Aux sources de l'univers magico-religieux martiniquais : esclavage et phobie des sorciers
In Martinique, in the decades preceeding the abolition of slavery, all social groups feared the curses and hexes that could be directed their way : The colonists feared poisoning by "niggers" ; slaves and freedmen were menaced by threatening pragical practices. Indeed, the Catholic Churh claimed to protect them, but the intervention of a witch doctor was often preferred. Martinique appeared to have been a melting pot of magic and religion.
Electronic reference
Philippe Delisle, “Aux sources de l'univers magico-religieux martiniquais : esclavage et phobie des sorciers”, Cahiers d'histoire [Online], 41-1 | 1996, Online since , connection on 16 October 2024. URL:; DOI:
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