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HomeIssues2008/1Special Feature: Sports and PoliticsSport, Maoism and the Beijing Oly...

Special Feature: Sports and Politics

Sport, Maoism and the Beijing Olympics

One Century One Ideology
Dong-Jhy Hwang and Li-Ke Chang
p. 4-17


The development of sports in China since the 19th nineteenth century has been influenced to varying degrees by imperialism, nationalism, Maoism, and postcolonial thinking. This paper explores these ideologies and political practices connected with sport during this time from three angles: Mao’s early thought thinking on regarding physical culture and sport; the development of sports under Mao’s socialism and the Cultural Revolution; and China’s breakthrough in the post-Mao era. In sum, sport remains connected over time with the idea of « imagined Olympians » and of a response to the « Sick Man complex. » TFinally, he advent of postcolonial thought has opened the possibility of more diverse understandings of sports in China.

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Bibliographical reference

Dong-Jhy Hwang and Li-Ke Chang, “Sport, Maoism and the Beijing Olympics”China Perspectives, 2008/1 | 2008, 4-17.

Electronic reference

Dong-Jhy Hwang and Li-Ke Chang, “Sport, Maoism and the Beijing Olympics”China Perspectives [Online], 2008/1 | 2008, Online since 01 January 2011, connection on 09 October 2024. URL:; DOI:

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