A main source on the history of painting restoration in Russia remains a research of A. B. Aleshin, based on the archive material: Aleshin, A. B., Restavratsiya stankovoy maslyanoy zhivopisi v Rossii, Leningrad, Hudozhnik RSFSR, 1989. Important information can be also found in Levinson-Lessing, V. F. Istoriya kartinnoy galerei Ermitazha (1764-1917), Leningrad, Iskusstvo, 1985 (second edition, 1986). Few other articles related to the theme will be mentioned further.
On the history of the Imperial Hermitage Picture Gallery see Levinson-Lessing, V. F., Op.cit.
On F. Labensky see Thieme, U. et Becker, F., Allgemeines Lexikon der Bildender Künstler von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart. Bd.22. Leipzig, Veb E.A. Seemann Verlag, 1928, p.164-165. The portrait of F. Labensky by Vogel von Vogelstein is reproduced in Russkiy Bibliofil (Le Bibliophile Russe. Revue illustrée des amateurs de livres et des gravures), Saint-Pétersbourg, n.4, 1912, p. 34-35.
On Pfandzelt see Malinovsky, K. V., “Materialy po istorii khraneniya i restavratsii zhivopisi v Rossii v XVIII veke Sovetskoe iskusstvoznanie, 1982, I, p.363-382 ; Malinovsky, K.V., Khudozhestvennye svyazi Germanii i Sankt-Peterburga v XVIII veke, Saint-Petersburg, Kriga, 2007, p. 299-320; Levinson-Lessing, V. F., Op. cit., p. 44-45, 114-115, p. 280 note 154.
The State Hermitage Museum (further referred as SHM), Inv.GE 3673. Oil on copper (transferred from wooden panel), 84 x 123 cm. See “Ermitazh. Sobranie zapadnoevropeyskoy zhivopisi. Katalog. Nikulin, N. N., Nemetskaya i avstriyskaya zhivopis XV-XVIII veka”, Leningrad, Iskusstvo, 1987, p. 69, n.27.
Malinovsky, K.V., Op. cit.,1982, p. 372-373.
Malinovsky, K.V., Op. cit.,2007, p. 340-341.
SHM, Inv.34. Oil on canvas, 253,5 x 201 cm. The State Hermitage Archive (further referred as SHA), fond I, opis II, 1800, delo 5.
Petrov, P. N. (ed.), Sbornik materialov dlya istorii Imperatorskoy S.-Peterburgskoy Akademii Hudozestv za 100 let eye suschestvovaniya, Saint-Petersburg, 1864, vol.I, p. 592.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1825, delo 2, fol.10. This important report was partly cited in Stepan Artemievich Gamaloff-Tchouraïeff, “ André Mitrokhine restaurateur de tableaux à l’Ermitage Impérial “ Starye gody, April-June, 1916, p.51-66 (52-53) and in Levinson-Lessing, V. F., Op. cit.,p. 158-159.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1817, delo 9, fol.29.
A.B. Aleshin, opus cit., p.44. SHA, fond I, opis II, 1800, delo 7, 1803, delo 1, 1806, delo 5, 1807 delo 7.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1825, delo 2, fol.10, 10v. (Here and further the translations are mine – MN).
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1807, delo 13, 1809, delo 14, 1811, delo 15.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1813, delo 5, fol.3.
The painting belongs to the Museum of the Russian Academy of Arts (inv.Ж-1197). An inscription on reverse was kindly shown to me by A.B. Aleshin during the restoration of the painting.
On Mitrokhin see Gamaloff-Tchouraieff, S., Op. cit., p. 51-66 and Aleshin, A. B., Op. cit, p. 44-63.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1825, delo 2, fol.10v-11.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1817, delo 21, fol.1, an abstract was cited in Gamaloff-Tchouraieff, S., Op. cit, p. 55-56; and in Aleshin, A.B., Op.cit, p. 46-47.
Published in Malinovsky, K.V., 1982, Op.cit, p. 376, note 23.
On Russian acquisitions from the Malmaison gallery see V.F. Levinson-Lessing, Op. cit.,p. 138-143 ; Pougetoux, A., La collection de peintures de l’Impératrice Joséphine, Paris, Editions de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux, collection Notes et documents des musées de France, 2003, p. 56-57, 60-61. Babin, A., “Le Voyage Pittoresque” from Malmaison to St. Petersburg, France in Russia: Empress Josephine's Malmaison Collection, ed. by Franck Althaus, London, Fontanka, 2007, p. 25-39.
