Index | Keywords
- abortion
- Abraham Bosse
- Aby Warburg
- Accademia degli Incogniti
- activism
- actor
- actress
- Ada Gobetti
- adaptation
- Adelchi
- Adelphoe
- aediles
- Aeneid
- Aeschylus
- aesthetic figures
- aesthetics
- African collections
- agronomy
- Aix-en-Provence
- Alain of Lille
- Alberto Arbasino
- Alfieri’s tragedies
- Algeria
- Algerian War
- Algerian war
- allegory
- alterity
- Altri libertini
- Al‑Mutawakkil
- Amalfi
- ambassador
- American Academy in Rome
- American Idiom
- American Lessons
- American literature
- americanism
- ancient greek tragedy
- ancient theater
- André Félibien
- André Jolles
- Andrea De Carlo
- Andrea Gastaldi
- angel
- Anna Banti
- Anna Maria Brizio
- Annibale Ruccello
- anti-Gaullism
- Antichrist
- antifascism
- Antipurgatory
- aphorisms
- Apocalyspe
- apology of the French language
- Apuleius
- architecture
- archives
- archivist writer
- Aretefila
- Ariosto
- aristocracy
- Aristophanes
- Aristotelianism
- art
- Art of Memory
- Arthur Golding
- artist-surgeon
- artistic
- artistic anatomy
- artistic forms
- artistic life
- artistic patronage
- artists’ networks
- arts
- Arts Premiers
- Asciano
- assemblages
- assembly line
- attention
- attitudes
- Aubrey Beardsley
- Austria
- Austrian literature in Italy
- author
- author philology
- authorship
- author’s library
- autobiographical novel
- autobiographical writings
- autobiographies
- autobiography
- automation
- Autonomia Operaia
- autonomy
- Avant-gardes
- Baldassarre Castiglione
- Balilla
- Barbara Balzerani
- barbarians
- Barnaba da Modena
- Barqūq
- Bartolomeo De Rogatis
- Bartolomeo Dominici
- Basile
- basilica of Saint Eustorgio
- Battle of Caporetto
- battle of Magenta
- battle of Solferino
- Baudelaire
- Beatrice
- beauty
- Bella Markmann Hutter
- Bembo
- Benedetta Cappa
- Benedetto Croce
- Bennett
- Berlin wall
- Bernard Shaw
- Bernardino da Siena
- Bernardino da Siena
- Bernardino of Siena
- Bernardino of Feltre
- Bernardino of Siena
- Bettino Craxi
- bibliometry
- Biblioteca Labronica
- Bizzozero
- Boccaccio
- Boccalone
- Body
- body
- Boiardo
- Bonaccorso Pitti
- Bonnard
- book
- booksellers
- border
- Botticelli
- boundary
- bow and arrow
- Brandt report
- brief forms
- Bufalino
- Byron
- Byzantine Empire
- Byzantine painting in Genoa
- Cadetti
- caliph
- Campany
- Campo
- canon
- Canzoniere
- capitalism
- Caporetto
- Caravaggio
- Cardenio
- cardinal
- Cardinal Bessarione
- care
- Carlo Alberto of Savoy
- Carlo Delcroix
- Carlo Gozzi
- Carlo Zatti
- Carmagnola
- carpet
- Casorati
- Catania
- Catherine of Siena
- Catholic Church
- Cavalcanti
- Central Europe
- centralization
- centre-left
- ceramics
- Cervantes
- Cesare Garboli
- Cesarism
- Cesarotti
- Cézanne
- Cgil
- Cgt
- Champagne
- chanson de geste
- Charles de Gaulle
- Charles Estienne (1504–1564)
- Charles Soillot
- chemical industry
- chivalric poem
- chivalric romance
- chivalry romances
- Christian renegade
- Christianism
- Christianity
- Cicero
- cinema
- cinema and visual arts
- Circassian Mamluk
- circulations of knowledge
- Cisl
- civilisation’s discontents
- classical historians
- classical myth
- classical staging
- Clean Hands
- climate history
- closeness
- closet
- Cobas
- coinage
- collective history
- collector
- comics in painting
- Commedia
- commerce
- commercial circuit
- commitment
- communism
- community
- comparative literatures
- composition
- concealment
- Constantinople
- constitutional reforms
- constraint
- contemporary Italian women writers
- contract
- conversation
- conversion
- corps imaginaire
- correspondence
- correspondence of writers
- correspondence Warburg-Jolles
- correspondences
- corruption
- Court history
- court of Burgundy
- Cousin
- cover-girls
- Crete
- crisis
- crisis of the Fourth Republic
- Cristina Campo
