius’s) mind. If such encounters did indeed happen, and if, as Galison (1997, p. 46) states, a trading zone is “an intermediate domain in which procedures could be coordinated locally even where broader meanings clashed,” may one conjecture the emergence of pidgin languages between these two groups, that is, of “contact languages” which introduce “local coordination” and thus enable exchange? (p. 783) Moreover, another question arises if we consider Jungius’s geometrical reflections: what was the role that mathematics played for both groups? Indeed, the notion of “trading zones” raises the question of the fruitfulness of Jungius’s approach, that is, whether his reflections on weaving would have been useful either to the weavers or for the development of new domains of mathematics? As I will attempt to show, Jungius aimed at a reorganization of the knowledge stemming from textile and weaving practices by, among other things, presenting a new structure of knowledge: a more geometric one. Nevertheless, as will eventually become clear, it was not evident at the time whether this reorganization would have been relevant to the weavers themselves.

5I will therefore begin in section 1 with a review of how textile practices in general were considered by various thinkers in the 17th century. Section 2 then focuses on Jungius’s mathematical reflections on weaving (which take the form either of geometrical or arithmetical descriptions) and on his observations with the aid of a microscope; most of these reflections and observations (but not all) are found in TC. Section 3 then goes on to examine whether these “trading zones” actually existed through a discussion of the different ways in which Jungius considered the various stages of the artisanal work of weaving or knitting. I will conclude in section 4 by elaborating on Jungius’s reorganization of the artisanal knowledge of weaving.

1.  Weaving and Scholars on Weaving in the 17th Century

  • 6 To these one should add the inventions of the flying shuttle (in 1733) and the spinning jenny (arou (...)

6Textile practices such as spinning, knitting, plaiting, felting, basketry, and weaving are some of the oldest human practices, practices which have existed in various forms and which certainly do not have a single geographical origin, but were developed in different centers and in different ways. A proper outline of the history of European weaving and looms from the Middle Ages until their mechanization during the 18th century by Basile Bouchon, Jacques de Vaucanson, and Joseph Marie Jacquard (Broudy, 1993, p. 130-169) is beyond the scope of this paper. However, as Lewis Mumford notes, between the 15th and 18th century, “the [European] textile industries recorded the greatest number of improvements.” (Mumford, 1967, p. 144; cf. Bohnsack, 1981) Among these advancements and inventions, Mumford mentions the introduction of the spinning wheel from India, the fulling mills, Leonardo da Vinci’s invention of various textile machines at the end of the 15th century (da Vinci, 1979), the invention of a partly automatic spinning wheel in 1530, the invention of the ribbon loom (on which one could weave more than one ribbon at a time) in 1586 in Danzig, which spread throughout Europe during the 17th century, and last but not least the invention of the stocking frame (a mechanical knitting machine) in 1589 near Nottingham (Lewis, 1986; Plummer, 1972, p. 162-172).6 The late 17th century and the 18th century probably also saw a rise in the literacy of the weavers themselves, since it was during this period that the first books of weaving instructions, including weave patterns and notations, were printed and written by weavers – these books will be briefly discussed at section 2.1.

  • 7 Saje is a fabric made of a mix of wool and linen, silk, or cotton.

7To concentrate only on Hamburg, where Jungius lived while composing his notes on weaving, it has been well documented that during the late 16th century this was one of the main destinations of Dutch religious refugees. These refugees were experts in, among other things, various techniques of weaving, especially silk weaving; an edict from 1586 describes some of these refugees as “saje makers” [“Sayenmacher”] (Rüdiger, 1874, p. 210).7 This edict permitted these refugees to both produce and sell their products. A similar edict issued in Hamburg in 1613 describes in more detail not only the refugees’ rights and what was prohibited to them, but also the composition and the dimensions of the fabrics produced (p. 211-232). Moreover, the establishment and mergers of guilds (“Brüderschaften”) underline the importance of the different branches of textile production in Hamburg. Various guilds — of knitters as well as of silk, velvet, and caffa weavers — were established in 1609, 1622, and 1628. In their records one finds that in ca. 1630 there were 183 “masters,” 18 former masters, and 30 widows registered working in these trades in Hamburg (Stieda, 1894, p. 422-424).

  • 8 This question is also considered in the framework of the research on artisanal epistemology; see e. (...)
  • 9 Wolzogen was “Swedish” in the sense that he later lived in Stockholm.

8In view of the mechanical developments and inventions in the domain of textile practices on the one hand, and the flourishing of these practices in the north of Germany during the 17th century on the other hand, the question that arises is how these practices were considered by scholars and mathematicians, especially during the 17th century.8 Jungius’s reflections and investigations on weaves and textiles have been mentioned above and will be examined thoroughly below; however, Jungius was not the only 17th-century scholar to have treated this subject. Samuel Hartlib, in a series of letters written in 1653 and 1657 to several scholars, also discusses innovations in weaving (Hartlib, 2002, 8/16/1A-5B). The title of this series is “Inventiones / Textoriæ / Wolzogens,” in reference to Johann Ludwig von Wolzogen (1600-1661), an Austrian philosopher, mathematician, and theologian. These letters can be seen in the context of Hartlib’s conversations with John Pell at the beginning of the 1650s. Hartlib writes that “[a] curious and accomodatious Weaving-Instrument mentioned by Mr Pell which the Swedish Baron Wolzogens wife did vse in Holland to get her subsistence by [is] much used in Bohemia wherby waiscots in all manner of colours are exactly woven [...]. Weaving / Woltzogen / in Sweden / Woltzogen being Mathematical can easily send a description with a delineation of it.”9 (Hartlib, 2002, 28/2/20A) Hartlib is referring to a loom found in Holland, hence probably to a manual ribbon loom, since these were widespread in Holland at the beginning of the 17th century. According to Hartlib, there is a close connection between this loom and mathematics or mathematical principles – although he does not explain what this might be.

  • 10 A comparison between Jungius’s and Bacon’s use of terms derived from weaving practices and the infl (...)

9Bacon and Descartes expressed similar opinions concerning possible connections between mathematics and weaving. Bacon, in his 1620 Novum Organum, called for the gathering of knowledge via experiments, from which the universal laws of nature would be derived by means of inductive reasoning. Bacon underlines that these experiments should also take into account the knowledge of artisans: the “particular arts to be preferred” in such a project are those that “exhibit, alter and prepare natural bodies and the material of things such as agriculture, cookery, chemistry, [...] and the like,” as well as “weaving, carpentry, architecture [...].” (Bacon, 1620, p. 278) While Bacon, with his inductive method, might be expected to call for the inspection of manual and artisanal practices, one should also note his use of the term “textura,” which describes the order and arrangement of parts of bodies, and which has an affinity with weaving practices and terms (Gemelli, 1996, p. 186-188).10 But while Bacon delineated a connection between weaving practices and a theory of materials, an explicit connection to mathematics is absent.

  • 11 Furthermore, Descartes emphasizes that, while these various activities “present us in the most dist (...)

10That being said, the fact that Descartes, who advocated a deductive method, called for a similar procedure of inspecting textile practices is more surprising. In the tenth rule of his Regulae ad directionem ingenii, Descartes notes that “in order to acquire discernment we should exercise our native intelligence by investigating what others have already discovered, and methodically survey even the most insignificant products of human skill, especially those which display or presuppose order.” He advises that “[one] must first tackle the simplest and least exalted arts, and especially those in which order prevails — such as weaving and carpet-making, or the more feminine arts of embroidery, in which threads are interwoven in an infinitely varied pattern.” (Descartes, 1701, p. 35) It should be recalled that, at that time, the textile industry was flourishing in France, and Descartes was certainly aware of this. Descartes’s emphasis on “display[ing] or presuppos[ing] order” may be interpreted in two ways: as referring either to the resulting “pattern” of the finished weave, or to the order of actions while using the loom — for example, the order in which one should step on the loom’s treadles, an aspect which is important, especially when weaving with a loom with more than two treadles. Indeed, the way threads are woven is to be decided before the realization of the fabric (i.e. before the production of the final result). Moreover, according to Descartes, the supposed mathematization of these textile practices must be done in a way that resembles “number games and [those] involving arithmetic.”11 (Descartes, 1701, p. 35)

  • 12 In a list titled “Catalogue of Inventions (Catalogus inventionum),” one of the inventions that Hart (...)
  • 13 This is not to imply that other scholars and mathematicians were not interested in the connections (...)

