The team
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Director of publication: Christian Sapin
Editorial Committee (2021-2024)
Pierre Bonnerue
Pascale Chevalier
Noëlle Deflou-Leca (General Secretary of the editorial board)
Christian Gensbeitel
Eliana Magnani
Damien Martinez
Nicola Perreaux
Christian Sapin (Publishing Director)
Cécile Voyer
Scientific Council (2021-2024)
Guido Castelnuovo University of Avignon - France
Manuel Castiñeiras - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Spain
Pierre Chastang, University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - France
Philippe Cordez, Deutsches Forum für Kunstgeschiche Paris -Germany/France
Hélène Débax, University Toulouse 2 Le Mirail- UMR 5136 FRAMESPA - France
Jean-Marie Fritz - University of Burgundy Franche-Comté - France
Jean-Marie Guillouët, University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - UMR 6298 Artehis - France
Thierry Kouamé, University of Paris 1 - UMR 8589 LAMOP - France
Elisabeth Lorans - University of Tours - France
Pierre-Alain Mariaux - University of Neuchâtel - Switzerland
Christian Meyer, CNRS - UMR 7323 - Centre d'études supérieures de la Renaissance (Tours) - France
Joseph Morsel, University of Paris 1 - UMR 8589 LAMOP - France
Maria Cristina Pereira, Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil
Isabelle Rosé, University of Rennes II - UMR 6258 CERHIO - France
Daniel Russo, University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté - France
Editorial Committee (2017-2020)
Pierre Bonnerue
Pascale Chevalier
Claude Coupry
Noëlle Deflou-Leca (General Secretary of the editorial board)
Eliana Magnani
Daniel Russo
Christian Sapin (Publishing Director)
Cécile Voyer
Scientific Council (2017-2020)
Guido Castelnuovo, University of Avignon - France
Manuel Castiñeiras, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - Spain
Pierre Chastang, University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - France
Philippe Cordez, Institut für Kunstgeschichte - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - Germany
Hélène Débax, University Toulouse 2 Le Mirail- UMR 5136 FRAMESPA - France
Brigitte Derlon, EHESS - Laboratoire d'Anthropologie sociale - France
Leonardo Funes, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina
Jean-Marie Fritz, University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté - France
Christian Gensbeitel, University of Bordeaux - France
Judite Gonçalves de Freitas, Universidade Fernando Pessoa - Portugal
Anita Guerreau-Jalabert, CNRS - UPR 841 - IRHT (Paris) - France
Thierry Kouamé, University of Paris 1 - UMR 8589 LAMOP - France
Elisabeth Lorans, University of Tours - France
Pierre-Alain Mariaux, University of Neuchâtel - Switzerland
Christian Meyer, CNRS - ERL7229 - Centre de médiévistique Jean Schneider (Nancy) - France
Joseph Morsel, University of Paris 1 - UMR 8589 LAMOP - France
Maria Cristina Pereira, Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil
Isabelle Rosé, University of Rennes II - UMR 6258 CERHIO - France
Editorial Committee (2012-2016)
Pierre Bonnerue (Editorial Assistant)
Claude Coupry (Editorial assistant)
Noëlle Deflou-Leca (Assistant Editorial Secretary)
Marie-José Gasse-Grandjean (Responsible for the electronic edition; in charge of the online publishing)
Dominique Iogna-Prat
Eliana Magnani (General secretary of the editorial staff)
Chantal Palluet (Secretary of the editorial board; in charge of the online edition) (until 2013)
Daniel Russo
Christian Sapin (Publishing Director)
Scientific Council (2012-2016)
Pietro Baraldi, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia - Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche e Geologiche - Italy
Françoise Bechtel, University Bordeaux 3 CRPAA - IRAMAT - Institute of Research on Archaeomaterials - UMR 5060 - France
Charles Bonnet, Cantonal Archaeologist-Geneva - Switzerland
Pierre Chastang, University of Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines - France
Philippe Cordez, Institut für Kunstgeschichte - Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität - Germany
Hélène Débax, University Toulouse 2 Le Mirail- UMR 5136 FRAMESPA - France
Brigitte Derlon, EHESS - Social Anthropology Laboratory - France
Pascal Dibie, University Paris Diderot - Paris 7 - France
Isabel Cristina Ferreira Fernandes, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança - Portugal
Leonardo Funes, Universidad de Buenos Aires - Argentina
Anita Guerreau-Jalabert, CNRS - UPR 841 - IRHT (Paris) - France
Christian Meyer, CNRS - ERL7229 - Centre de médiévistique Jean Schneider (Nancy) - France
Joseph Morsel, University of Paris 1 - UMR 8589 LAMOP - France
Valentino Pace, Università degli studi di Udine - Italy
Maria Cristina Pereira, Universidade de São Paulo - Brazil
Serena Romano, University of Lausanne - Switzerland
Isabelle Rosé, University of Rennes II - UMR 6258 CERHIO - France
Laurent Schneider, CNRS - UMR 6572 - LA3M (Aix-en-Provence) – France
Denis Vernant, University of Grenoble Pierre Mendes France - France
Cécile Voyer, University of Poitiers - CESCM UMR 6233 (Poitiers) - France
Elisabeth Zadora-Rio, CNRS - UMR 7324 - CITERES-LAT (Tours) - France
Contact us
Bulletin du Centre d'études médiévales d'Auxerre (BUCEMA)
3, Place du Coche d'Eau
Tel: +33 3 86 72 06 60
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