Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Schlagwortindex
- abolition
- abolition politics
- abolitionism
- abolitionnism
- academic deontology
- academic freedom
- accountability
- activation.
- activism
- actuarial instruments
- adaptation
- addictology
- administration of criminal justice
- administrative case law jurisprudence
- administrative databases
- administrative detention
- adolescence
- aesthetic experience
- aesthetic experiences
- Africa
- african american
- age
- alcohol
- algorithms
- alternative justice
- alternative parenthood
- alternative punishment
- alternative Strafe
- alternatives to criminal prosecution
- alternatives to pre-trial detention
- alternatives to pretrial detention
- amicable settlement
- amnesties
- anarchism
- animal welfare
- animator posture
- anthropology
- anti-colonialism
- anti-crime brigade
- anti-francoism
- anti-migrants’ mobilisations
- anti-money laundering
- anti-prison activism
- antiterrorism
- architecture
- archives
- armed struggle
- art
- artistic and cultural education
- asbestos
- assessment
- attitudes
- audiences
- Australia
- autoethnographic work
- autononomy
- camp
- camps
- Canada
- Canada.
- carceral geography
- carceral PTSD
- carceral space
- Care
- care
- career
- careers
- cell
- Chad
- Chicago school
- Chicago School
- child sexual abuse
- Children
- children
- chilling effects
- circulation
- circulations
- citizen-detectives
- citizenship
- civil law
- civil liberties
- civil society
- classification
- clients
- Clinical Criminology
- Closed Educational Center
- co-employer
- coercion tools
- collective action
- colonialism
- colony
- commitment
- community court
- community organizations
- Community Policing
- community service order
- community supervision
- comparative law
- compliance
- compulsory care
- conceptual history
- concerted action
- conditional release
- Conditional Release (Parole)
- confinement
- conflicts
- conformity
- consent
- conspiracies
- conspiracism
- conspiracy theories
- constitutional rights
- constraint
- contestation
- contestations
- contractualization
- Control
- control
- control of intelligence services
- controversy
- Controversy
- convict
- convicted
- convicted offenders
- conviction
- coordination of activists
- corporate crime
- corporate victim
- correctional services
- corrections
- corruption
- Council of Europe
- counterinsurgency
- Crédit Lyonnais
- Crime
- crime
- crime control
- crimes against humanity
- criminal defense lawyers
- criminal geography
- criminal insanity
- criminal justice
- criminal justice experience
- criminal justice policy
- criminal justice policy evaluation
- criminal justice system
- criminal labour law
- criminal law
- Criminal Law System
- criminal policy
- criminal record
- criminal trial
- criminal women
- criminalisation
- criminality
- criminalization
- Criminalization
- criminalization of solidarity
- Criminological Theories
- criminology
- Criminology
- Criminology – France – Canada – Pluridisciplinarity – History of Science
- crimmigration
- critical gerontology
- critical legal studies
- critical reflective practice
- criticism
- cultural actions
- cultural anthropology
- cultural criminology
- culture
- curfew
- cyber defense
- cyber security
- cyber-crime
- cybercrime
- Cyprus
- Dangerousness
- dangerousness
- data analysis
- data banks
- dating violence
- decision making
- decision-making
- decolonization
- deconstruction
- decriminalization
- definition
- deliberation secrecy
- delinquency
- delinquent career
- denunciation
- depenalization
- depolicing
- deprivation
- design
- desistance
- detention
- detention center
- deviance
- Deviance
- digital
- digital confinement
- dirty money
- Dirty money
- disadvantaged urban areas
- disciplinary law
- disciplinary measures
- discipline
- discourse
- discourses
- Discourses
- discretion
- discretionary power
- discrimination
- dispositifs
- dissident opinion
- diversion
- domestic violence
- domination
- Dreyfus affair
- drug use
- drugs
- economic and financial crime
- economic conjuncture
- educative action
- electronic monitoring
- elites
- embodiment
- emergency legislation
- emerging adulthood
- emotion
- emotional difficulties
- emotionality in education
- emotions
- enforcement
- environment
- environmental movement
- epistemology
- ethical dilemmas
- ethics
- ethno-territorialization
- ethnographic approach
- ethnography
- ethnology
- Eugenics
- European criminal law
- european migration policy
- European rule of law
- European Union
- Europol Agency
- evaluation
- evidence
- experience
- experiences
- experiential learning
- expertise
- Expertise
- extremism
- familialism
- family
- family history
- family immigration
- family policy
- family reunification
- far-left movements
- fatherhood
- fear of crime
- fear rationale
- feeling of carcerality
- feminism
- feminist movement
- feminist perspectives on law
- festivals
- field placement in criminology
- field theory
- finance
- financial crime
- financial intelligence unit
- financial market regulation
- fines
- flow-management
- force
- foreign inmates
- foreigners
- former inmate
- former Yugoslavia
- Foucault
- fractal distinction
- fragility
- framing
- France
- france.
