2016/4 | 2016
The Health System and Access to Healthcare in China
Special feature
Edited by Carine Milcent-
Editorial [Full text]
The Lost Generation [Full text]“Barefoot Doctors” in Post-reform China
The Hippocratic Dilemmas [Full text]Guanxi and Professional Work in Hospital Care in China
Evolution of the Health System [Full text]Inefficiency, Violence, and Digital Healthcare
The Role of Health Professionals within a Social Model of Health
Understanding Hong Kong’s Pro-democratic Umbrella Movement through YouTube Music Videos
Living in the City [Full text]The Identity Strategies of Schoolchildren in an Urban Setting Confronted by the Stigma of Being “Children of Nongmingong”
Current affairs
Whom to Trust When Sick? [Full text]The Wei Zexi Incident, the Chinese Internet and the Healthcare System in China
Review Essay
Book Reviews
Hong Kong, HKU Press, 2016, 193 pp.
François Gipouloux (ed.), China’s Urban Century: Governance, Environment and Socio-Economic Imperatives, [Full text]Cheltenham, UK, Northampton, MA, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2015, 287 pp.
Honolulu,University of Hawai’i Press,2016, xxvi, 236 pp.
David Shambaugh, China’s Future, [Full text]Cambridge, UK, Malden, MA, Polity Press, 2016, 224 pp.