11Hence, the Baconian and the Cartesian conceptions of manual and haptic activities both reflect the need to discover (geometrical- mathematical) laws via manual practices, that is, by learning from and experimenting with crafts which, according to Bacon, “exhibit, alter and prepare [...] the material of things.” However, it is not clear whether either Descartes or Bacon was actually in contact with weavers or visited their ateliers. If Bacon’s term “textura” only referred to the spatial order of corpuscles, then one may claim that the transfer of knowledge enabled by the alleged trading zone between natural philosophers and weavers was only operating metaphorically. Moreover, Descartes, after comparing textile practices to arithmetic, adds that it “is surprising how much all these activities exercise our minds, provided of course we discovered them for ourselves and not from others” (Descartes, 1701, p. 35) — which points toward a separation between mathematical reasoning and artisanal knowledge. While Hartlib, on the contrary, referred to the novel inventions of textile machines — the ribbon loom or the stocking machine12 — it remains unclear how far he considered these mathematically. In this sense, Jungius’s TC serves as an explicit and unique meeting point between mathematics and weaving.13

  • 14 One folio (fol. 41v) is even dated to 1654, though it might have been written by Fogel and not by J (...)

12Having presented the views of several thinkers on weaving and geometry, I now turn to Jungius’s TC. One aspect should be stressed at the outset: TC is not an autograph by Jungius but a posthumously reorganized copy of a collection of notes that Jungius wrote between 1621 and 1649.14 This set of notes, written in Latin and German, contains around 60 pages and is partially a description of a number of different weaving materials and techniques, partially a more scientific examination of fabrics, and partially an attempt to present weaves as geometrical, assigning to them “definitions” and “theorems.” TC, which is mentioned rarely in the secondary literature on Jungius (Kangro, 1968, p. 28, 243-245; Guhrauer, 1850, p. 292-294), has not been thoroughly examined, and none of the works that do mention it deals with how Jungius considered artisanal knowledge or, more specifically, textile practices. As we will see, Jungius wrote on textiles and weaving in other manuscripts too; however, these do not contain geometrical reflections.

13The following section (section 2) concentrates on three aspects of Jungius’s work on textiles: the geometrical reflections, the more practical and arithmetical considerations, and the observation-based, material-oriented investigations. I will focus mainly on TC, though other works of Jungius’s will also be examined. The following section (as well as section 3) aims not only to review these investigations, but also to make explicit the extent to which Jungius knew the artisanal practices he was discussing, and whether his work might have influenced or would have been relevant to the artisans and their work.

2.  Jungius’s Mathematical and Scientific Reflections on Textiles

  • 15 This discussion comes in the framework of the changing meanings of scientia in the 17th century; se (...)
  • 16 “[...] in Mathematicis praesertim meris sive abstractis earn principiorum evidentiam, eam praecepto (...)

14This section deals, among other topics, with Jungius’s mathematical and scientific reflections on textiles. But first one should clarify what these two adjectives meant for Jungius.15 As noted above, Jungius presented his view of mathematics in his inaugural speech in 1629. He saw pure mathematics as providing a possible structure for scientific inquiry, since in pure mathematics there exists not only an “evidence of principles” — principles here are considered in the sense of axioms — but also a constancy of definitions, theorems, and valid proofs (Jungius, 1929, p. 100).16 Moreover, the axioms of abstract mathematics can do almost without experience or observation — which is to say that, while the axioms of harmony, optics, and statics, for example, still draw to some extent on experience and observation, they do so to a much lesser degree than the axioms of physics (p. 102). Mathematics has the advantage of immediately obvious axioms, indisputable theorems, and conclusive proofs.

  • 17 A detailed survey of Jungius’s scientific method is beyond the scope of this paper. See: (Clucas, 2 (...)
  • 18 For an overview of the book, see: (Risse, 1964, p. 521-531).

15Turning to Jungius’s conception of his scientific method,17 this is presented, for example, in the fourth part of Jungius’s Logica Hamburgensis,18 which deals “with the application of logical induction to the natural sciences in a novel and controversial fashion.” (Clucas, 2010, p. 54) According to Stephen Clucas, Jungius belonged to a group of natural philosophers who formulated “a conception of observation as regulated experience, which could be legitimately appealed to in making truth-claims in natural philosophy.” (p. 57) Jungius examines two kinds of scientific method, inductio and demonstratio (Risse, 1964, p. 526-527), and presents the notion of an “empirical theorem” based on his own scientific method (Jungius, 1638, p. 207ff.). How proofs of such “theorems” are different from proofs in mathematics can be seen in Jungius’s discussion on proofs in chapter XIV of the fourth part of Logica Hamburgensis. Here, proofs are divided into two types, a priori and a posteriori, and a priori proofs are then divided further into a priori par excellence proofs and a priori proofs according to certain aspects (p. 238). While the a priori par excellence proofs deduce the conclusions from earlier knowledge (such as the proofs of arithmetic and geometry), a priori proofs according to certain aspects are proofs resulting from what occurs according to nature (prior to any observation), but becomes evident later through the demonstration. Examples of these types of proofs can be found in optics, astronomy, and physics (p. 238). And while in Logica Hamburgensis Jungius presents clear definitions of what constitutes a theorem and a proof in mathematics as opposed to physics and the other natural sciences, as we will see in what follows, the geometrical “theorems” presented in TC may not be as a priori (and detached from observation) as expected.

16Having clarified this distinction, I now turn to how Jungius considered textiles and textile practices: either geometrically with definitions and theorems (subsection 2.1), arithmetically (subsection 2.2), or from a material point of view (subsection 2.3).

2.1.  Mathematical Reflections in TC: Geometrical Definitions and Theorems

  • 19 I will return to this discussion below. On Jungius, his axiomatic method, and its use with respect (...)

17A clear indication of TC’s mathematical orientation is to be seen in the first folios, which open with a set of definitions (“Definitiones”) and theorems (“Theorema”). There are at least 13 folios which can be associated with this set of pages dealing with a possible “geometrization” of weaving, which constitutes one of the largest groups in this set of notes. These folios may therefore be considered as Jungius’s most explicit attempt to provide a geometrical model for weaving, though this model should not be considered as axiomatic, since no axioms are presented.19 To analyze whether these notes could have led to the development of new mathematical theories, let us take a closer look at the definitions and theorems.

  • 20 “p. 1 Texturæ Contemplatio ad scientiam situs.” In contrast to the titles, which were usually given (...)

18The most complete version of the set of definitions and theorems is to be found on folio 62r. The title of this folio is “p. 1[,] a contemplation of weaving[:] concerning knowledge of position,”20 and this is followed by a series of “definitions”:


The threads of one row are defined [as those] which are parallel to each of the others in turn.

The fabric consists of two rows of threads, one of which is called the warp, the other is called the weft [see Fig. 1].

A simple weave is defined [as] when a thread crosses under as many threads as it goes over.

A double weave is defined [as] when double the number of threads go under [on either side] as the number of threads that it sends over.

  • 21 “Definitiones / Unius seriei fila dicuntur, quae sibi invicem parallela sunt / Tela constat ex duab (...)

A triple weave, quadruple weave, etc. are defined similarly.21 (TC, fol. 62r)

Figure 1 - Warp and weft in plain weave

Figure 1 - Warp and weft in plain weave

Source:​wiki/​File:Warp_and_weft_2.jpg; © Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

19Apart from the warp and weft, what does Jungius define here? He notes that the most basic form of weaving (“textura simpla”) is obtained by a regular alternation of lifting the warp threads; today this is called plain, tabby, or taffeta weave (see Fig. 1). This textile weave is obtained when the weft thread crosses the warp threads by going over one warp thread, then under the next, and so on. However, to this definition one should add the rule that in the next row the alternation shifts by one thread.

20The relation between the rows is exactly what Jungius does not describe explicitly; however, if one looks at his diagrams of the various weaves (see below), it can be concluded that he was certainly aware of it. The same partial definition appears for the other weaves. For example, while Jungius writes explicitly concerning a double weave (or, in Latin, textura dupla) that, for every row, the weft thread goes over one warp thread and then under the next two, he does not note that in the next row this alternation shifts by one thread.

  • 22 “Textura quadrupla dicitur, si in una tela pagina sive facie unius seriei fila quaternis alterius s (...)