- fraud
- French-UK border
- fundamental rights
- Gefängnis
- gender
- Gender
- gender and gender relations
- gender norms
- gender performance
- gender-based violence
- genesis
- genetic fingerprinting
- genocide
- Global Mobility
- Global Risk Professionals
- global safety
- governement
- governmental rationalities
- governmentality
- Governmentality
- graffiti
- graph
- Greece
- green criminology
- group analysis method
- group programs
- identity
- illegal aliens
- illegalisms
- illegalities
- illegality
- imbrication
- immediate trial appearance
- immigration
- immigration detention
- immigration policy
- implementation
- imprisonment
- impunity; illegal practices
- in-house safety departments
- incarceration
- incest
- Indigenous healing
- indiscipline
- individualization
- industrial espionage
- inequalities
- inequality
- inhabitants
- inmate
- inmates’ relatives
- innovation
- inpatient civil commitment
- inquests
- insertion
- insider trading
- insider’s gaze
- institution
- institutional reconfigurations
- institutionalization
- institutionalized social information
- institutions
- instrumentalization of rape
- instruments
- intellectuals
- intelligence
- intelligence services
- intelligence studies
- intelligence-led policing
- interdisciplinarity
- intermediate sentences
- internal security
- international criminal court
- international criminal iustice
- international criminal justice
- international criminal law
- internationalization
- Internet
- intimate partner violence
- investigating judge
- investigation
- investigative judge
- Iparretarrak
- irregular aliens
- Irregular worker
- islamophobia
- isolation
- IT architecture
- Italy
- Jacques Chirac
- jails
- Jean-Paul Brodeur
- judges
- judge’s office
- Judgment of punishment
- judicial décision-making
- judicial discrimination
- judicial discriminations
- judicial field
- judicial practices
- Judicial sociology
- judicial system
- judicial youth protection
- judicialization
- justice
- justice system
- justices of the peace
- justification
- juvenile court judges
- juvenile criminal justice
- juvenile delinquency
- juvenile detention
- juvenile judge
- Juvenile justice
- juvenile justice
- juvenile Justice
- juvenile justice system
- juvenile justice.
- juvenile offenders
- Labour Inspection
- Labour migration
- labour prosecutor
- Language
- large companies
- large gatherings
- law
- law and legal rights.
