58 | 2017
Le pays méditerranéen en profondeur
The point of departure of these selected studies was the proposition that much of what brings the Mediterranean world to life, whether that world be imaginary or real, comes from the paths that lead to it. In other words, our understanding of this much-studied region is altered if we start out, not from an inland sea, but from the lands surrounding that sea, from the hinterlands, from the blurred margins which both distinguish and soften its contours. The authors in this collection, which brings together academics from Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece, Cyprus, Germany and France, have traced the itineraries of those who have travelled towards and away from the Mediterranean. The variety of critical readings and the diversity of the documents studied raise questions about how a given space is conceptualized, and affirm the need for a geography that is both human and mythical, one which accounts for how people cohabit in a shared cultural space.
The work should interest both the general public and an academic audience keen to understand the historical, cultural and aesthetic values of the Mediterranean world, through the history and literature of those writers who, once upon a time, set out in search of the Mediterranean.
Preface [Full text]
1 - The sea-coast of Bohemia: from the Early Modern to the Modern Mediterranean / Rivages de Bohême : la Méditerranée de la première modernité à nos jours
2 - More an idea than a place: Ideological Hinterlands / Moins une mer qu'une idée : l'arrière-pays de l'esprit
Écrire le Sud [Full text]L’essayiste : sa pratique face à la vie
3 - Classical Hinterlands of Modern Writing / Méditerranée moderniste : l'arrière-pays classique
4 - Le Bonheur d'être ici : Sensorial Hinterlands / Le Bonheur d'être ici : l'arrière-pays des sens
Séjourner, l’essai [Full text]
Stillness in John Fuller’s Corsica [Full text]
5 - Transforming the Mediterranean: Hinterlands Unbound / Méditerranée mobile : l'arrière-pays réinventé
Le paysage, lieu d’un repaysement [Full text]
Crossing the Desert: The Mediterranean Hinterland from Jordan to America in Laila Halaby’s [Full text]Once in a Promised Land
Recensions / Reviews
Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2015
Agnès Derail, Puritains d’Amérique : Prestige et déclin d’une théocratie. Textes choisis 1620-1750 [Full text]Collection Versions françaises. Paris : Editions Rue d’Ulm, 2016. ISBN 978-2-7288-0558-7. 394 pages.