52 | march-april 2004
In Peking, a group of sociologists at Tsinghua University are proposing a new course of research
What Future for Public Intellectuals? [Full text]The specialisation of knowledge, the commercialisation of culture and the emergence of post-modernism characterise China in the 1990s
The Professional Reintegration of the “Xiagang” [Full text]A survey in Liaoning province underscores the importance of vocational training courses
Politics: Macao
Public Sector Reform in Macao After the Handover [Full text]
International Relations
Border Disputes between China and North Korea [Full text]
Book reviews
New York, Basic Books, 2003, 384 p.
David M. Lampton (ed.), The Making of Chinese Foreign and Security Policy in the Era of Reform, 1978-2000 [Full text]Stanford, Ca., Stanford University Press, 2001, 508 p.
Bo Zhiyue, Chinese Provincial Leaders: Economic Performance and Political Mobility since 1949 [Full text]M.E. Sharpe, Armonk, New York 2002, 183 pp.
Taipei, Les éditions du Pigeonnier, 2001, 191 p.
Iredale Robyn, Bilik Naran and Guo Fei (eds.), China’s Minorities on the Move. Selected Case Studies [Full text]Armonk, New York, London, M.E. Sharpe, 2003, 183 p.
Australia, Allen and Unwin, 2002, 470 p.
Presses universitaires d’Aix-Marseille, 2002, 287 p.