- law and order
- law and social movement
- law and sociology
- law as a language
- layoff
- leaving prison
- legal field
- legal mobilizations
- legal personality
- legal pluralism
- Legal youth protection
- legislation
- legitimate self-defence
- legitimation
- library
- life history
- life history calendar
- listing
- literary creation
- literature
- lived experiences
- local politics
- long prison termes
- long sentences
- long term sentences
- love technologies
- Luhmann
- maison d’éducation de Vennes
- Malta
- management
- managerial justice
- managerialization
- marital rape
- market manipulation
- masculinities
- masculinity
- mass imprisonment
- material culture
- maximal security
- May 68
- mediation
- Mediation
- medical discourse
- medicalization
- Megan’s Law
- Memory
- mental disorder
- mental health
- mental health court
- mental illness
- mentally disordered offenders
- methodology
- methods
- Mexico
- migrant careers
- migrants
- migrants detention
- migrants on the move
- migration
- migration management
- migration policy
- migrations
- military defense
- Ministry of Culture
- Ministry of Justice
- minors
- misdemeanors
- misery of position
- mobbing
- mobilisations
- mobility
- mobilizations
- Modalities for Sentence-Serving (the Execution of Sentence)
- modalities for the execution of sentence
- modern penal rationality
- Modern Penal Rationality
- money laundering
- Montreal
- Montreal Youth Centers
- morality
- morals
- mother and baby units
- motherhood
- multiorganizational field
- multiple forms of paternity
- Multiple offences
- multiples offences
- museum
- pain
- Pandemics
- paranoia
- parenthood
- Paris
- Parliament
- Parliamentary Intelligence Delegation
- parole
- Parole.
- Participant observation
- participant observation
- participation
- partner’s violence
- penal
- penal abolition
- penal abolitionism
- penal innovation
- Penal Innovation
- penal institutions
- penal justice
- penal justice system
- penal measures and penalties
- penal policy
- penal populism
- penal reform
- penal repression
- penal sentencing
- penal socio-demographic sciences.
- penal system
- penalties and security measures
- penalty
- penitentiairy theories
- penitentiary
- Penitentiary Service of Insertion and Probation (SPIP)
- penitentiary service of insertion and probation (SPIP)
- penology
- perception of professionals
- performance
- Perpetrators
- Peru
- philanthropy
- philosophy
- piracy
- place
- play
- plea bargaining
- plot
- plural approach
- Police
- police
- police brutality
- police databases
- police legal lawlessness
- police misconduct
- police practices
- police violence
- police work
- police-issued penalty notice
- policing
- policy
- policy of figures
- Political Incarceration
- political policing
- political prison
- political prisoners
- political programming
- political repression
- political transition
- political violence
- politics
- poor urban areas
- popular justice
- populism
- porosity
- post-conflict rape
- post-custodial supervision
- post-sentencing
- postcolonialism
- poverty
- power
- power relations
- practical professional practice
- practice
- pre-trial detention
- precarity
- prediction of victimization
- prediction table
- predictive policing
- presumption of innocence
- pretrial detention
- prevention
- priority education
- prison
- Prison
- prison administration
- prison architecture
- prison authorities
- prison cell
- prison construction
- prison demography
- Prison Demography
- prison economy
- prison environment
- prison experience
- prison guard
- prison hierarchies
- prison labour
- prison normalisation
- prison officers
- prison policies
- prison population inflation
- Prison Population Inflation.
- prison rules
- prison trajectories
- prison-based animal programs
- prisoners
- prisoners’ rights movements
- prisons
- privacy
- privacy rights
- private policing
- private security
- private security sector
- privatization
- probation
- probation judges
- probation officer
- problematic acts
- production chain
- production of criminological knowledge
- profession
- professional expertise
- professional ideologies
- professional incorporation
- professional judgment
- professional perspective
- professional practices
- professional skills
- professional specialization
- prohibition
- prostitution
- protection
- protection of society
- protection strategies
- protests
- prudentialism
- psychiatric expertise
- psychiatric expertises
- psychiatric treatment order to offenders with mental disorders
- psychiatry
- Psychiatry and Psychology
- psychological distress
- psychologization
- public action
- public housing
- public management
- public opinion
- public policy
- public politics
- public problem
- public prosecutors
- public safety
- public space
- public-private partnership
- public-private policing
- punishment
- Punitive Turn
- punitive turn
- race
- race relations
- racial discrimination
- racism
- radicalization
- rapid procedure
- rationalities
- rationality
- rationalization
- re-offending risks
- reading
- real utopia
- Recidivism
- recidivism
- recidivism prevention programs
- recidivism.
