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La bourgeoisie juive à Paris sous la troisième république : localisation et mobilité

Cyril Grange


To locate where the middle class component of the Jews were living in Paris during the Third Republic, a database has been created from the list of addresses reported for the marriages celebrated in the "bourgeois" synagogues of the rue de la Victoire and the rue Buffault between 1875 and 1940. There are 1094 entries giving the administrative district and the local neighborhood. The administrative districts traditionally chosen by all Jews were the third and the fourth arrondissements. However, they were quickly deserted by the middle classes, who were trying to leave areas too much connected with Jewish identity. Consequently, the Jews didn't remain established in these parts of the city. The Jewish middle class preferred to live on the Right Bank rather than on the Left Bank. In the residential evolution, the first step was the ninth arrondissement -especially the northern part- and the eighth. The main direction adopted was west and southwest, which means that the seventeenth, and above all the sixteenth, became the principal Jewish administrative districts. This residential choice was influenced more by social position than by denominational affiliation. The study of birthplaces and occupations provides an opportunity to analyze residential trends by administrative district. This approach draws on geographical origin and the professional specialization.

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XIXe siècle, XXe siècle
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Electronic reference

Cyril Grange, “La bourgeoisie juive à Paris sous la troisième république : localisation et mobilité”Cahiers d'histoire [Online], 44-4 | 1999, Online since , connection on 08 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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About the author

Cyril Grange

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