- critical edition
- critical mind
- critical response
- crucifixion
- Crusades
- cultural education
- cultural heritage
- cultural history
- cultural life
- cultural studies
- cultural transfers
- cultural transmission
- Curzio Malaparte
- Dalmine
- Dami
- dance
- Daniele Del Giudice
- Dante
- Dante Alighieri
- Dario Fo
- Das Kapital
- dash
- dating problems
- David at the Accademia Galery in Florence
- DC
- death
- Decameron
- decentralisation
- decentralization
- déchetterie
- degeneration
- deluge
- Democritus
- demonic illusions
- development
- de Gaulle
- De Kunert
- De Santis
- de Staël
- De Stijl group
- Diceria dell’untore
- dichotomy
- Dickinson
- dicta testium
- dictatorship
- diplomacy
- direct elections of European Parliament
- disabled and invalid soldiers
- discorps
- disenchantment
- dispositio
- dissemination
- dissemination of ideas and forms
- distance
- divagrafia
- dollar
- domination
- Dominican iconography
- Dominican Order
- Dominican preaching
- Don Quijote
- double talent
- drawing
- drug and literature
- Du côté de chez Proust
- Dürer
- duumviri
- Dylan Thomas
- dynamic morphology
- dynamics
- early modern history
- earthquakes
- Eastern Mediterranean
- economic
- Economic Planning
- Eden
- edition
- editor
- editorial charter
- editorial reading
- editorial work
- Edmund Burke
- Eduard Mörike
- Egypt
- eighties
- Einaudi
- Elsa Morante
- emigration
- Emile Benveniste
- Emilio Cecchi
- Emilio Lagorio
- emptiness
- England
- English literature in Italy
- English novel
- Enrico Berlinguer
- Enrico Palandri
- Ensor
- Enzo Moscato
- Enzo Santarelli
- Enzo Siciliano
- epidemics
- epistemology
- Epistolario
- Epitaffio
- Erich Auerbach
- Erinna to Sappho
- eroticism
- erudition
- eschatology
- etching
- Euratom
- Euroafrica
- Europe
- European civilization
- European culture of Foscolo
- European epistolary novel
- European expansion
- European federalism
- European integration
- European networks
- Europeans
- Evangelario
- evolutionary theories
- exile
- existential figures
- Expressionism
- ex libris
- eye
- fable
- factory
- fairy tale
- faithful versions and other translation choices
- Family Books
- Fanfani
- Fantasmi italiani
- far North
- fascism
- fascism and antifascism
- fascist regime
- fashion
- fashion dress
- Fatimid
- Fauriel
- federalist and Europeanist movements
- Felice Casorati
- Feltrinelli publishing house
- female characters
- feminine
- feminism
- feminist ambivalences
- feminist movement
- femminiello
- Ferruccio Brugnaro
- Fiabe teatrali
- Fiat
- fiction
- Fifth Republic
- figure
- Filippo Tommaso Marinetti
- Film Criticism
- financial system
- First World War
- Flavian dynasty (70–96)
- floods
- Florence
- Florentin Garden
- flowers
- Foglio di Via
- Fondation Maeght in St-Paul-de-Vence
- Ford
- Fordism
- foreign theaters
- fortification
- Foscolo
- Foscolo’s books
- Foscolo’s letters
- Foscolo’s personal library
- Foscolo’s readings
- Fragonard
- frame
- Franca Rame
- France
- Francesca da Rimini
- Francescan order
- Francesco di Tommaso Giovanni
- Franz Hals
- freedom
- freedom of the press
- freemen
- French disease
- French intellectuals
- French Italianism
- French readings
- French theatre
- Freud
- Friedrich Hölderlin
- Fundacio Miró in Barcelona
- Futurism
- Gabriel Harvey
- Gadda
- Gaetano Quagliariello
- Garzanti
- Gaullism
- gay
- gender
- generation
- generations
- Genoa
- Genova
- George Gordon Byron
- Georges Sorel
- German soldier
- Gesualdo Bufalino
- Giacometti
- Giacomo Matteotti
- Gianfranco Draghi
- Giangiacomo Feltrinelli
- Gianni Amelio
- gift
- gift in images
- gimbelette
- Gina Lagorio
- Giorgio Bassani
- Giorgio Gucci
- Giovan Francesco Biondi
- Giovan Francesco Loredan
- Giovanni Battista Ramusio
- Giovanni Fornari
- Giovanni Gronchi
- Giovanni Mira
