Guidelines for Authors
Haut de page1. Submitting a Manuscript
Champ pénal/Penal field publishes bilingual (French/English) contributions. These may consist of:
Articles submitted as part of a thematic dossier (see 6. Submitting a Dossier Proposal);
Self-contained articles – i.e. not part of a dossier;
Book reviews.
Manuscripts should be submitted to Champ pénal/Penal field electronically. Please email your contribution as an attachment in *.doc format to:
The length of contributions is measured in characters. Expected length, including spaces, footnotes, and references, should not exceed:
75,000 characters for an article
15,000 characters for a book review
Only original, previously unpublished materials should be submitted. Authors agree not to submit their articles to another journal during Champ pénal/Penal field’s review process and pending the decision of the Editorial committee.
2. Procedure for Anonymization
In order to ensure that articles are reviewed anonymously, authors should send in two files, which must include:
File 1: title; name; contact details (both post and electronic addresses); institutional affiliation
File 2: title; 500-character abstract; three to five lowercase, comma-separated keywords; article; footnotes; references
Please supply the title, abstract, and keywords in both French and English if possible.
No information or reference that may help identify the author should appear either in the manuscript itself or the properties of the electronic file. The author’s own works should be referenced as (Author, date) within the body of the text and removed from the References section.
3. General Formatting
3.1. Typesetting
Since articles are meant to be published online, the following should be avoided:
text formatting – with the exception of italics;
first-line paragraph indentation by means of a tabulation;
empty line or paragraph breaks within the same section.
Font: use 12-point Times New Roman throughout. Headings and subheadings should be numbered according to international standards: 1.; 1.1.; 1.1.1.; including the introduction, methodology and conclusion, and not exceeding three levels.
Headings and subheadings should not feature footnote callouts. In the online version, acknowledgements will be included as an author’s note.
Acronyms and initialisms should be spelled out when they first appear in the text.
Italics should be used only for:
Book, journal, and periodical titles;
Latin words (except “etc.”) and foreign words that are not an integral part of the language used for the article;
Emphasizing a word or short passage.
3.2. Quotations, Interviews, and Dialogues
Short quotations:
Use quotations marks but do not italicize, and insert reference in parentheses after the quotation.
Use double quotation marks (" "), and single quotation marks (' ') for an embedded quotation.
Long quotations (exceeding three lines):
These should be included in a separate, indented paragraph, as would be the case with an interview.
Foreign-language quotations:
When translating from another language, the author should specify in square brackets: [my translation].
Excerpts from interviews:
No quotation marks, no italics, indented paragraph, author or excerpted material should be mentioned in parentheses under the excerpt
Square brackets should be used to insert comments by the author, and to signal added, omitted, or altered words: [ ]
Omitted words or passages should be marked by an ellipsis in square brackets: […]
No quotation marks, no italics, indented paragraph. Use the em dash: –
The speaker should be mentioned after the dash, in square brackets: – [speaker]
Author or excerpted material should be mentioned in parentheses under the dialogue
3.3. Notes
Use footnotes as opposed to endnotes, numbered sequentially using superscript callouts.
Footnotes should be reserved for brief comments or comparisons, or to mention relevant URLs. They should not include bibliographical references.
Comments and glosses that are considered too long for a footnote may be included as a text box.
4. Tables and Figures
Tables should be numbered using Roman numerals (Table I), and figures using Arabic numerals (Figure 1; Chart 2; Map 3). They should be titled, and a callout should be inserted in the text.
Tables should be submitted in MS Word format, and should neither be anchored nor formatted. Dense or complex tables may be included as figures (images).
Images should be sent separately in either JPG or PNG format (150 DPI resolution; minimum width: 480px). They should be clearly readable online and the source should be precisely referenced.
In compliance with copyright laws, previously-published tables or figures cannot be accepted without a written authorization from the copyright owner (author, publisher, museum, etc.). Requesting this authorization is the sole responsibility of the author, who shall bear the relevant costs, if applicable.
5. References
Only literature that has been used when writing the article – i.e. sources – should be quoted in the References section. All included references must have been quoted in the text, and conversely, all sources must be referenced.
Within the text, sources should be referenced in parentheses, as follows: (Tarde, 1895); (Chauveau, Malandin, 2009) – with three or more authors: (Tarde et al., 1895).
When referencing a quotation, page numbers should be mentioned: (Brodeur, 1983, 507). In case several references from the same author were published the same year, then: (Tarde, 1895a, 1895b).
Please note that “et al.” should only be used within the text for references with three or more authors. The reference section, regardless of the number of authors, should list every author.
At the end of the article, under the References heading, the list of references is arranged alphabetically by author name, and then chronologically (earliest references should be listed first).
To supplement the References section proper (sources), the author may choose to include an “Additional References” section.
References should be formatted and punctuated as follows:
Article in a Periodical
Lechien M.-H., 2001, L’impensé d’une réforme pénitentiaire, Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales, 136-137, 15-26.
Brodeur J.-P., 1983, High Policing and Low Policing: Remarks About the Policing of Political Activities, Social Problems, 30, 5, 507-520.
Periodical - Special Issue
Amicelle A., Nagels C. (dir.), 2018, Numéro spécial « Les arbitres de l'illégalisme : nouveau regard sur les manières de faire du contrôle social », Champ pénal/Penal field, XV, [en ligne]
Electronic Publication
Gautron V., 2014, L’impact des préoccupations managériales sur l’administration locale de la justice pénale française, Champ pénal/Penal field, XI, [en ligne], DOI 10.4000/champpenal.8715.
Please include DOI whenever possible
Bourgois P., 2001, En quête de respect. Le crack à New-York, Paris, Seuil.
Porter T., 1997, Trust in Numbers. The Pursuit of Objectivity in Science and Public Life, Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Date of first publication may be mentioned in square brackets, after the publisher: [1st edition 1970].
Collective Work
Mucchielli L. (dir.), 2008, La frénésie sécuritaire. Retour à l'ordre et nouveau contrôle social, Paris, La Découverte.
Oberwittler D., Roché S. (Eds.), 2018, Police-Citizen Relations Across the World. Comparing Sources and Contexts of Trust and Legitimacy, Abingdon, Routledge.
Book Chapter
Guignard L., 2009, L’irresponsabilité pénale féminine et la figure de la femme folle, in Chauvaud F., Malandain G. (dir.), Impossibles victimes, impossibles coupables, Rennes, PUR, 109-120.
Zedner L., 2007, Seeking Security by Eroding Rights: The Side-Stepping of Due Process, in Lazarus L., Goold B. (Eds.), Security and Human Rights, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 257-276.
Thesis, Habilitation, Report, Conference Proceedings
Morelle M., 2013, La prison et la ville, mémoire d'Habilitation à diriger des recherches en géographie, sous la direction de Gervais-Lombony P., Paris, université Paris 1.
Razac O., 2010, Le placement sous surveillance électronique mobile : un nouveau modèle pénal ?, Rapport de recherche, Agen, Cirap-Enap.
6. Submitting a Dossier Proposal
Dossier proposals should include:
A short presentation of the chosen theme, discussed over two or three pages
An abstract for each article
A brief presentation of each author (name, first name, affiliation)
An introduction
At least five published articles (75,000 characters each, including spaces, notes, and references)
A summaryof the dossier presention in French or English
An illustration – either copyright-free or whose copyright has been secured
Each article in the dossier must comply with the submission and presentation rules laid out in the journal’s Guidelines for authors.
7. Publication
Authors shall be informed of their contribution’s online publication date.