Pougetoux, A., Op. cit.,p. 34-36, 41-42.
For example, some paintings from Malmaison Gallery: David Teniers the Younger Monkeys in the kitchen (Inv.GE 568), cradled by Mitrokhin in 1824 (SHA, fond I, opis II, 1829, delo 68, fol.10), was transferred onto canvas by himself in 1842 (the inscription on reverse of the painting); Andrea del Sarto The Holy Family (Inv. GE 62), cradled by Mitrokhin in 1824 (SHA, fond I, opis II, 1829, delo 68, fol.5, 12v) was transferred onto canvas by A. Sidorov in 1866 (the inscription on reverse of the painting); Perugino (now attributed to Vincenzo Catena) Virgin and Child with Saints John the Baptist and Peter (Inv.GE 11), cradled by Mitrokhin in 1829 (SHA, fond I, opis II, 1829, delo 68, fol.4v, 13) was transferred onto canvas by Sivers in 1862 (the inscription on reverse of the painting).
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1816, delo 25, fol.3.
Gamaloff-Tchouraieff, S., Op. cit.,p. 60.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1825, delo 19, fol.53-55.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1815, delo 18, 1816, delo 6.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1829, delo 68, fol.7. Later the painting was considered a copy from an original of Raphael Madonna del divino amore (Naples, Gallery of Capodimonte). Its present whereabouts are unknown.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1817, delo 34, fol.1
On Brioschi see Allgemeines Künstler-Lexikon der bildenden Künstler aller Zeiten und Völker, München-Leipzig, K.G.Saur, 1996. Bd.14, S.248-249. In 1816 Brioschi was paid 1110 rubles for restoration of the paintings from the Malmaison Gallery under the guidance of Pirolli (SHA, fond I, opis II, 1816, delo 43). Practically nothing is known of Bencini.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1817, д.13, fol.1.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1817, delo 13, fol.3-4v.
Ibid. Some misreading of the handwriting is possible.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1829, delo 68, fol.7. The painting”Saint Barbara, considered to be a work of Andrea del Sarto, now is ascribed to Domenico Puligo” (Inv.1477, 91,7 x 69,8 cm. See “Ermitazh. Sobranie zapadnoevropeyskoy zhivopisi. Katalog. Kirilovna Kustodieva, T., Italianskaya zhivopis XIII-XVI veka”, Florence, Iskusstvo-Giunti, 1994, n.200, p.365-366). The second painting - “Rape of Hanimed” ascribed to Michelangelo, is not included in the above-mentioned catalogue, its whereabouts are unknown to me.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1817, delo 13, fol.33.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1817, delo 13, fol.37-38.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1825, delo 2, fol.11.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1819, delo 4.
Petrov, P.N., Op. cit.,vol.1, p. 568, vol.2, fol.76, 118, 124.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1819, delo 22, 26.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1819, delo 4.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1829, delo 68, fol.2-4. All were paintings from the Hermitage Gallery, some of their attributions and whereabouts are now changed.
SHM, Inv. GE 479. 189 x 254,5 cm.
For instance, when Labensky had ordered them to help Luzin to wipe a dust from paintings, the apprentices indignantly refused to obey. Labensky appealed to the Court office, but it took the side of apprentices, stating that they should study restoration and not dust the paintings. Gamaloff-Tchouraieff, S., Op. cit.,p. 59.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1825, delo 2.
SHM, Inv.GE 2273. 49,5 x 33, Kustodieva, T. K., Op. cit.,p. 217. n.115.
Petrov, P.N., Op. cit.,vol.I, p. 568, vol.II, p.148, 161, 162, 203, 207.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1825, delo 2, fol.4-5.
Petrov, P.N., Op. cit.,vol.2, p. 132, 182, 196.
On I. Marshall see SHA, fond I, opis II, 1820, delo 3, 1822. delo 2, 1823, delo 16.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1829, delo 68, fol.1,6,15, 21.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1819, delo 27, 1822, delo 9 fol.16,17.
Aleshin, A. B., op. cit., p. 60.
Aleshin, A. B., op. cit., p. 61.
On Tabuntsov see Petrov, P. N., op. cit., vol.2, p. 227, Aleshin, A. B., Op. cit.,p. 64-68. Tabuntsov was the only one restorer before Sidorov, mentioned in European literature – cfr. Marijnissen, R. H., Degradation, Conservation et restauration de l’oeuvre d’art, Bruxelles, 1967, p. 47.
SHA, fond I, opis II, 1843, delo 97.
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