- Girolamo Savonarola
- Giuseppe Bottai
- Giuseppe Lugli
- Giuseppe Mazzini
- Giuseppe Prezzolini
- Gli ultimi anni di Clelia Trotti
- Goethe
- Goldoni
- Goliarda Sapienza
- Gómez de la Serna
- Gorbachev
- Goya
- Grace and poetry
- Gradiva
- great discoveries
- Great Frost
- greater familiarity with art masterpieces
- Greco-Latin culture
- Greece
- Greek revolution
- Gruget
- Guarino Veronese
- Guerrazzi
- Guido Crainz
- guilt
- guilty feeling
- Guttuso
- hagiography
- Heidegger
- Hell
- Hermann Usener
- hermeneutics
- Hermeticism
- Heyne
- Hildegard of Bingen
- hint
- Histoires tragiques
- historical iconography
- historical novel
- historical reality
- historical source
- historicism
- historiography
- History
- history
- history of engraving
- history of geography
- history of the plague
- history of women pioneers
- Hobhouse
- Hoffman
- Holy Land
- Holy Women
- homosexuality
- horses
- horticulture
- House of Anjou
- housing
- Hugo von Hofmannsthal
- Huizinga
- humanism
- hybridity
- Hyères
- I. Calvino’s “lightness”
- ideal beauty
- ideal re-appropriation
- identity
- Il disperso di Marburg
- illuminated manuscripts
- illustrations
- Il mondo salvato dai ragazzini
- image
- imagery
- images
- imaginary
- imagination
- imitation
- immigrant
- immigration
- important historical exhibitions
- In gran segreto
- In questo stato
- indeterminacy
- industrial crisis
- Inferno
- influence and exchanges between arts
- Inge Schönthal Feltrinelli
- inns
- integration
- intellectual history
- intellectuals
- Interdict
- international monetary system
- interpretation
- intertextuality
- Islam
- Italian 20th-century literature
- Italian Art ends with Tiepolo
- Italian Baroque novel
- Italian books
- Italian cinema
- Italian Communist Party
- Italian contemporary literature
- Italian historians
- Italian historiography
- Italian humanism
- Italian identity
- Italian language
- Italian Librettos
- Italian literature
- italian literature
- Italian models
- Italian Republic
- Italian Socialist Party
- Italian Studies
- italian theatre
- Italian tragedy
- Italian war
- Italian wars
- Italian writers and the European culture
- Italianophilia
- Italo Calvino
- Italo-Greek monasticism
- Italy
- Jacopo Ligozzi
- Jacques Callot
- James Wardrop
- Jan Andries Jolles
- Jan Steen
- Jan Toorop
- Jan Veth
- Jean Louis Schefer
- Jean Miélot
- Jean Renoir
- Jean-Michel Basquiat
- Jensen
- Johan Huizinga
- Johan Padan a la descoverta de le Americhe
- John Donne
- John of Capestrano
- John the Baptist
- Josep Llorens Artigas
- Joubert
- Joyce
- Juan de la Cruz
- Juan Rodolfo Wilcock
- judaism
- Julio-Claudian dynasty (14–68)
- jump
- Jung
- La Rivolta dei Santi Maledetti
- labor
- Laity
- land surveyors
- landscape
- language
- last days
- Last judgement
- last King of the Goths
- Last Letters of Jacopo Ortis
- laughing
- Laura Malvano
- Laura Pariani
- law of nations
- La Fontaine
- leader
- Lega Nord
- lenders
- Léon Moussinac
- Leone Traverso
- Leopardi
- Lepanto
- lesbian
- Lessing
- lexicology
- Le Brun
- Le Caire
- liberal globalization
- library
- linguistic mediation
- Lionardo Frescobaldi
- literary archives
- literary criticism
- Literary Criticism
- literary genres
- literary sources
- literary system
- literary themes
- literature and philosophy
- lithographies
- litterature for tin agers
- Little Ice Age
- Little Italies
- liturgy
- Lo stadio di Wimbledon
- local subcultures
- localism
- London earthquake
- Longhi
- Lorenzo Da Ponte
- Lorraine
- Lou Reed
- Louis Joxe
- love and medicine
- love poetry
- low life
- low voice
- Lucantonio Ridolfi
- Ludovico di Breme
- Luis de Maluenda
- Lyon
- Machiavelli
- macrotext
- Madame de Staël
- madness
- madrigals
- Malaparte
- Mallorca
- Man Ray
- manifestos
- manifestos of the avant-garde
