
Electronic reference

Jean-Pierre Cabestan, ““Chinafrique, avez-vous dit?” (Chinafrica, did you say?), Outre-Terre / Jean-Joseph Boillot and Stanislas Dembinski, Chindiafrique. La Chine, l’Inde et l’Afrique feront le monde de demain (Chindiafrica: China, India, and Africa will shape tomorrow’s world)”, China Perspectives [Online], 2013/2 | 2013, Online since 01 June 2013, connection on 16 April 2024. URL: ; DOI:

Bibliographical reference

Jean-Pierre Cabestan, ““Chinafrique, avez-vous dit?” (Chinafrica, did you say?), Outre-Terre / Jean-Joseph Boillot and Stanislas Dembinski, Chindiafrique. La Chine, l’Inde et l’Afrique feront le monde de demain (Chindiafrica: China, India, and Africa will shape tomorrow’s world)”, China Perspectives, 2013/2 | 2013, 85-86.