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Editorial Policy

Presentation of the journal

Caliban is a bi-annual scholarly journal created in 1964. Entitled Anglophonia/Caliban from 1997 to January 2014, it resumed its original title of Caliban in 2014. It is devoted to the critical study of the literature, arts, history and social sciences of English-speaking countries.

Each issue is thematic and includes Reviews of academic publications and a “Detours” section. The journal welcomes articles in both French and English.

The accompanying email should contain a statement that the work submitted (give title) is original work and has not been offered for publication or published elsewhere. Please note that Caliban does not accept individual article submissions.

For further enquiries, please contact the general editor:

Thematic issues

Guest editor(s) may submit proposals for thematic issues to the journal’s general editor at the address below. The proposals will be vetted by the international editorial committee. All articles submitted for an approved thematic issue will be sent for peer-reviewing for acceptance or rejection according to the “triple-blind review” principle.

Content of a proposal:

  • general argument

  • provisional table of contents

  • article abstracts and short biographies of the authors (150 words max).

Content of a thematic issue:

  • an introduction of between 4000 and 6000 words.

  • articles of between 6000 et 8000 words (notes included).

  • a non-compulsory postface of between 3000 and 5000 words.

See the style sheet.

Proposals for thematic issues should be sent to:


Caliban features reviews (between1000-1500 words) of scholarly publications.

See the style sheet.

Proposals must be sent to:


This section makes room for shorter scholarly contributions (between 1000 and 3000 words) broadly related to the theme of the issue. The kind of work included might be meditative notes and queries, open letters and diaries, interviews, critical essays on a broad range of aesthetic, epistemological, disciplinary, theoretical, historical, and political issues, as well as on creative and cultural events related to the English-speaking world.

See the style sheet.

Proposals should be sent to:

Editorial Policy

The editorial policy of Caliban is closely linked to the research centre CAS (Cultures Anglo-Saxonnes) since the journal offers an outlet for the publication of selected papers presented at the symposia organized by the CAS/centre. It does not publish conference proceedings as such, since only a selection of papers is published after they have been expanded and revised into substantive research articles and submitted to a triple-blind review process. Furthermore, new contributions may be added to the thematic issue in order to increase its coherence and scope.

Caliban also welcomes any other proposals for a thematic issue, including ones that do not stem from a conference organized by the CAS research centre.

Drawing together work from several fields of investigation across English-speaking countries—literature, the arts, history, anthropology, ethnology, ecocriticism, geography, geopolitics, philosophy, sciences—Caliban offers a wide variety of perspectives on the world, on the connections between peoples and their territories, and between the human and the non-human world.

The editorial team is keen to offer its readers scientific papers of the highest quality while also interesting a non-academic readership. It mainly targets teachers, researchers and students; yet, the choice of subjects and the angles of approach also cater for all those who are interested in the English-speaking countries, in their literatures, cultures and arts, or who seek to understand the links between literature and the arts, and the societies that foster them.

Each issue of Caliban is available in paper and electronic format. Caliban is an open access review and applies a Creative Commons license.

Evaluation process

All articles are sent for peer-reviewing for acceptance or rejection according to the “triple-blind review” principle as detailed below:

  • each article is made anonymous and handed over by the chief editor to two outside referees chosen from a list of experts suggested by the editors of the thematic issue.

  • the chief editor receives the referees’ reviews, makes them anonymous, and sends them to the editors of the thematic issue;

  • the editors of the thematic issue send the reviews to the authors for consideration and correction;

  • amendments required by the experts are checked by the editors of the thematic issue.

Referees are sent detailed guidelines drafted by the chief editor and approved of by the editorial committee. Those carrying out the reviews are required to provide a detailed, constructive, and unbiased review within a specific timeframe / or ‘before a specific deadline’. Reviews that are deemed too harsh or humiliating will be revised by the chief editor? or sent back to the referee.

If the two referees provide diverging reports the article will immediately be sent to a third reviewer.


  • Direction

The journal is managed by an Editorial Committee and a Scientific Committee. It is led by the chief editor.

The chief editor is a researcher from the University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès and is elected by the Editorial Committee every 5 years. The term can be renewed once.

The chief editor, assisted by the members of the Editorial Committee, devises the publishing programme. He/She can make suggestions to modify the by-laws.

The contents of each issue is defined by the editors of the thematic issue and approved of by the chief editor.

The committees are composed as follows:

  • the editorial committee includes the chief editor and the members who are, in the main, active, honorary or emeritus researchers from the University Toulouse – Jean Jaurès, or from other French and foreign/overseas universities. They are elected to a 5-year term, renewable once;

  • the scientific committee is composed of members who are active or emeritus researchers and are nominated by the editorial committee. They are elected for an indefinite period of time and renewed if needs be.

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