- Mann
- Manzoni
- Marcel l’Herbier
- Marco Tullio Giordana
- margins
- Marguerite de Bourg
- Marguerite Yourcenar
- María Zambrano
- Marian tradition
- Marinetti
- Mario Martone
- Mario Soldati
- Mariophanies
- Marsyas
- Marxism
- marxism
- mask
- mass culture
- mass-culture
- Master of Arts thesis
- masterpieces
- Matelda
- Matta
- May 1968
- Mazarine
- Mazzini
- measure
- Medici’s villas
- medieval misogyny
- medieval preaching
- medievalism
- medievalists
- medievistics
- Mediterranean
- Mediterranean myth
- Méjanes
- melancholy
- Mémoires d’Hadrien
- memoirs
- Memorable
- Memory
- memory
- mendicant orders
- mental images
- mescaline
- Messina Conference
- Metamorphoses
- metamorphosis
- metaphor
- Michel de Marolles
- Michel Laclotte
- Michele Placido
- Middle Ages
- Middle Ages
- migration
- Miguel De Luna
- Milan
- military architecture and engineering
- military psychiatry
- Milman
- mint technologie
- Mirella Bentivoglio
- mirror
- misanthropy
- misogyny
- misreading
- Mme Dacier
- mocking
- modern and contemporary literature
- Modernism
- monologue
- Monselice
- Moore
- moral issue
- Moro
- Movimento del ’77
- municipal epigraphy
- Murra
- Musée de l’Homme
- museum
- Muslims
- Mussolini
- Mustoxidi
- mysticism
- myth
- Nancy
- Nanni Moretti
- Napolitano
- narration
- narrative strategies
- Natalia Ginzburg
- national myths
- nationalism
- Nazis
- Nella Marchesini
- Neo-capitalism
- neoavanguardia
- Neorealism
- networks
- newspapers’ articles
- New Materialism
- Niccolò Campani
- night
- no agronomists nor gardeners
- non-conformism
- notaries
- novel
- novel writing
- novels
- Nuto Revelli
- nymph
- Padua
- painting
- Palazzeschi
- Palazzo Farnese
- Paola Masino
- Paolo Giovio
- Pargue
- Paris
- parody
- pastiche
- pastoral of fear
- patriotic allegory
- patriotism
- Paul Arbaud
- Paul Ginsborg
- Paul Morand
- Pellico
- pentiti
- people
- Pera
- performance theory
- Permeke
- Perrault
- Petrarca
- Petrarch
- Petronius
- philology
- philosopher
- photography
- Pia
- picassisme
- Picasso
- Piccolomini
- pictures with a political subject
- Pier Candido Decembrio
- Pier Paolo Pasolini
- Pier Vittorio Tondelli
- Piero Gobetti
- Pierre Cherfils
- Pietà
- Pietro Lauro (1510–1568)
- Pietro Scoppola
- plague
- Plato
- Platonism
- Pliny the Elder
- Pliny the Younger
- poems
- poetic translation
- poetry
- poetry and translation as an inner experience
- Poggio Bracciolini
- Polish literature
- political action
- political campaigns
- political commitment
- political communication
- political conflict
- political figures
- political myth
- political posters
- political satire
- politics
- Pompey
- popular literature
- Porto Marghera
- portrait
- Portugal
- Poscritto
- post-impressionism
- Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Posta letteraria del Corriere dell’Adda
- postwar literature
- power
- pre-fascism
- Preaching
- preaching
- preaching 15th century
- President of the Republic
- presidentialism
- press
- primary sources
- Prime Minister
- printers
- prints
- priorities
- prison
- private market
- private writings
- production
- Prophet Muhammad
- prose poetry
- prostitution
- Protestant Reformation
- protestantism
- Proust
- psychoanalysis
- public administration
- public property
- publicity
- publishing
- publishing houses
- Pummarò
- punctuation
- Purgatory
- puritanism
- radiant images
- Ragionamento
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Ramblas in Barcelona
- Ramusio
- rank-and-file committees
- rape
- reading
- reading reports
- Reagan era
- real
- Realism
- realism
- Rebibbia
- rebirth
- reception
- reception of Antiquity
- reception of classics
- reception studies
- reclassification
- recomposition
- Red Brigades
- reduplicated imperative
- reform of theatre
- regionalism