21The above series of definitions ends with a more elaborate explanation of the weave called textura quadrupla: “Quadruple weave is defined when in one fabric, whether on the side or on the surface, the threads of one row [the weft threads] go over a fifth [thread] with four threads of another row [the warp threads] having been sent under.”22 (TC, fol. 62r) But here one may notice that even if Jungius claims that in one row the weft thread passes below four warp threads, there is no way to induce whether in the next row there will be a shift in this pattern by one thread or by several threads. This is dealt with by Jungius’s “theorems,” which are in fact a collection of four statements about these quadruple weaves. These theorems are to be found on a folio titled “p. 2[,] a contemplation of weaving[:] concerning knowledge of position” (TC, fol. 63r). Here, Jungius makes explicit the relations between the rows of the weft — which may explain why he called these statements theorems. To give an example, the first theorem describes the characteristics of a specific “textura quadrupla” (today called 4/1 twill), when passing the weft thread from one side to the other:

  • 23 “THEOREMA 1. In textura quadrupla si seriei ab A versus B extensae filum versus D secundum scandat (...)

Theorem I. In a quadruple weave [4/1 twill], if the thread in the direction of D of a row extending from A to B is sent over a second [row], [that is, it continues as a weft thread] in the direction of A, it follows that [this] second thread of the row extending from A to B goes over a fifth [thread] in the direction of B.23 (TC, fol. 63r)

  • 24 (Emery, 2009, p. 108): “[...] in the [4/1] twill [...] each successive weft binds the next adjacent (...)

22While theorem I deals with what Jungius calls “continuous [continua] quadruple weave,” theorem II deals with the properties of “intermittent [intermittens] quadruple weave.” In modern terms, while the first weave is a 4/1 twill, the second is a 4/1 satin weave;24 both weaves are drawn in Fig. 2.

Figure 2 - Jungius depicting the various types of weaves

Figure 2 - Jungius depicting the various types of weaves

Top left, “textura quadrupla in[te]rmittens” (4/1 satin weave); top right, “textura dupla” (2/1 twill); bottom left, “quadrupla continens” (4/1 twill) and “textura in-termittens inutilis” (useless intermittent weave). An almost identical drawing appears on folio 9r.

Source: TC, fol. 6r, left; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek

23Theorem III states that these are the only two possible types of quadruple weave: “Omnis textura quadrupla aut continua est aut intermittens.” (TC, fol. 63r) Theorems III and IV then continue to describe the two types of quadruple weave.

  • 25 “p. 3[,] Texturæ Contemplatio ad scientiam situs.”

24In addition, it is important to note that in this set of folios Jungius is also aware that other twills exist, even drawing some of them. On a page titled “p. 3[,] a contemplation of weaving[:] concerning knowledge of position”25 (TC, fol. 8r), Jungius draws what are today called 2/2 and 3/3 twills (see Fig. 3; the 2/2 twill is characterized when two weft threads go below two warp threads, followed by a simple alternation in the next row).

Figure 3 - Diagrams of other weaves from TC

Figure 3 - Diagrams of other weaves from TC

Left, “Textura simpla gemina intermittens” (2/2 twill); right, “Textura simpla tergemina intermittens” (3/3 twill)

Source: TC, fol. 8r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek

  • 26 To be more explicit: Folio 2r of TC contains the definitions, whereas folio 4r is a copy of them; t (...)
  • 27 The postulates are: drawing a straight line between two points, continuing drawing a given line, an (...)
  • 28 Concerning Geometria empirica, see: (Jungius, 1627), including the introduction by Bernd Elsner.
  • 29 In the German adaptation of Geometria empirica, called Reiß-Kunst, published in 1629, the reliance (...)

25The attempt to introduce a geometrical structure of various weaves can be considered as one of the principal parts of TC. This is attested by the number of times the definitions and theorems were copied and recopied.26 How can one consider this geometrization in the context of Jungius’s work on geometry? The question arises whether in TC Jungius was aiming at developing a geometry based on a deductive, Euclidean style of reasoning, or at a more practical or empirical approach. Indeed, the structure of the definitions-theorems part of TC echoes the structure presented by Jungius in his book Geometria empirica (from 1627), although the latter book also contains postulates and problems as part of its argument. In Geometria empirica Jungius aims to solve the problems presented empirically with only three postulates,27 while not presenting any axioms (as in TC).28 Geometria empirica is not a revision of Euclid’s Elements or a selection of material from it, but rather an independent introduction to geometry; it presents an empirical approach to geometry, which is not based on purely logical deduction,29 and hence calls on students to practice and experiment.

  • 30 See also: (Hall, 1979, p. 53) concerning terminology in artisanal practices in vernacular languages (...)
  • 31 See: (TC, fol. 39r): “A biplex weave is when the thread of the weft lies over two [warp threads], [ (...)
  • 32 Moreover, Ziegler’s and Lumscher’s manuscripts show that these works assume the literacy of the wea (...)
  • 33 I will deal with knitting and knitters in section 3.

26Returning to TC, an indication of the experimental character of this manuscript is not only the development of theorems, but also Jungius’s hesitancy regarding the terms he was using to describe the various weaves.30 This terminological uncertainty and inconsistency raises the question of the character of the possible trading zone between Jungius and the weavers. For example, folio 39r, which is titled “Textoria,” begins with the “Definitio” of “textura biplexa,” being a 2/2 twill.31 On folio 8r, however, the very same textura biplexa is called “Textura simpla gemina intermittens.” Such inconsistencies prompt two questions concerning the actual or imagined trading zones and their influences: First, was Jungius sufficiently in contact with weavers to be aware of their terminology and to make use of it? And second, if he was in contact with them, would his geometrical reflections — had these been published or further transmitted — have been useful either to the weavers themselves or for the development of new domains of mathematics? Considering the first question, while it will be clear in the following that Jungius knew of or observed at least some of the stages of textile production, it is not clear whether the terms he applies were in use also among the weavers in Hamburg. Comparing Jungius’s notes to two of the first known printed manuscripts on pattern weaving — those by Marx Ziegler (from 1677) and Nathanael Lumscher (from 1708) — one does not find similar terminology, though these two manuscripts originated not from Hamburg but from the south of Germany (from Ulm and Kulmbach respectively).32 Concerning the second question, and concentrating first on the weavers,33 it is clear that these would have found the separation Jungius introduced between “definitions” and “theorems” to be an artificial one, since both described what every weaver would have already known. As noted above, besides the discussions on 4/1 twill vs. satin weave, which were presented as four theorems, the other definitions are partial, since they do not consider the relations between the consecutive rows of the weft. The definitions and theorems mostly reflect an analysis of the end product (the weave, the fabric) rather than of the practice itself. This may lead to the conclusion that the future audience for this set of notes, had it been published, was not the weavers but scholars and mathematicians (at least when considering the parts of the text written in Latin), and hence that the new knowledge prompted by this trading zone was not necessarily addressed to the artisans.

  • 34 It is remarkable that a “proof” [“demonstration”] is mentioned only in theorem III (TC, fol. 63r). (...)
  • 35 This certainly echoes Bacon’s reflections on “textura,” as noted above. On this notion in the thoug (...)
  • 36 “Observavi per lentem vel et nudo visu, filorum situm multo rariorem esse situ filorum staminis.”

27This leads to the second part of the last question: how might the proposed geometrical structure have led to new mathematical knowledge? While trying to answer this question, one encounters another problem: the proposed separation between “definitions” and “theorems” is problematic for practical geometers too: the “theorems” do not follow from the “definitions,” and no logical structure is proposed for the deduction of new theorems.34 One can conjecture that the proposed title “ad scientiam situs” (concerning knowledge of position) relates to Jungius’s attempt to describe a geometry whose theorems are obtained by a consideration of relational position (e.g. the relations between the rows of the weft) and not of metrical relations;35 however, this attempt is never completed — although on several occasions Jungius does discuss the “position of the threads of the warp.”36 (TC, fol. 16r) This means that, even though Jungius’s theorems may be considered as descriptive (at least by weavers), they should still be considered as an attempt to reorganize artisanal knowledge and present it not only within a geometrical framework but also as an epistemic practice, that is, as something that may prompt new mathematical theorems.