- recognition
- regulation
- rehabilitation
- reintegration measures
- relatedness
- relations in prison
- religion
- religion and criminal law
- religious discourse
- religious/religion
- remand
- remorse
- removal
- reoffending
- repeat offences
- repeat victimization
- repeat victimization.
- representations
- repression
- Republic
- Republic of Ireland
- research policies
- resilience
- resistance
- Resistance to change
- resort to law
- responsabilization
- Response to crime
- responsibility
- restorative justice
- reversible arguments
- revolt
- revolving door
- right to truth
- riot
- riots
- risk
- risk evaluation instruments
- risk management
- risk society
- risk-management
- risks
- rule of law
- rumors
- Russia
- Rwanda
- safety
- safety manager
- safety measures
- São Paulo
- Satellite monitoring of offenders
- scandal
- Schengen visas
- school
- school disorder
- school problems
- secondary adaptations
- secondary adjustments
- secondary criminalization
- secondary schools
- secondary traumatic stress
- secret
- sectarian drift
- secularization
- securitization
- security
- Security
- security detention
- security devices
- security markets
- security occupations
- security state
- self-description
- self-empowerment
- self-entrepreneurship
- sentences
- sentencing
- separation of powers
- sex
- sex crime
- sex offenders
- sex work
- sexist affront
- sexual health
- sexual offenders
- sexual violence
- sexualities
- sexuality
- shame
- Significance of victimation
- Situation crime prevention
- situational crime prevention
- Situational crime prevention
- slavery
- smuggling
- soccer
- social climate
- social control
- social control of women
- social crime prevention
- social elites
- social housing
- social inspections
- social interactions
- social policy
- social practice
- social problem
- social regulation
- social representation
- social representations
- social sciences
- social simulation
- social structures
- social supply
- social trajectories
- social work
- Social/Penal State
- socialization
- Société Générale
- socio-historical analysis
- socio-history
- sociohistorical approach
- sociology
- Sociology
- sociology of law
- Sociology of Police
- sociology of professions
- sovereignty
- space
- spaces
- spaces of appearance
- spaces of disappearance
- Spain
- spatial governmentality
- specialised agency
- specialist forensic psychiatry
- specialization
- speech
- spiral of dating violence
- spirituality
- stage of siege
- staging
- State
- state
- state building capacities
- state councel’s office
- state of emergency
- state of the art
- statistical modeling
- statistical modelling
- statistics
- Stephen Harper
- stigma
- stock market illegalisms
- stop and search
- strafrechtliche Maβnahmen und Sanktionen
- strafrechtliche Soziodemographie
- strafrechtliche Soziodemographie.
- strategies of resistance
- street children and youth
- street gangs
- street harassment
- street justice
- street youth
- street-level bureaucrats
- stress
- struggle
- students
- subjectivation
- substantial law
- subversion
- suicide
- surveillance
- surveys
- Susa Valley
- suspicion
- suspicious activity report
- Sutherland
- Sutherland (Edwin)
- Swiss Criminal Code
- Switzerland
- symbolic capital
- symbolic function of law
- symmetry of violence
- system theory
- systems theory
- tactics
- tax illegalisms
- technology
- technosolutionism
- temporality
- temporary exhibition
- terrorism
- the ‘Bruay-en-Artois’ affair
- theatre
- theoretical models
- theories of punishment
- theory of policing
- therapeutic jurisprudence
- therapeutic state
- therapy incitement
- therapy ordered by a judge
- third world approaches
- tinkering
- torture
- trafficking in persons
- transformative justice
- transitional Justice
- transitional justice
- transnational institutions.
- transnational norms
- Transnational Security Consultancy
- transportation
- Treatment
- treatment
- trust
- truth and reconciliation commission
- truth-commission
- TV programs
- vandalism
- Vaud
- victim association
- victimization path
- victimization surveys
- victims
- Victims
- video monitoring
- vigilantism
- vindicatory model
- violence
- Violence
- violence toward intimate partner
- violent extremism
- virtual identity
- virtualization of punishment
- visibility
- visit
- visiting room in prison
- visiting rooms
- visitors
- vulnerability