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BROOKS, Max. World War Z. An Oral History of the Zombie War. New York: Broadway Paperbacks, 2013 [2006].
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Le Guin, Ursula K., “Another Story or a Fisherman of the Inland Sea,” The Found and the Lost (New York: Saga Press, 2016), 197.
Although Gaiman has had both critical and popular success in America and Great Britain, his books have not been studied as extensively in France. In this respect, Camus’s work can be considered as seminal. Camus, Cyril, Mythe et fabulation dans la fiction fantastique et merveilleuse de Neil Gaiman (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2018).
“It is the cumulation of all these crises [ecological, economic and political] which can lead to the collapse of our civilisation.” Although Dupouey-Delezay’s idea can be found in other books about radical ecology or collapse—namely Servigne’s Comment tout peut s’effondrer and Diamond’s Collapse, which have been abundantly quoted in this issue—he goes on to underline the closeness with AD 476 and the total collapse of the Roman Empire (“a vast chaos that would last for three centuries”), rather than 1789 and “the violent upheavals that change[d] a society in depth without killing it” (Author’s translation). Dupouey-Delezay, Aurélien, L’écologie radicale expliquée à ma belle-mère (Paris: Éditions du Panthéon, 2018), 67. Diamond, Jared, Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed (London: Penguin Books, 2011). Servigne, Pablo, Raphaël Stevens, Comment tout peut s’effondrer : petit manuel de collapsologie à l’usage des générations présentes (Paris: Éditions du Seuil, 2015).
Asimov, Isaac, Foundation (London: HarperCollins, 1995), 233.
The common overarching term is “comics,” with “graphic novels” and “comic books” being two different formats and types of narrative within the overall medium usually called comics. Camus, Cyril, “Neil Gaiman’s Sandman as a Gateway from Comic Books to Graphic Novels,” Studies in the Novel vol. 47, n°3 (2015): 308.
Miéville, China, “Afterword: Cognition as Ideology,” Red Planets—Marxism and Science Fiction, eds. Mark Bould, China Miéville (Middletown: Wesleyan UP, 2009), 235.
As much is true of the works studied here as of other classics such as C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (London: HarperCollins, 1998), or Ursula K. Le Guin’s Planet of Exile (New York: The Library of America, 2017). It should be noted however, that Frank Herbert’s Dune may be set on a hot desert planet and handle explicitly environmental concerns, but it is neither about a collapsing society nor about a post-apocalyptic one. Herbert, Frank, Dune (New York: Chilton Books, 1965).
Alter, Charlotte, Suyin Haynes, Justin Worland, “Greta Thunberg: Time’s Person of the Year 2019,” Time, New York: Time USA, LLC, 11 Dec. 2019, accessed 24 Feb. 2020,
Indeed, and though it is a useful tool to understand an environmental evolution spanning centuries, the concept cannot be universally acknowledged, as it tries to apply the scale of geological eras (the shortest being 65 million years) to modern history. Wever, Patrick, Stan Finney, “The Anthropocene: a Geological or Societal Subject?” Biodiversity and Evolution, eds. Grandcolas, Philippe, Marie-Christine Maurel (London: ISTE Press, 2018), 251-264.
Steffen, Will, Paul Crutzen, Jacques Grinevald, John McNeill, “The Anthropocene: Conceptual and Historical Perspectives,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 349 (2011): 862.
Romero, George, Dawn of the Dead (Pittsburgh: Laura Group, 1978).
Brooks, Max, World War Z. An Oral History of the Zombie War (New York: Broadway Paperbacks, 2013). Its potential Marxist reading is pointed out in the appendices to Red Planets. Bould, Mark, “Left SF: Selected and Annotated, If Not Always Exactly Recommended, Works,” Red Planets, 251.
It would be closer to the truth to say that we received very few propositions on the subject and that those were not deemed fit for publication by the reviewers. Indeed, most of the work currently done on games, especially, is published on blogs or in the digital press, and the format of those articles is quite different from that of a scholarly journal like Caliban.
Kirkman, Robert, The Walking Dead (Portland: Image Comics, 2003-2019).
Darabont, Frank, The Walking Dead (AMC, 2010-present). See also the spin-off series: Kirkman, Robert, David Erickson, Fear the Walking Dead (AMC, 2015-present).
Jones, Cory, Larry Renac, The Walking Dead Board Game (Lake Forest: Cryptozoic Entertainment, 2011).
The Walking Dead (Malibu: Telltale Games, 2012), video game.
It should be noted that comics are only seldom the work of a single person. In big companies, they often involve the writer, the penciller, the inker, the colorist, the letterer and the cover artist.
Bruno Faidutti raises the question whether “the illustrator must be considered a co-designer of the game,” but answers negatively except for games “in which the graphics and the game systems are intrinsically mixed.” Faidutti, Bruno, “Publishers, designers and, for once, illustrators,” Bruno Faidutti — Jeux de sociétés, 5 Dec. 2013, accessed 20 Feb. 2020, Moreover, the role of the players themselves should not be overlooked, as it is close to the role of actors bringing a script to life.
It does mean that I think boardgames, card games and pen-and-paper role-playing games should be included in the same set, for the purpose of this article at least, even though the latter require very little in terms of production.
“Out of ten games sold in France, six are made in Asia”. Uncredited, “Des jeux de société respectueux de l’environnement,” Le Parisien, 8 Oct. 2015, accessed 25 Feb. 2020, (Author’s translation).