2.2.  Mathematical Reflections in TC: Practical Definitions and Calculations

  • 37 The date indicated on all of these folios is “March [16]21”. The folios are 53r, 54r, 60r, and 61r.
  • 38 The last two terms (weft and warp) are given both in German and in Latin: “Ein iedes geweb bestehet (...)

28While the introduction of the “definitions” and “theorems” for weaves would have been somewhat irrelevant to the weavers, if one takes a look at the German parts of the manuscript, one may find a clue to how, according to Jungius, mathematics was practically used in weaving. On a set of four folios, all written in German,37 Jungius gives a definition of weaves in general, noting the importance of order and position, and using geometrical terms such as “parallel” and “perpendicular”: “Every weave consists of two orders of threads presented in such a way that one order of threads is parallel or concurrent, and is in a perpendicular [position] to the threads of the other order. One order is [called] warp, the other series or order is [called] weft.”38 (TC, fol. 53r) This description, one may say, would have been obvious or even banal to the weaver. While this description uses basic geometrical terms, another folio presents a set of calculations:

The number of sticks [pegs] gives the length of the fabric.

2 sticks on a frame make one unit (20 ells).

In the warp there are 20 reels, ergo 20 threads.

The number of the windings [around the sticks] gives the width of the fabric.

There must be 36 such windings in the warp.

40 threads for each winding // 36 windings

45 // 40

  • 39 “Vielheit der Stöcke gibt die lenge des leinwandes / 2 Stöcke aufen rahmen machen ein stiege (20 el (...)

1800 threads in [for] the entire width // 1440 (TC, fol. 51r)39

29Here, Jungius describes a certain numerical calculation made by a weaver: After winding the future warp on a warp frame (or warping board) with several sticks (see Fig. 5a for Jungius’s illustration and Fig. 5c for a modern one), the problem is to determine how long the threads will be, when these threads will be used later as the warp. If one winds up 40 times on the warping board and the length of a rectangular fabric is 45 units, then the total length of the threads is 40*45 = 1800. Winding up only 36 times and having a length of 40 units would require a thread of length 36*40 = 1440 units.

30For the weaver, these calculations would be obvious; they are done before the weaving starts in order to make sure the threads used are long enough. However, it is remarkable that Jungius finds it important enough to write this basic arithmetic down. Moreover, Jungius writes at the bottom of the page: “ita partim ipse obsesvavi, partim refer. Sartores,” which means that these calculations and the work process were either observed by Jungius himself or recounted to him by tailors and weavers. This indicates not only Jungius’s contact with weavers but also his awareness of the arithmetical calculations which were done by them, and thus that Jungius was indeed in contact with artisans.

2.3.  Scientific Observations: Looking Through a Microscope and Developing a Theory of Materials

31As was seen in the last two subsections, Jungius was to some extent aware of the artisanal practices involved in weaving, and was also aware that some sort of practical arithmetic was involved in several preparatory stages. I will discuss Jungius’s knowledge of artisanal practices further in section 3; however, the consideration of his geometrical and arithmetical reflections gives rise to another question: did woven and knitted textiles prompt reflections and observations which did not consist only of descriptions of weaves? The answer to this question is positive, as will be shown in this subsection. Hence, this subsection will consist of two parts: the first examines Jungius’s attempt to investigate textiles with a microscope (an action not carried out by weavers); the second introduces Jungius’s presentation of textiles as a possible model for the structure of materials.

  • 40 Meinel is referring to the following manuscript by Jungius: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - (...)
  • 41 “Taffetum ita per anchiscopium apparebat.” Taffeta is a fabric made from silk and woven as a plain (...)
  • 42 “Hac ex Anchiscopio deprehensa sunt.”
  • 43 (TC, fol. 20r): “But then when I was looking through the microscope [...]” (“Verum cum deinde per a (...)
  • 44 “fila [...] ita in situ [...] apparent per anchiscopium, at spatium aliquod sit inter fila haec sec (...)

32I will begin with Jungius’s investigation of fabrics with the aid of a magnifying lens: As Meinel notes, in 1633 Jungius used textiles to investigate “homogeneous substances” using a magnifying glass, observing that “they were in fact always heterogeneous if viewed through a microscope (anchiscopium).”40 (Meinel, 1988, p. 84) In TC, too, one finds descriptions of Jungius’s use of the microscope to investigate fabrics. On a set of two folios titled “taffeta as it appeared through a microscope,”41 Jungius notes that taffeta is “simple and uniform” [“simplex et uniformis”] (TC, fol. 15r). Following the investigation of this fabric, Jungius remarks that he “observed through a lens or by the naked eye [...] the position of the threads in the weft,” and that the order of the threads was detected by the microscope (TC, fol. 16r).42 He also emphasizes the use of the microscope to discover the order of woven threads, which he imagined to be simpler.43 Moreover, he points out that a diagrammatic representation of woven threads can be deceiving: “the threads of the row appear in this position [...] through the microscope, but there may be some space between the threads of the second row and the threads of the third row, [...] which has not been either observed or expressed in the previous diagrams.”44 (TC, fol. 25r) This indicates a certain mistrust in the knowledge that a diagram may convey, a mistrust that is at odds with the numerous diagrams and drawings which Jungius drew when composing the geometrical part in TC.

  • 45 Sean Silver points out that “Hooke’s argument is to consider texture first as an artifact of the lo (...)
  • 46 On how household items were used and reused in the observations and experiments of early modern nat (...)

33Jungius was not alone in examining textiles with the help of a magnifying glass; with this kind of investigation, he can be associated with other 17th century thinkers such as Robert Hooke and Henry Power, who also reflected on texture and textiles using the microscope (Silver, 2020, p. 185-189; Doherty, 2012, p. 223-224). Hooke’s Micrographia (1665), for example, presents research on textiles (e.g. linen or silk) carried out with the aid of a microscope, describing and depicting the texture and structure of these textiles.45 This may indicate that textiles, which were domestic objects, were available almost immediately to be examined;46 however, it also shows that Jungius’s (and Hooke’s) investigations went beyond a consideration of artisanal practices, since a microscope did not usually belong to the weaver’s set of instruments. Here again, in a somewhat similar way to Jungius’s geometrical reflections, one finds that the trading zone between weavers and Jungius also prompted investigations that lie outside the context of this zone. This leads me to the second aspect of Jungius’s work on textiles, which can be considered as departing from a mere description of artisanal practices: using textiles to clarify a theory of materials.

  • 47 On Jungius’s reflections on textiles with respect to his theory of hypostatic and synhypostatic par (...)
  • 48 “Ita filum est pars hypostatica panni; potest enima separari ex panno, ita ut non sit amplius pars (...)
  • 49 “Exempli gratia si quis contactum, mutuum ordinem et situm filorum, secundum quem se invicem subeun (...)

34In the framework of his theory of materials, Jungius introduces two types of parts of a body: hypostatic parts, being parts which can exist outside a body after its decomposition; and synhypostatic parts, being parts which cannot exist or persist by themselves once a body has been decomposed (Jungius, 1982, p. 100). One of the examples given by Jungius to illustrate these two types of parts is a piece of fabric; this example is presented in his 1642 book Disputationum de principiis corporum (Jungius, 1642, p. 377).47 According to Jungius, the decomposition of a woven fabric gives rise to threads, which can exist independently of the fabric; furthermore, the threads themselves can be decomposed into fibers; thus, “the thread is a hypostatic part of the fabric; it can be separated from the linen in such a way that it is no longer part of a fabric. In the same way, the fiber is a part of the thread, which is twisted from several fibers.”48 (§34) However, if one considers the contact, arrangement, and position of the threads of the fabric, then while these are also parts of the fabric — since they give it its specificity and structure — in this case one can speak only of synhypostatic parts. For if the woven fabric is dissolved and ceases to be a fabric, then the order, position, and mutual contact of the threads no longer exist. Accordingly, a woven fabric consists of parts which are hypostatic and of parts which are synhypostatic, whereby the latter are destroyed during the fabric’s decomposition (§37).49

  • 50 This note is found in the set of notes titled Doxoscopiae physicae minores (but it was not included (...)

35Moreover, in his Doxoscopiae physicae minores, which was published after his death in 1662, Jungius notes that the position and sequence of the threads are sufficient to distinguish different kinds of cloth (according to their color shimmer or their tautness). “Sinuous” woven fabrics, for example, can be stretched in any direction, whereas a rectangular fabric can be stretched only diagonally (Jungius, 1662, Part 2, Sect. 1, assert. 7, §95-99; see §85 regarding the flexibility of fabrics). In addition, in an undated note50 Jungius draws interwoven threads as an analogy to the synhypostatic parts (see Fig. 4), threads which in TC are described as “Textura Sinuosa” — and these threads are in fact knitted ones, as I will discuss below.

