2012/2 | 2012
Mao Today: A Political Icon for an Age of Prosperity
Special Feature: Mao Today: A Political Icon for an Age of Prosperity
Edited by Sebastian Veg-
Editorial [Full text]
Red Allure and the Crimson Blindfold [Full text]
Propaganda and Pastiche [Full text]Visions of Mao in Founding of a Republic, Beginning of the Great Revival, and Let the Bullets Fly
Worship, Reflection, Empirical Research [Full text]My Mao Zedong Trilogy
A New Generation of Taiwanese at the Ballot Box [Full text]Young voters and the presidential election of January 2012
Current Affairs
CEFC News Analysis
Beijing’s Visible Hand [Full text]Power struggles and media meddling in the Hong Kong chief executive election
China Analysis
The “Guangdong model”: Towards real NGOs? [Full text]
Book Reviews
Edited by Aurore Merle-
Sebastian Veg, Fictions du pouvoir chinois : Littérature, modernisme et démocratie au début du XXe siècle [Full text]Paris, Éditions de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2009, 384 pp.
Bochum/Freiburg, Projekt verlag, 2011, 122 pp.
Nanlai Cao, Constructing China's Jerusalem: Christians, Power and Place in the City of Wenzhou [Full text]Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2010, 232 pp.
Hong Kong University Press 2011, 241 pp.
Sandrine Marchand, Sur le fil de la mémoire : littérature taïwanaise des années 1970-1990 [Full text]Lyon, Tigre de Papier, 2009, 390 pp.
Paris, You Feng, 2011, 680 pp.