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International Conference on the History of Violence

p. 133

An international conference on the history of violence is being planned for the first week of July 2001 (5-7 July), to be held in Liverpool. Sponsored by the ESRC Violence Research Programme this conference aims to explore all forms of interpersonal violence since Early Modern times, and it is anticipated that contributions will cover a wide range of societies and cultures.

Violence, as a subject of scholarly enquiry, has expanded in recent years and it is intended that this conference reflects this by providing a forum to cover many themes : particular areas of interest may relate to gender, the young, as victims and perpetrators, ethnicity, attitudes towards violence, everyday forms of violence, political violence, state-sponsored violence, punishing violence, historical representations through literature and the press, the problems of methodology, definition and measuring violence and the contributions which modern criminological perspectives can make to history.

Calls for papers will go out later in the year but interested colleagues, enquiries from postgraduates will be particularly welcomed, who wish to be placed on the mailing list and /or offer suggestions and proposals please contact John Archer :

e-mail address :,

or History Dept,

Edge Hill College of Higher Education,

St Helens Rd, Ormskirk, L39 4QP ;

or Andrew Davies,

e-mail :,

or School of History,

11 Abercromby Square,

University of Liverpool,

Liverpool, L69 3BX.

Anyone wishing to submit a proposal for a paper (200 words), please send to one of the above contacts by 1 February 2001.

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