Balkans Journals -- Cahiers Balkaniques
Les Cahiers Balkaniques (Balkan Journals) were first published in 1981, at the INALCO ( This periodical is dedicated to research works done by the members of the different groups inside the Centre of Balkan studies, among others, papers from the Colloquies and meetings organized by the CEB (, or works issued from cooperation with colleagues from other establishments, in France or not. They also accept papers proposed by outside writers if they match the CEB interests, intentions or aims, they present the main thesis of the CEB doctors and reviews of books introduced by the CEB members. The most important colloquies can be available in a special issue of the Cahiers. We must insist on the fact that the CEB and its expression, the Cahiers Balkaniques, are the only center in France specially dedicated to the Balkan area, in a transdisciplinary perspective that embrace a variety of methodologies and rhetorical perspectives, from the point of view of anthropology, history, literature and the social sciences.
ISSN 0290-7402 (print)
ISSN 2261-4184 (electronic)
Submission orders:
The papers should be adressed to one of the members of the Reading Board who reads it or entrusts it to another member of the Reading or the Editorial Board who gives its opinion to the editors.
Printed impression setting: Joëlle Dalègre
Conception and realization of the printed edition: Joëlle Dalègre and Alexandre Lapierre
Conception and realization of the digital edition: Huguette Rigot
To order a print issue:
Published issues and their disponibility: the 1, 3, 6, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 items are no longer available.