61 | september-october 2005
International relations
China’s Presence in Africa [Texto completo]
The New Chinese Immigration to Japan [Texto completo]Between mobility and integration
Chinese engineers and information technology in Japan [Texto completo]On-line work and the rise of virtual migration
The Rise of Social Movements Among Migrant Workers [Texto completo]Uncertain strivings for autonomy
The case of the district of Weicheng, in the city of Xianyang, Shaanxi province
Book Reviews
Linda Wong, Lynn White and Gui Shixun (eds.), Social Policy Reform in Hong Kong and Shanghai. A Tale of Two Cities [Texto completo]Armonk (N.Y.), London, M.E. Sharpe, 2004, 292 p.
Zhao Suisheng, A Nation-State by Construction. Dynamics of Modern Chinese Nationalism [Texto completo]Stanford (California), Stanford University Press, 2004, XIII + 355 p.
Xu Guoqi, China and The Great War. China’s Pursuit of a New National Identity and Internationalization [Texto completo]Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2005, 316 p.
Maria Hsia Chang, Falungong, secte chinoise, Un défi au pouvoir [Texto completo]Paris, CERI/Autrement, 2004, 181 p.
Lu Xun, Errances (Wandering) [Texto completo]scholarly edition by Sébastian Veg, Paris, Editions Rue d’Ulm, 2004, 352 p.
Randall Peerenboom (ed.), Asian Discourses of Rule of Law, Theories and Implementation of Rule of Law in Twelve Asian Countries, France and the US [Texto completo]London, New York, Routledge Curzon, 2004, 479 p.
Martin Edmonds and Michael M. Tsai (eds.), Defending Taiwan. The Future Vision of Taiwan’s Defence Policy and Military Strategy [Texto completo]London, New York, RoutledgeCurzon, 2003, 284 p.