36If we now take into account the two aspects of Jungius’s scientific investigation of and with textiles, then both the investigation with the microscope and the more theoretical reflections on hypostatic and synhypostatic parts make clear that Jungius was interested in understanding the properties of materials (Meinel, 1982, p. 333). In order to do this, however, Jungius left the artisanal realm; that is, he departed from a mere description of artisanal practices and resituated the investigated textiles in another framework, namely the explanation of the structure of natural and artificial bodies. This restructuring of knowledge and the resituating of textile objects is also seen in Jungius’s “theorems”: in their departure from a mere description of artisanal practices, the theorems can be considered as an attempt to offer a geometry based on structural relations and not on metric relations (though this would have been of little practical use to the weavers). This shows that the effects of such trading zones between artisans and natural philosophers are to be found also beyond those zones.

Figure 4 - A drawing of interwoven threads

Figure 4 - A drawing of interwoven threads

Source: Nachlass Joachim Jungius, Signatur: Cod. Hans. IV. 10 / Pe. 51a, fol. 213r; © Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Hamburg

3.  Jungius on Artisanal Practices

  • 51 As indicated above (see section 2.2), Jungius reports that arithmetical calculations were recounted (...)

37Until now I have concentrated on Jungius’s mathematically and scientifically oriented reflections. The previous subsection made clear that Jungius’s considerations on fabrics went beyond their use in artisanal practices. Furthermore, section 2 as a whole raises the question, which was already partially answered positively, whether Jungius was in contact with the artisans themselves, and whether he saw with his own eyes how weaving or other textile practices (knitting or ribbon weaving, to give two examples) were done in practice.51 It also raises again the question of how Jungius reshaped and reorganized artisanal knowledge and practices. This reorganization could already be seen in the presentation of “theorems” for weaves or in the consideration of their synhypostatic parts, but one has to wonder whether it does not apply also to other textile practices. In the following, I will concentrate on these two questions, first, by concentrating on Jungius’s acquaintance with the treadle loom and with various practical stages of weaving, and, second, through a consideration of Jungius’s familiarity with knitting.

3.1.  Jungius on the Treadle Loom and How to Prepare the Warp

  • 52 “Ungefehrl. 60 sajenmacher sind zu Hamburg.”

38In one of his notes, Jungius remarks that “[t]here are about 60 saje weavers in Hamburg”52 (TC, fol. 31r) — which indicates not only that he was aware of the existence of these weavers as a distinct group, but that he was also trying to approximate how many weavers there were in Hamburg. How Jungius obtained this information is unknown, but the question remains whether he visited the ateliers of the textile workers or observed their work? Did Jungius observe a loom? Answering this question is essential to establish the nature of the discussed trading zone between Jungius and the artisans.

39One of the folios in TC which makes clear that Jungius did observe a treadle loom is folio 55r. There, one finds Jungius’s only drawings of two actual practices related to weaving: a partial drawing of a (two-treadle) loom and a partial drawing of a warping board (or frame; see Fig. 5a).

Figure 5a - Above, a drawing of a two-treadle loom; below, a schematic drawing of a part of a warping board

Figure 5a - Above, a drawing of a two-treadle loom; below, a schematic drawing of a part of a warping board

Source: TC, fol. 55r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek

Figure 5b - What a two-treadle loom looks like in practice

Figure 5b - What a two-treadle loom looks like in practice

Source: Sachs, 1586, “Der Weber”

Figure 5c - What a warping board looks like in practice, and how one winds up the thread

Figure 5c - What a warping board looks like in practice, and how one winds up the thread

Source: (Bomann, 1933, p. 253)

  • 53 As Meinel notes, Jungius used a single page for each topic he wrote about, which means that the cop (...)
  • 54 The words are transcribed as they are written in the copy of Jungius’s notes on folio 55r of TC.
  • 55 To explicate: by stepping on one treadle, one raises one set of heddles (and hence one set of threa (...)

40Folio 55r is divided into two parts.53 The upper part shows a two-treadle loom, for which Jungius has also drawn a foot pressing on one of the treadles. Some of the different parts of the loom are described in German: “kam” (“comb,” i.e. the reed), “einschlag” (the thread of the weft), “schlauff” (the loop of one of the threads of the warp around one of the heddles), and “pedahl” (treadle).54 However, this depiction of the loom is only partial, as can be seen when one compares it to another drawing of a two-treadle loom from 1586 (see Fig. 5b); for example, neither the shuttle nor the beater is drawn (or mentioned), nor is there any indication of the relations between the treadles and heddles either in the description or in the drawing. While the drawing in TC may make clear how a two-treadle loom operates,55 it does not indicate what happens when one works with looms having more than two treadles. By tying the treadles to several heddles, these looms can be used to obtain more complicated patterns. The process of determining which treadles of the loom are connected to which heddles is today called “tying up.” For example, to obtain a 2/2 twill pattern, a weave which Jungius certainly knew and which is shown in a drawing in TC (see Fig. 3), one would have to use a four-treadle loom, whereby each treadle is tied up to two heddles (or harnesses). Jungius was certainly aware that these looms existed: in another set of pages, Jungius mentions treadle looms with 3, 4, 5, 6, or even 8 treadles (TC, fols. 26r, 27r). Moreover, the relations determining the tying up — as well as, subsequently the connection between the tying up, the pressing of the treadles, and the resulting pattern – are not at all trivial; it has been shown (Brezine, 1993, 2009) that one can present these relations with the mathematical structure of matrix multiplication. This, however, could not have been known to Jungius, since matrix multiplication was only developed during the 19th century.

  • 56 “Ein Zwele est surcula lignea, damit scheid sie die scheringe in obersten parallehl darnach scheide (...)
  • 57 Compare also section 2.2. In (TC, fol. 51r) Jungius also describes the warping frame.

41The lower part of folio 55r contains a description of the laying out of the warp threads on a warping frame in an ordered manner: “A branch is a wooden twig; with this, one separates parallel-wise the warp on the top [branch]; then one separates according to the same shape below on the wooden nails of the frame. These two separations are done so that they [the threads] can then use the comb [reed] properly or can [be] put in it.”56 (TC, fol. 55r) As this is the only description Jungius gives of this process, one can only assume that the “wooden nails” he refers to are actually the wooden pegs around which the thread is wound up — as suggested by Jungius’s drawing in the lower part of the folio (see also Fig. 5c).57 But laying out the warp threads on a warping frame is only one step before starting to weave; how one threads the heddles, winds the warp, ties the warp on, or ties up the treadles to the heddles — all of these steps are not mentioned in TC.

  • 58  This may be explained by the fact that Jungius was not present during such a preparation, or that (...)

42When considering the description of weaving as a practice, it is remarkable that there is no description of a loom’s preparation;58 nevertheless, Jungius does describe other textile practices: for example, the knitting of stockings (“gestrickte Strümpfe” (TC, fol. 56r)) and the weaving of baskets (fol. 58r). In the following, I would like briefly to discuss the presentation of knitting in TC, in order to examine again whether Jungius’s account would have been relevant to the practitioners themselves.

3.2.  Jungius on Knitting

43In TC Jungius devotes several folios to knitting, especially knitted stockings. The pattern of what a knitted stocking should look like is presented in TC (fol. 33r) under the title: “Gestrickte Strümpfe” (“Knitted stockings”; see Fig. 6). The same image was also drawn by Jungius when he was reflecting on the structure of materials (see Fig. 4), though here it appears in a different context. The drawing on folio 33r shows successive rows of threads running in “open” loops with “each loop engaging the corresponding one in the previous row and being in turn engaged by the corresponding one in the following row.” (Emery, 2009, p. 40) Jungius depicts both sides of this type of knitting: the upper or outer face is drawn at the top of Fig. 6 (the points of intersection are annotated with Latin letters), while the reverse face is drawn at the bottom. On the right, a sinuous thread has been drawn, and below it is written “sinuous mesh” (“sinus maske”), referring to the shape of the thread.

