Guidelines for Authors
Haut de page1. Submission and Evaluation
1.1. Submission
The Contextes et Didactiques journal publishes texts in French, but contributions of major interest can be accepted in English, Spanish and Creole. Article submissions are made electronically to the coordinator(s) of the thematic issue (see Current Calls) and to the coordinators of the journal using the following address: contextes.didactiques[at] Articles can be sent after a specific “call for papers” or spontaneously for non-thematic publications.
All received articles follow the same double-blind evaluation process. The submission form of the article is a file in .doc, .docx, .txt, .rtf, .odt format sent as an attachment in an email. Submissions must respect the template available in Word format that can be downloaded (see Appendix 1). The text must not exceed 50,000 characters (spaces included). Each presentation must be submitted with a letter from the author stating that:
the manuscript is not and will not be subjected to another publication;
that all co-authors of the article have read and approved the submitted article.
1.2. Manuscript Selection
The manuscripts must be original and not be submitted simultaneously to another journal. Upon receipt, the articles are assigned to the editorial committee and the coordinators of the thematic issue for the conformity assessment to the editorial guidelines of the journal and to the theme of the “call for papers”, for the submitted articles within this framework.
Articles which fulfill the conditions of the first phase of the process are sent for anonymous assessment to the two experts from the scientific committee selected by the editorial board and/or non-scientific reviewers proposed by the coordinator (s)of the thematic issue. For this evaluation, the experts use an expert assessment tool (see Appendix 2). Both expert reports are returned to the author, usually within a period of two months after the receipt of the article by the editorial secretariat. In the case of two contradictory evaluations, the Editorial Committee reserves the right to submit the manuscript to a third expert. The final decision on the article is taken by the editorial committee and can be formulated in four different ways:
accepted for publication;
accepted for publication with minor modifications;
accepted for publication with major modifications;
If the article is accepted with modifications, the author has one month to submit a revised version that can be subjected to a second evaluation in the case of major modifications. The Editorial Board reserves the right not to publish the revised version if it does not include the required modifications. The correspondence will be held with the first author listed in the submitted article.
1.3. Rights-of-Use
Once the article has been accepted for publication, a transfer of rights form is sent to the author (see Annex 3). This form is to be signed and returned to the Editorial Board before the publication of the article.
Authors who submit their articles to the journal "Contexts and Didactics" agree to publish their articles free of charge. They assign, free of charge and non-exclusive, the rights of paper and its electronic distribution allowing the journal to ensure the free and open distribution of their articles, as well as their sale on all media and formats, in accordance with the CC BY-NC license (
The authors have the right to disseminate, under the terms of of their choice, the articles published in the journal on the sole condition, as required by the Creative Commons license granted, that all bibliographic references will be included and the journal will be mentioned. In particular, authors may submit the published version, in full text, on the university warehouse of their institution.
2. Style Guidelines
2.1. Typing
The font used is the Times or Times New Roman, size 12.
Italics is used for foreign words and titles of books or journal. Bold is used for titles and subtitles. Underlining should be avoided.
2.2. Different Levels of the Manuscript
The manuscript must include the following elements:
a title in French and in English;
the list of authors with their full names;
their institution affiliation and their contact e-mail address;
an abstract of approximately 250 words in French and in English indicating the essential elements of the work;
a list of 5 keywords in French and in English;
1. Introduction
All parts should be numbered from introduction to conclusion.
2.3. Footnotes
The journal authorizes the footnotes and these must appear at the bottom of the concerned page. Bibliographic references should not be footnoted but should be added at the end of the manuscript.
2.4. Citations
Citations in the text should always be enclosed in quotation marks ("..."). For long quotations (more than three lines) these must be separated from the text, in size font 11 and have a paragraph indentation of 1cm before and after.
