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About the journal

Academic refereed journal in the international field of Latin American studies from the end of the 1960s, the Cahiers des Amériques latines is published by the Institute of Latin American Studies (IHEAL, Sorbonne Nouvelle University) and the Center for Research and Documentation of the Americas (Creda, UMR 7227, CNRS).

The journal is open to all social and human sciences and supports a multidisciplinary academic knowledge transfer. It also constitutes a place for reflection and debate about current Latin American issues. The main disciplines covered are history, sociology, political science, anthropology, geography, urban studies and economics. All articles must be unpublished and based on empirical research with a highlight on originality and their contribution to the existing academic literature. The journal appears in many academic journals indexes: HCERES, Erih, Latindex, DOAJ, Hapi, etc.

The journal publishes three issues per year. Each issue is organized around a "dossier" and also contains individual articles and book reviews. The “dossiers” are devoted to a comparative subject, a country or a region.

The editors of the journal have a keen interest in publishing authors of diverse disciplines and backgrounds, with different theoretical and methodological approaches. Though the journal aims on the one hand to disseminate French research on Latin America, it has also, the ambition help publishing foreign authors either in their own language (Spanish, Portuguese or English) or in a translated version in French.

Therefore, the journal encourages researchers to propose topics for “dossiers”, articles, book reviews or readings. To send a proposition of "dossier", article or a book’s critical review, please send an e-mail to editions.iheal<a>

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