The Impact of the June 4th Massacre on the pro-Democracy Movement
The Chinese pro-democracy movement crushed by the People’s Liberation Army on 4 June 1989 was preceded by many protests by intellectuals. The crackdown deprived the democrats of their protectors in the Party, and forced them to change strategies. Unable to organise large-scale demonstrations, dissidents launched petitions demanding respect for human rights and reversal of the official verdict on June 4th. They were joined by the Tiananmen Mothers, who became a new force in the pro-democracy movement. Yet, China’s democracy activists remain largely isolated from the rest of society.
Bibliographical reference
Jean-Philippe Béja and Merle Goldman, “The Impact of the June 4th Massacre on the pro-Democracy Movement”, China Perspectives, 2009/2 | 2009, 18-28.
Electronic reference
Jean-Philippe Béja and Merle Goldman, “The Impact of the June 4th Massacre on the pro-Democracy Movement”, China Perspectives [Online], 2009/2 | 2009, Online since 01 June 2011, connection on 04 October 2024. URL:; DOI:
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