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About the journal

The Cahiers have been published by the CESCM since 1958. Firmly multidisciplinary, they welcome contributions in the form of original synthetic articles as well as articles dedicated to more precise subjects in every discipline, the aim of which is to foster a better comprehension of the central Middle Ages (history, literature, art history, history of law, musicology, philology, philosophy, and so on) by promoting both interdisciplinarity and the specific features of each field.

The originality of the Cahiers de Civilisation Médiévale is unparalleled, covering as it does all fields of research in a period characterised, in its wisest sense, as 'feudal' or 'romanesque', spanning the ninth to the twelfth centuries. Its specificity lies squarely in its interdisciplinarity, where it is careful to give equal weight to history, art history, as well as literature and philology in each fascicule, while also addressing topics on musicology, epigraphy, palaeography, etc. In this respect, it distinguishes itself from the major periodicals which are devoted to specific disciplinary needs.

But none that concentrates on the Central Middle Ages, the most significant and specific of all medieval periods. This specificity confers on the CCM a unique place among academic journals of the highest international repute.

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