44Below this woven pattern, known today as weft knitting, Jungius writes:

the lead-ins of the same sinuous thread

  • the transversal [sections] are bc, de, fg, hi, kl

    • 59  TC, fol. 33r: “eiusdem fili sinuosi ductus

    oblique ab, cd, ef, gh, ik, lm. (TC, fol. 33r)59

Figure 6 - The two patterns represent the outer (“auswendig”) face and the inner (“inwendig”) or reverse face of the knitted fabric

Figure 6 - The two patterns represent the outer (“auswendig”) face and the inner (“inwendig”) or reverse face of the knitted fabric

Source: TC, fol. 33r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek

45Here, Jungius annotates the points and crossings he considers as essential. On folio 42r, titled “P. 1 TEXTURA SINUOSA [16]44 Sept,” an annotated sinuous thread is drawn below the title (see Fig. 7). Describing the appearance of such a thread, Jungius notes the following:

  • 60 “Sinus abcd habet mediam partem transversam bc, duas obliquas, aut oblique directas, ab, cd, ita Si (...)

The curve abcd has a middle transverse part, bc, [and] two oblique or obliquely straight lines, ab, cd. So too the curve cdef has a middle transverse part, de, [and] two side obliquely straight lines, cd, ef. The curve efgh has a middle transverse part, fg, [and] lateral oblique or obliquely straight lines, ef and gh [...].60

46Jungius underlines the need to annotate specific points of the sinuous knitted thread — either of the thread itself, as with the annotation of the places where the thread is “bent,” or of the resulting pattern. This points toward a codification of the material practices, a codification which probably did not concern the weavers or the knitters themselves. As Matteo Valleriani remarks regarding the notation of practical knowledge, once this knowledge “is codified, it is no longer just practical knowledge” (Valleriani, 2017, p. 5) — and, one may add, it may also no longer be relevant to the artisans. As we have seen above, for Jungius, this knitted pattern also illustrates a possible model for the structure of materials. Therefore, Jungius’s annotation of the knitted pattern, as well as its presentation as such a model, implies that Jungius was aiming toward a reorganization of artisanal knowledge by resituating the resulting objects (knitted and woven textiles) within different frameworks of knowledge. Knitted and woven textiles hence functioned for Jungius in several configurations as an epistemic object: they either prompted the abovementioned reorganization or pointed toward a possible development of new geometrical theorems.

Figure 7 - Part of Jungius’s “P. 1 TEXTURA SINUOSA [16]44 Sept.”

Figure 7 - Part of Jungius’s “P. 1 TEXTURA SINUOSA [16]44 Sept.”

Source: TC, fol. 42r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek

4.  Conclusion

  • 61 Compare also (Daston, 1991, p. 355) concerning the collection of Baconian facts during the 17th cen (...)
  • 62 Recall that TC was composed over a period of almost 30 years.
  • 63 See also: (Rabouin, 2020, p. 20). It should also be mentioned that the first published attempt to m (...)

47In sections 2 and 3, a survey of the main themes of Jungius’s TC was presented: from Jungius’s geometrical reflections and his arithmetical calculations to his investigations with the microscope and his theory of hypostatic and synhypostatic parts, finishing with his description of some artisanal practices, such as knitting or preparing the warp. As can be seen from the variety of the themes presented, TC, as a collection of notes, can be considered as having a non-hierarchical form made up of a scattered collection of slips of paper and pieces of knowledge (Krajewski, 2011, p. 17). Such a collection, whose final system of organization remains impossible to determine, can be described as a “Verzettelung” of knowledge, to cite Meinel (1995, p. 166), when it is not clear in advance how the various themes and notes relate to one another.61 Indeed, one may claim that these notes do not accumulate facts in order to create a coherent single body of knowledge on one single topic. Rather, they may be conceived as a non-centralized text to which further notes could (and would) be continuously added, and which never reached a final form or a final state of completion.62 That being said, and although this set of notes was never officially edited and published, Leibniz considered it important enough to make a partial copy, which he reorganized and edited himself, even copying the pattern of the knitted threads (see Fig. 8).63

48In view of these circumstances, how should TC and Jungius’s reflections on textiles be understood as a whole? On the one hand, several parts of TC can certainly be regarded as a reorganization and codification of artisanal knowledge — which can no longer be considered as a mere description of “practical knowledge.” On the other hand, other parts of TC deal with the depiction and observation of artisanal work. This clearly raises the issue of TC’s audience: if this set of notes was meant to be edited and eventually published, it is not clear to whom it would have been addressed. The geometrical parts, written in Latin, were probably directed to mathematicians and not to weavers. The parts written in German, on the other hand, while they might have been addressed to the practitioners, mostly contain descriptions that the latter would have found too obvious.

49But while Leibniz considered TC important enough to have it copied and further edited, the question arises whether TC can be considered as a meeting point between scholars (e.g. mathematicians) and practitioners (e.g. weavers).

Figure 8 - Leibniz’s copy of Jungius’s knitting pattern (cf. Fig. 6) made between the late 1670s and the early 1680s

Figure 8 - Leibniz’s copy of Jungius’s knitting pattern (cf. Fig. 6) made between the late 1670s and the early 1680s

Source: Leibniz-Handschriften zur Technica, LH 38, fol. 38r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek

  • 64 See: (Long, 2011, p. 125-126), who notes that it is books and the printed medium which facilitated (...)

50The answer is more complex than a yes or a no and takes us back to the discussion on trading zones. As we have already seen in the discussion on Jungius’s weaving terminology above, it is possible that Jungius invented his own terms, which points to difficulties in establishing the existence of a “contact language.” While Jungius did not ignore either the practitioners or their working processes, weavers would have found his descriptions almost banal, and his philosophical and geometrical reflections on textiles irrelevant. This calls for a nuancing and relativizing of Pamela O. Long’s statement concerning trading zones in the early modern period, according to which these not only “consisted of arenas in which the learned taught the skilled, and the skilled taught the learned,” but also “in which the knowledge involved in each arena was valued by both kinds of ‘traders.’” (Long, 2011, p. 95) Which is to say that, while Jungius did meet and observe these artisans, the effects of these encounters on mathematicians on the one hand and on weavers on the other hand did not necessarily take place on both sides of this trading zone and were not necessarily reciprocal. But here we should relativize the claim just presented: due to the lack of written material or description from the weavers themselves (in Hamburg, in particular regarding their working methods), it is difficult to assess whether Jungius’s reflections exercised any influence on the weavers.64 Nevertheless, if TC had been edited and published, it could be considered as an attempt to combine theoretical and practical observations in a single work, sometimes presenting a more theoretical description of existing techniques alongside diagrams of the ideal, annotated shapes of threads, and alongside various definitions and theorems.

51The most obvious result of this trading zone is to be seen in the folios containing Jungius’s geometric reflections. To summarize and to concentrate on these folios, which contain the “definitions” and “theorems,” Jungius’s attempted geometrization of weaving should be considered not as a simple ‘implementation’ of a mathematical structure, but as a reorganization of weaving practices — one that also involves the presentation of a new structure of knowledge. And while Jungius proposed a more empirical model of geometry (if we take note of his presentation in Geometria empirica), this restructured knowledge is different from the knowledge the artisans and the practitioners possessed. This, together with the scientific reflections on the one hand, and the low-key calculations on the other hand — calculations which were certainly also done by the practitioners — points toward two aspects which characterize TC: first, the assemblage of numerous notes on a mutual topic (i.e. weaving, knitting, textiles, and textile practices), without, however, coming to a definite conclusion or arriving at a state of completion; and second, a tension between the various practices of mathematization of weaving in Jungius’s thought on the one hand, and between the artisanal textile practices in the 17th century on the other hand.

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Bacon Francis (1620), Novum Organum, London, Apud [Bonham Norton and] Ioannem Billium typographum regium. Used edition: The New Organon, Fulton H. Anderson (ed.), New York, Macmillan, 1960.

Barlow Alfred (1878), The History and Principles of Weaving: By Hand and by Power, London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington.

Bohnsack Almut (1981), Spinnen und Weben: Entwicklung von Technik und Arbeit im Textilgewerbe, Reinbek bei Hamburg, Rowohlt.

Bomann Wilhelm (1933), Bäuerliches Hauswesen und Tagewerk im alten Niedersachsen, Hanover, Schäfer.

Brezine Carrie Jane (1993), The Mathematical Structure of Weaving, BA Thesis, Reed College, Portland.

