2012/1 | 2012
China’s WTO Decade
Recollection: Élisabeth Allès (1952-2012) [Full text]
Special feature: China's WTO Decade
Edited by Leïla Choukroune-
Éditorial [Full text]
China and the WTO Dispute Settlement System [Full text]The Global Trade Lawyer and the State Capitalist
A lawyer’s view of a decade of WTO membership and legal reforms
Food Safety in China [Full text]Implications of Accession to the WTO
China and the WTO Dispute Settlement System [Full text]The Global Trade Lawyer and the State Capitalist
China's Participation in WTO Negotiations [Full text]
Current Affairs
China Analysis
Review Essay
Wu He, Les Survivants (The Survivors), trans. Esther Lin-Rosolato and Emmanuelle Péchenart, Arles, Actes Sud, 2011, 300 pp.
Book Reviews
Edited by Aurore Merle-
Liu Xiaobo, La philosophie du porc et autres essais (The Philosophy of the Pig and Other Essays) [Full text]translated from the Chinese, texts selected and presented by Jean-Philippe Béja, preface by Vaclav Havel, Paris, Gallimard, 2011, 518 pp.
Basingstoke/Oxford, Picador, 2011, 458 pp.
Jie Chen and Bruce J. Dickson, Allies of the State. China’s Private Entrepreneurs and Democratic Change [Full text]Cambridge (MA), Harvard University Press, 2010, 220 pp.
Zha Jianying, Tide Players [Full text]New York, The New Press, 2011, 228 pp.