2.5. In-text References
References in the text should be in the following form:
(name of author (s), year)
After a quote:
(name of author (s), year: page)
3. References
The list of bibliographical references is organized in an alphabetical order at the end of the article. All references cited in the body of the text must necessarily be included. The presentation of the bibliographical references must comply with APA French version standards (download the complete bibliographical references writing standards at the following address: The main types of bibliographical elements will be presented according to the following standards:
3.1. Books
For works:
Name, P. (year). Work Title. City: Editions.
Chaudenson, R. (2006). Éducation et langues. Français, créoles, langues africaines. Paris: L’Harmattan.
3.2. Articles in a journal
For articles in a printed review:
Name, P. (year). Title Article. Name Review, N°, XX-XX.
Prudent, L. F. (1981). Diglossie et interlecte. Langages, 61, 13-38.
For articles in an electronic journal:
Name, P. (year). Title Article. Name Review, N°. Available online: URL. Retrieved Month XX Year.
Ishikawa, F. (2008). La description du contexte didactique et des enseignants/apprenants. Recherches en didactique des langues et des cultures, 3. Available online: Retrieved on April 05, 2019.
3.3. Book Chapters
For book chapters:
Name, P. (year). Title chapter. In P. Name (ed.), Title Book (p. XX-XX). City: Editions.
Perrenoud, P. (2002). D’une métaphore à l’autre : transformer ou mobiliser ses connaissances ? In J. Dolz et E. Ollagnier (eds.), L’Enigme de la compétence en éducation (p. 45-60). Bruxelles: De Boeck Université.
3.4. Communications
For communications published in paper proceedings:
Name, P. (date). Title chapter. In P. Name (ed.), Title Acts (XX-XX). City: Editions.
Bazire, M. et Brézillon, P. (2005). Understanding Context Before Using It. In A. Dey, B. Kokinov, D. Leake et R. Turner (dir.), Proceedings Modeling and Using Context: 5th International and Interdisciplinary Conference, CONTEXT 2005 (p. 29-40). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
For communications published in documents in electronic format:
Name, P. (year). Title communication. In Title Acts (p. XX-XX). Communication (or Symposium) presented in Colloquium Title, City, Country. Available online: URL. Retrieved Month XX Year.
Simonneaux, L. et Simonneaux, J. (2008). Efficacité des contextualisations authentiques dans le traitement de Questions Socialement Vives liées à l’écocitoyenneté. In Efficacité de l'approche des Questions Socialement Vives pour l'éducation à l'environnement et à la durabilité (p. 3-19). Communication presented in Colloque international « Efficacité et équité en éducation », Rennes, France. Available online: Retrieved on April 17, 2013.
For oral presentations at conferences and unpublished:
Name, P. (year). Communication Title. Communication (or Symposium) presented in Colloquium Title, City, Country.
Mottier Lopez, L., Tessaro, W., Dechamboux, L., Morales Villabona, F. & Serry, S. (2013). Jugement d’évaluation en actes de trois enseignants de l’école primaire : une étude longitudinale. Communication presented in Congrès de l’Actualité de la recherche en éducation et en formation (AREF), Montpellier, France.
3.4. Unpublished theses
For unpublished theses
Name, P. (date). Title Thesis. Unpublished doctoral thesis. City: XXX University.
Adelin, E. (2008). Créole et français de petits écoliers réunionnais. Prolégomènes à l’évaluation de langues proches. Unpublished doctoral thesis. Saint-Denis: Université de la Réunion.
4. Table and Illustrations
All enclosed graphical documents (tables, figures) must be numbered and cited in the text. They must also be followed by a caption mentioning the type of illustration (table, figure, diagram, etc.), in bold, centered and with no spacing with no leading and centered.
Table 1: Title
Original files of images, photographs, tables and diagrams can be sent in .JPEG format along with the text.
5. Plagiarism detection
All manuscripts received are submitted to a plagiarism detection software called:
Documents annexes
Appendix 1: Template (application/msword – 48k)
Appendix 2: Expert Assessment Tool (application/msword – 103k)
Appendix 3: Transfer of Rights Form (application/msword – 40k)