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1 On Jungius’s life and work, see: (Wohlwill, 1887; Kangro, 1968; Meinel, 1982, 1995; Wollgast, 1993, p. 423-470).

2 On how Jungius’s Nachlass was handled by Martin Fogel and his successors, see: (Meinel, 1984, p. ix-xxxvi).

3 The full title of the manuscript, probably given by Fogel, is “Texturæ Contemplatio. Auct. Joach. Jung.” The manuscript is to be found in the Leibniz Library in Hannover (Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek – Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, Martin Fogel collection of Zettelkasten, folder: Ms XLII, 1923: delta 28; online at:

4 On the way in which Jungius wrote and arranged his notes, see: (Meinel, 1995).

5 In Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek – Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, Leibniz-Handschriften zur Technica, LH 38, fol. 26v-40v. A critical comparison to Leibniz’s own notes is outside the scope of this paper.

6 To these one should add the inventions of the flying shuttle (in 1733) and the spinning jenny (around 1765).

7 Saje is a fabric made of a mix of wool and linen, silk, or cotton.

8 This question is also considered in the framework of the research on artisanal epistemology; see e.g.: (Smith, 2004; Long, 2011).

9 Wolzogen was “Swedish” in the sense that he later lived in Stockholm.

10 A comparison between Jungius’s and Bacon’s use of terms derived from weaving practices and the influence the latter had on the work of both men is beyond the scope of this paper.

11 Furthermore, Descartes emphasizes that, while these various activities “present us in the most distinct way with innumerable instances of order, each one [is] different from the other, [and] yet all [are] regular.” — Hence implicitly pointing out that different textile practices are based on different conceptions of “order” (Descartes, 1701, p. 35).

12 In a list titled “Catalogue of Inventions (Catalogus inventionum),” one of the inventions that Hartlib mentions is “An Art of Weaving silke Stockins.” (Hartlib, 2002, 8/60/1A.)

13 This is not to imply that other scholars and mathematicians were not interested in the connections between weaving practices, mathematics, and other scientific activities, although in different contexts. Robert Hooke’s investigations of textiles in Micrographia (1665), for example, will be briefly examined in section 2. Another example is the mathematician Thomas Simpson (1710-1761), who was also a weaver, and who “taught mathematics to the weavers of Spitalfields” (Barlow, 1878, p. 165). In fact, half of the members of the Spitalfields Mathematical Society in 1744 were weavers (Cassels, 1979, p. 242). See also: (Stewart & Weindling, 1995).

14 One folio (fol. 41v) is even dated to 1654, though it might have been written by Fogel and not by Jungius, as its reverse side (fol. 41r) contains a few terms written in Plattdeutsch, which Jungius did not employ.

15 This discussion comes in the framework of the changing meanings of scientia in the 17th century; see e.g.: (Sorell et al., 2010).

16 “[...] in Mathematicis praesertim meris sive abstractis earn principiorum evidentiam, eam praeceptorum et theorematum constantiam, id demonstrationum robur vigere.”

17 A detailed survey of Jungius’s scientific method is beyond the scope of this paper. See: (Clucas, 2010; Meinel, 1994, 1982; Kangro, 1968).

18 For an overview of the book, see: (Risse, 1964, p. 521-531).

19 I will return to this discussion below. On Jungius, his axiomatic method, and its use with respect to “non-scientific” domains, see: (Schüling, 1969, p. 72-75).

20 “p. 1 Texturæ Contemplatio ad scientiam situs.” In contrast to the titles, which were usually given by Jungius, it is not clear whether the numeration of the pages stems from Jungius or from the copiers.

21 “Definitiones / Unius seriei fila dicuntur, quae sibi invicem parallela sunt / Tela constat ex duabus filorum seriebus, quarum altera stamen, altera subtegmen dicitur. / Textura simpla dicitur, quando filum tot fila subtus transmittit, quot supra transcendit. / Textura dupla dicitur, cum dupla tot fila subtus transmittit (in una aliqua pagina) quot supra transcendit. / Textura tripla, quadrupla, etc. similiter dicuntur.” (Underlined in the original.)

22 “Textura quadrupla dicitur, si in una tela pagina sive facie unius seriei fila quaternis alterius seriei filis subtus transmissis super quintum scandant.”

23 “THEOREMA 1. In textura quadrupla si seriei ab A versus B extensae filum versus D secundum scandat super secundum versus A, sequitur quod seriei ab A ad B extensae secundum scandat super quintum versus B.” The regions A, B, and D are annotated in Fig. 2.

24 (Emery, 2009, p. 108): “[...] in the [4/1] twill [...] each successive weft binds the next adjacent warp, whereas in the satin weave [...] at least one warp intervenes.” Regarding the 4/1 satin weave, Emery notes that “intermittence of the diagonal alignment of floats is a primary characteristic of the structure of satin weave [...].”

25 “p. 3[,] Texturæ Contemplatio ad scientiam situs.”

26 To be more explicit: Folio 2r of TC contains the definitions, whereas folio 4r is a copy of them; the reverse side of folio 4r, fol. 4v, presents theorem I and the beginning of theorem II — however, the latter was never finished. Folios 5r and 5v present only the definition of textura quadrupla, and then the four theorems. Folios 62r, 63r, and 8r seem to be the most complete version of the definitions and theorems, since these pages are all numbered and given the title “Texturæ contemplation[:] ad scientiam situs.”

27 The postulates are: drawing a straight line between two points, continuing drawing a given line, and drawing a circle given its center and radius.

28 Concerning Geometria empirica, see: (Jungius, 1627), including the introduction by Bernd Elsner.

29 In the German adaptation of Geometria empirica, called Reiß-Kunst, published in 1629, the reliance on the abovementioned three postulates and only on them is presented clearly: after stating the three postulates, Jungius underlines that by “these three demands [postulates] all the following tasks are fulfilled” (Jungius 2014, p. 168).

30 See also: (Hall, 1979, p. 53) concerning terminology in artisanal practices in vernacular languages in the early modern age: “Though some technical terminology was available — most notably in such tightly-knit fields as masonry — most verbal descriptions had to be fashioned from languages still poorly equipped for the business of technical discourse.”

31 See: (TC, fol. 39r): “A biplex weave is when the thread of the weft lies over two [warp threads], [afterward] it lies below the next two [warp threads]” (“Textura biplexa est, quando subtegminis filum binos supercubat, et binos subterlabitur et proxim[um]”).

32 Moreover, Ziegler’s and Lumscher’s manuscripts show that these works assume the literacy of the weavers (Harlizius-Klück, 2007), since the “master” (in this case, the weaver) needed to know how to read in order to understand these instruction books; see: (Hall, 1979, p. 52). A description of Ziegler’s or Lumscher’s methods is beyond the scope of this paper; see: (Hilts, 1986, 1990a, 1990b; Schneider, 2007).

33 I will deal with knitting and knitters in section 3.

34 It is remarkable that a “proof” [“demonstration”] is mentioned only in theorem III (TC, fol. 63r). The “proof” itself may be termed a visual one, based on “regulated observation,” as it is certainly not derived by merely logical, deductive reasoning.

35 This certainly echoes Bacon’s reflections on “textura,” as noted above. On this notion in the thought of other 17th-century thinkers, see: (Silver, 2020).

36 “Observavi per lentem vel et nudo visu, filorum situm multo rariorem esse situ filorum staminis.”

37 The date indicated on all of these folios is “March [16]21”. The folios are 53r, 54r, 60r, and 61r.

38 The last two terms (weft and warp) are given both in German and in Latin: “Ein iedes geweb bestehet aus zwo ordnungen / der fedemen dergestalt, daß einerley ordnung / fedeme einander parallel oder gleichlauffend / und den fedemen der andern ordnung Creutzrecht / gelegen seyn. Die eine ordnung ist schärung stamen / die ander series oder ordnung ist einschlahg subtegmen.”

39 “Vielheit der Stöcke gibt die lenge des leinwandes / 2 Stöcke aufen rahmen machen ein stiege (20 elen) / In der scherung sind 20 Spolen, ergo 20 fadem. / Die Vielheit der genge gibt die breite des leinwands.

36 genge muß dar sein in der schärung.

40 fedem in einem gange // 36 geng

45 // 40

1800 fedem in d[er] gantzen breite // 1440.”