- Reina Sofia Museum
- relics
- religious poetry
- Rembrandt
- Remo Fasani
- Renaissance
- Renault
- reportages
- representation of the body
- reproduction
- republic
- requisition of transport
- Resistance
- Revolution
- rewriting
- rhetoric
- rhetorical action
- rhetorics of the literary character
- Ricciarda
- ricordanze
- Riegl
- rights of workers
- Rilke
- Ripellino
- Risorgimento
- Robert and Sonia Delaunay
- Rodrigo
- Roman colonies
- Romanic Philology
- Romanticism
- Rome
- Rosalind Krauss
- rural estates
- russian
- Sack of Rome
- sacred
- sacrifice
- Saint Peter of Verona
- Sainte-Beuve
- saint Augustine and reading
- Salvestro Mannini
- Sandro Pertini
- Santorre di Santa Rosa
- Saracens
- satirical literature
- Satiricon
- Savonarola
- science
- Scotland
- sculpture
- sea journeys
- Secession
- second half of the 20th century
- Second Republic
- self-interpretation
- senators
- sensitive images
- sensualism
- Septenary of virtues
- sepulchral
- Sereni
- sermocinatio
- sermon
- sermons
- Seventies
- shakespearian tragedy
- short story
- Sicilia
- Silvestro da Ravenna
- Silvio Lanaro
- Simone Sigoli
- Simone Weil
- simple forms
- slaves
- social movements
- social satire
- socialism
- sociology
- somatisation
- sonnet in France
- Spain
- Spanish History
- Spanish petrarchism
- spatialisation
- special drawing rights
- speculative fiction
- spiritual treatises
- spoiled by civilisation
- squatted social centres
- star persona
- state of siege
- steel industry
- steelworks
- Stefano Benni
- Stéphane Mallarmé
- stereotype
- Sterne
- stories
- storm
- Straparola
- St Agatha
- St Andrew (apostle)
- St Basile’s Asketikon
- St Basile’s order
- St Basile’s rule
- St Philip (apostle)
- sublime
- subtlety
- suffrage prayers
- sultan
- sumptuary laws
- superlative
- symbolic figures
- symbolism
- tactile
- Tarchetti
- Tarchiani
- teaching
- teaching practices
- technic
- technical languages
- technology
- television
- teorema Calogero
- Terence
- territory
- testament
- Te lucis ante
- the 1970s
- the eighties
- the European Common Market
- The Gardiner Museum of Ceramic Art in Toronto
- the heroines of love
- the Idea of Rome
- the isle of Atlantis
- The Plague Sower
- the Treaties of Rome
- theater
- theatre
- theme of the den
- theme of the disease
- The Graces
- Thirty Years’ War
- Thomas Churchyard
- Thomas Twyne
- time
- Titian
- Togliatti
- tone
- Toni
- tourism
- trade networks
- Trade unions
- tradition
- tragedy
- tragic style
- tranfers
- transcendentalism
- transcodification
- transcription
- transition between the seventies and the eighties
- translation
- translation from greek and italian
- translation of theater
- translations
- translator
- transmission
- transnationalism
- Transpositions
- travel
- travel accounts
- travel literature
- travestite
- trench literature
- Treno di panna
- Turks
- tuscan
- twinning
- typologies
- Vallecchi
- value
- Vasari
- Vasque de Lucène
- Velvet Underground
- Vendée war
- Venetian consular administration
- Venice
- Venice Conference
- venitian dialect
- Veterans
- vexations
- vibrant matter
- victim
- Vincenzo Foppa
- Vincenzo Gioberti
- Virgil
- Virgin Mary
- Virginia Woolf
- Visconti
- vision
- visual approach
- visual arts
- visual poetry
- visual propaganda
- visuality
- Viva Caporetto!
- wages
- Wagner
- Wallenstein
- Walter Benjamin
- war
- war memories
- war trauma
- war with Austria
- war-testimonies
- Warburg
- Welfare State
- well written
- well-being
- Werther
- Wieland
- Williams
- witch
- Women
- women
- women emancipation
- Women in Art
- women philosophers
- women writers
- Women’s fiction
- women’s literary field
- wondering
- Woolf
- work
- workers’ struggles
- working class
- working-class poetry
- World War II
- worship of the leader
- Writers
- writing