According to Kickstarter’s statistics page, $1.11 billion have been collected for games on their platform, out of a total of $4.30 billion, which makes it their most successful category money-wise (though not in terms of the success-rate of the projects). “Stats,” Kickstarter, 25 Feb. 2020, accessed 25 Feb. 2020,
Guillois, François-Xavier, “L’ultime jeu post-apocalyptique,” Ludovox, 10 Oct. 2019, accessed 25 Feb. 2020,
For Bruno Faidutti, history Ph.D. and author of many successful games, boardgames “always tell two stories, which you could call the story of the game and the story of the players.” Faidutti, Bruno, “Quelles histoires racontent les jeux ?” (Bruno Faidutti — Jeux de sociétés, 20 Dec. 2015, accessed 21 Dec. 2015)
I do not mean that games should be used as education rather than entertainment. In the same way as for literature, heavy-handed didacticism is usually counter-productive, ruining the art without achieving its purpose. Some critics even argue that “‘educational game’ is an oxymoron.” Faidutti, Bruno, “Educational Games,” Bruno Faidutti — Jeux de sociétés, 5 Nov. 2004, accessed 25 Feb. 2020)
Aquino, Maryline “Shanouillette,” “Les grandes tendances de la décennie [2010-2019],” Ludovox, 23 Jan. 2020, accessed 25 Feb. 2020,►-les-grandes-tendances-de-la-decennie-2010-2019/.
Gilmour, Jonathan, Isaac Vega, David Richards, Fernada Súarez, Peter Wocken, Dead of Winter—A Crossroads Game (Addison: Plaid Hat Games, 2014).
For instance, the card “Missing Child” offers to go and look for the eponymous helpless survivor (a dangerous/difficult action) with a possible reward for success, and a potential penalty for failure which is the same as for not trying (in most situations, a more optimized choice). Gilmour, Jonathan, Dead of Winter—A Crossroads Game.
“A sequence of decisions is made, although the process may terminate before all potential decisions have been taken. […] To represent [the sequence] pictorially, we can draw a ‘decision tree.’” Webb, James N., Game Theory: Decisions, Interaction and Evolution (London: Springer, 2007), 23.
In the first scenario, Asylum, Location 15-C presents the players with a choice, whether to take part in a (magic) ritual. If they agree, they create the time fault they were supposed to prevent from appearing (Location 15-E). Rozoy, Manuel, Benjamin Carré, Asylum—T.I.M.E. Stories (Buc: Space Cowboys, 2015).
As the enemy is defeated, his parting speech opens new interpretative possibilities: “The only way to save these people was to open a fault and gather more powerful forces. What naivete as to the intentions of the Consortium and of The Agency.” The words “naivete” and “intentions” describe the players’ attitude to what they thought was only an extradiegetic pretext to allow adventuring in different times and spaces, and consequently force them to reconsider the rule booklet in an intradiegetic perspective. Rozoy, Manuel, Vincent Dutrait, Pascal Quidault, A Prophecy of Dragons—T.I.M.E. Stories (Buc: Space Cowboys, 2016), Item 58.
The legitimacy of the Agency (and in a way, of the game frame itself) becomes the main stake of the overarching story with Lumen Fidei, as Location 16-H and Item 26 both offer to switch loyalty to a different faction, without changing the underlying structure of the game. Rozoy, Manuel, Ronan Toulhouat, Pascal Quidault, Lumen Fidei—T.I.M.E. Stories (Buc: Space Cowboys, 2017).
Ursula K. Le Guin refers to utopia/dystopia of control as utopiyang and to the anarchy counterpart as utopiyin. Le Guin, Ursula K., “Utopiyin, Utopiyang,” Ursula Le Guin’s Blog, 97, 20 April 2015, rpt. No Time To Spare. Thinking about what Matters, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2017: 87.
In a “legacy” game, the rules and the components (board, cards…) evolve from one session to another. Daviau, Rob, Matt Leacock, Pandemic Legacy: Season 2 (Carmel: Z-Man Games, 2017).
Suvin, Darko, Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre (New Haven: Yale UP, 1979), 7-8.
Miéville, “Afterword: Cognition as Ideology,” 236.
Joanna Russ, “Towards an Aesthetics of Science Fiction,” Science Fiction Studies 2.2 (1975): 112.
Stableford, Brian M, David Langford, “Galactic Empires,” The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction, eds. John Clute, David Langford, Peter Nicholls, Graham Sleight, Gollancz, 19 Dec. 2017, accessed 19 Feb. 2020,
Let us note, however, that ecology as a concern is ostentatiously absent from Foundation, the novel suffering from an acute “nature deficit,” which has already been identified in other iconic science fiction works. Lawrence, David M., “Will Humans Soon Dream of Electric Sheep? Blade Runner, Nature Deficits, and Our Spiritual Relationship with the Natural World,” Science Fiction in Media — The 2013 Eaton Science Fiction Conference (UC Riverside Libraries, 12 April 2013), conference.
Frémaux, Anne, La Nécessité d’une écologie radicale — La pensée à l’épreuve des problèmes environnementaux (Paris: Sang de la Terre, 2011), 35 (Author’s translation).
Suvin, Metamorphoses, 69.
“It is to this growth of power that the so-called freedom due to Technique amounts.” Ellul, Jacques, Le Système technicien (Paris: Calmann-Lévy, 1977), 333-334 (Author’s translation).
Oddly enough, the debate about the potential use of the health crisis to build a better, greener, fairer future seems to be limited to Western Europe. The people in Eastern Europe, Northern America and Asia with whom I raised the issue all emphasized a public conversation centered on the present (or the past) rather than the future. It is symptomatic that the expression “the before time(s)”—a pop culture reference to the Star Trek franchise widely used in America—has no counterpart, as “post-corona” and “post-pandemic” both fall short of the apocalyptic connotation of “le monde d’après.” See Ben Zimmer, “‘The Before Time’: A Sci-Fi Idea that has Made its Way to Real Life,” The Wall Street Journal, 19 June 2020, accessed 1 Aug. 2020.
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