40 Meinel is referring to the following manuscript by Jungius: Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek, Exercitatio VI de continuo, Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Hamburg, Nachlass Joachim Jungius, Signatur: Wo. 24(1), fol. 24av-25br.

41 “Taffetum ita per anchiscopium apparebat.” Taffeta is a fabric made from silk and woven as a plain weave.

42 “Hac ex Anchiscopio deprehensa sunt.”

43 (TC, fol. 20r): “But then when I was looking through the microscope [...]” (“Verum cum deinde per anchiscopium intuerer [...]”).

44 “fila [...] ita in situ [...] apparent per anchiscopium, at spatium aliquod sit inter fila haec secundi versus et fila tertii versus, [...] quod in prioribus diagrammatibus non est observatum sive expressum.”

45 Sean Silver points out that “Hooke’s argument is to consider texture first as an artifact of the loom, and only later as an organizing concept with broader applications [...] [establishing] a link between microstructural properties and emergent effects” (Silver, 2020, p. 185-186, 188). Silver also presents certain investigations by Pierre Gassendi, William Petty and Robert Boyle as “theorizing emergence as a process akin to the weaving” (p. 170).

46 On how household items were used and reused in the observations and experiments of early modern natural philosophers, see: (Werrett, 2019).

47 On Jungius’s reflections on textiles with respect to his theory of hypostatic and synhypostatic parts, see: (Danneberg, 2003, p. 283; Kangro, 1968, p. 18-19; Meinel, 1982, p. 331-332).

48 “Ita filum est pars hypostatica panni; potest enima separari ex panno, ita ut non sit amplius pars alicujus texturae. Ita licium pars fili ex pluribus licijs torti.”

49 “Exempli gratia si quis contactum, mutuum ordinem et situm filorum, secundum quem se invicem subeunt et scandunt seque vel arcte vel laxe stringunt, dicat esse partem et quidem formalem panni, quippe quae speciem panno largiatur, non nisi synhypostatica pars dici poterit. Si enim pannus mutuus iste filorum, qui panno speciem suam tribuebat. Pannus itaque ex hypostaticä et synhypostaticä parte constabat.”

50 This note is found in the set of notes titled Doxoscopiae physicae minores (but it was not included in the published book).

51 As indicated above (see section 2.2), Jungius reports that arithmetical calculations were recounted to him by satores.

52 “Ungefehrl. 60 sajenmacher sind zu Hamburg.”

53 As Meinel notes, Jungius used a single page for each topic he wrote about, which means that the copier combined two pages into one, separating them with a line (Meinel, 1995, p. 168).

54 The words are transcribed as they are written in the copy of Jungius’s notes on folio 55r of TC.

55 To explicate: by stepping on one treadle, one raises one set of heddles (and hence one set of threads; for example, the even ones), thereby creating a shed, and by stepping on the second treadle one raises the other set (e.g. the uneven ones), and in this way the loom may be used to produce a plain weave. The actual way a two-treadle loom functions and is built may be different, as explained in (Broudy, 1993, p. 102ff.).

56 “Ein Zwele est surcula lignea, damit scheid sie die scheringe in obersten parallehl darnach scheiden sie dieselbe gleicher gestalt unten an den holzen nägeln des ramen. Diese beide scheidung geschehen damit sie darnach den Kam recht brauchen, oder darein stecken mügen.” The transcription is exactly as the copier of TC wrote it down; there has been no attempt to rewrite the text in 21st-century German.

57 Compare also section 2.2. In (TC, fol. 51r) Jungius also describes the warping frame.

58  This may be explained by the fact that Jungius was not present during such a preparation, or that the copier did not copy these notes.

59  TC, fol. 33r: “eiusdem fili sinuosi ductus

- transversi sunt bc, de, fg, hi, kl

- obliqui ab, cd, ef, gh, ik, lm.”

60 “Sinus abcd habet mediam partem transversam bc, duas obliquas, aut oblique directas, ab, cd, ita Sinus cdef mediam partem, de habet transversam, laterales duas oblique dicrectas cd, ef. Sinus efgh, mediam transversam fg, laterales obliquas sive oblique directas ef, gh [...].”

61 Compare also (Daston, 1991, p. 355) concerning the collection of Baconian facts during the 17th century, which “were not free of ambiguity — not just ambiguity concerning their import, but also concerning their precise description or even concerning their bare existence.”

62 Recall that TC was composed over a period of almost 30 years.

63 See also: (Rabouin, 2020, p. 20). It should also be mentioned that the first published attempt to mathematize the pattern of the knitted stocking drawn by Jungius is usually connected with the mathematician Alexandre-Théophile Vandermonde; see: (Vandermonde, 1771). Vandermonde, however, was aware neither of Jungius’s TC nor of Leibniz’s copy of it.

64 See: (Long, 2011, p. 125-126), who notes that it is books and the printed medium which facilitated the entrance of technical vocabulary.

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Table des illustrations

Titre Figure 1 - Warp and weft in plain weave
Crédits Source:​wiki/​File:Warp_and_weft_2.jpg; © Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
Fichier image/jpeg, 19k
Titre Figure 2 - Jungius depicting the various types of weaves
Légende Top left, “textura quadrupla in[te]rmittens” (4/1 satin weave); top right, “textura dupla” (2/1 twill); bottom left, “quadrupla continens” (4/1 twill) and “textura in-termittens inutilis” (useless intermittent weave). An almost identical drawing appears on folio 9r.
Crédits Source: TC, fol. 6r, left; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek
Fichier image/png, 98k
Titre Figure 3 - Diagrams of other weaves from TC
Légende Left, “Textura simpla gemina intermittens” (2/2 twill); right, “Textura simpla tergemina intermittens” (3/3 twill)
Crédits Source: TC, fol. 8r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek
Fichier image/png, 60k
Titre Figure 4 - A drawing of interwoven threads
Crédits Source: Nachlass Joachim Jungius, Signatur: Cod. Hans. IV. 10 / Pe. 51a, fol. 213r; © Staats- und Universitatsbibliothek Hamburg
Fichier image/png, 115k
Titre Figure 5a - Above, a drawing of a two-treadle loom; below, a schematic drawing of a part of a warping board
Crédits Source: TC, fol. 55r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek
Fichier image/png, 47k
Titre Figure 5b - What a two-treadle loom looks like in practice
Crédits Source: Sachs, 1586, “Der Weber”
Fichier image/png, 116k
Titre Figure 5c - What a warping board looks like in practice, and how one winds up the thread
Crédits Source: (Bomann, 1933, p. 253)
Fichier image/png, 462k
Titre Figure 6 - The two patterns represent the outer (“auswendig”) face and the inner (“inwendig”) or reverse face of the knitted fabric
Crédits Source: TC, fol. 33r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek
Fichier image/png, 110k
Titre Figure 7 - Part of Jungius’s “P. 1 TEXTURA SINUOSA [16]44 Sept.”
Crédits Source: TC, fol. 42r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek
Fichier image/png, 95k
Titre Figure 8 - Leibniz’s copy of Jungius’s knitting pattern (cf. Fig. 6) made between the late 1670s and the early 1680s
Crédits Source: Leibniz-Handschriften zur Technica, LH 38, fol. 38r; © Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek - Niedersächsische Landesbibliothek
Fichier image/png, 52k
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Pour citer cet article

Référence papier

Michael Friedman, « Joachim Jungius and the Transfer of Knowledge from Weaving to Mathematics in the 17th Century »Cahiers François Viète, III-13 | 2022, 43-82.

Référence électronique

Michael Friedman, « Joachim Jungius and the Transfer of Knowledge from Weaving to Mathematics in the 17th Century »Cahiers François Viète [En ligne], III-13 | 2022, mis en ligne le 01 novembre 2022, consulté le 10 octobre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Michael Friedman

is a historian of mathematics and a senior lecturer at the Tel Aviv University. The focus of his research is how material, visual and symbolical knowledge and practices in mathematics interact with each other. More specifically, his research examines how material practices (e.g. folding, weaving, braiding, knotting, as well as three-dimensional models) prompt symbolical mathematical knowledge. Recent publications: Ramified Surfaces. On Branch Curves and Algebraic Geometry in the 20th Century (Birkhäuser, 2022), Model and Mathematics: From the 19th to the 21st Century (edited with Karin Krauthausen; Birkhäuser, 2022).

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