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III-14 | 2023
Une culture de la précision : les cercles méridiens aux XIXe et XXe siècles

Circles of Precision: Meridian Circles during the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Edited by Daniel Belteki, Julien Gressot, Loïc Jeanson and Jean Davoigneau
Couverture Cahiers François viète n°III-14
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ISBN 978-2-493550-05-7

Meridian circles were tools of science, state and empire. Besides being used for astro-nomical observations, the by-products of observations made also had more utilitarian purposes applicable to commerce, transportation, industry and the expansion of em-pires. While meridian circles were created with the aim of producing spatial and temporal uniformity, observatories adopted different assemblages and configurations for their instruments. This issue brings together for the first time a variety of contributions to explore the material and social history of meridian circles. It deploys the concept assem-blage to connect the different historical approaches together and to re-assemble the long history of the instrument.

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