Les revues
Haut de pageArts Asiatiques
Arts asiatiques a repris la tâche qu’avait assumée la Revue des Arts asiatiques, fondée en 1924. Après une interruption due à la deuxième guerre mondiale, cette revue a repris, sous l’égide des Musées Guimet et Cernuschi, son rôle d’information. Arts asiatiques fait paraître chaque année, sans périodicité, des recueils d’articles de fond, largement illustrés, sur des questions d’archéologie et d’art de l’Asie, ainsi qu’une chronique et des comptes rendus.
Arts asiatiques est disponible de 1962 à 2005 sur Persée.
Asian Ethnology
Asian Ethnology seeks to deepen understanding and further the pursuit of knowledge about the peoples and cultures of Asia. We wish to facilitate intellectual exchange between Asia and the rest of the world, and particularly welcome submissions from scholars based in Asia. The journal presents formal essays and analyses, research reports, and critical book reviews relating to a wide range of topical categories, including:
narratives, performances, and other forms of cultural representation
popular religious concepts
vernacular approaches to health and healing
local knowledge
collective memory and uses of the past
ecological issues
cultural transformations in diasporas
transnational flows
material culture
Asian Ethnology is registered as an Open Access Journal.
Asian Ethnology is a peer-reviewed journal dedicated to the promotion of scholarly research on the peoples and cultures of Asia. It began in China as Folklore Studies in 1942 and is now published semi-annually at Nanzan University in Japan.
Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient
Le Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient (BEFEO) publie annuellement des travaux scientifiques portant sur l’Asie, en français ou en anglais, dans tous les domaines des sciences humaines et sociales. C’est l’une des revues les plus anciennes dans le champ des études asiatiques.
Le BEFEO est disponible sur Persée de 1901 à 2003.
Bulletin of the Nanzan Institute for religion & culture
The English-language Bulletin, published annually in the spring, serves as the annual report of the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, with lists of the events, reports of the members’ activities and academic contributions, and summaries of conferences. It also serves as a short academic journal in its own right, with articles of general interest and timely features on themes of current importance on the Japanese religious scene.
The contents of the Bulletins are available for downloading, or may be ordered directly from the Nanzan Institute.
Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie
Les Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie, fondés en 1985 par Anna Seidel et Hubert Durt, est une revue bilingue (français-anglais) spécialisée dans les domaines des sciences religieuses et de l’histoire intellectuelle de l’Asie orientale. C’est une revue de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient section de Kyôto. Chaque numéro est un numéro thématique abordant des questions relatives aux religions de l’Asie orientale. Les sujets abordés couvrent un champ qui va depuis le taoïsme et les religions de la Chine ancienne, au chamanisme coréen en passant par les diverses écoles du bouddhisme chinois et japonais et plus récemment à l’histoire intellectuelle du Tibet.
Les Cahiers d’Extrême-Asie sont disponibles de 1985 à 2005 sur Persée.
Cahiers du Centre européen d’études japonaises d’Alsace
Les Cahiers du Centre européen d’études japonaises d’Alsace sont publiés depuis 2004 par le Centre européen d’études japonaises d’Alsace.
Daruma - Revue internationale d’études japonaises
Le rôle majeur joué par le Japon dans le renouvellement des sciences sociales place les études japonaises au coeur des problématiques qui s’élaborent actuellement dans les sciences humaines. On constate parallèlement un développement important des centres d’enseignement de la civilisation et de la langue japonaises. Les travaux universitaires et les traductions concernant le domaine japonais se multiplient.
Cette situation nouvelle a fait apparaître le besoin de relais supplémentaires pour le diffusion des informations et des idées.
Daruma entend être un lieu de rencontre et de dialogue entre les japonisants et le public s’intéressant au Japon par goût ou professionnellement.
Daruma a été publiée par les éditions Philippe Picquier de 1996 à 2003.
Ebisu - Études Japonaises
La revue Ebisu, fondée en 1993 à la Maison franco-japonaise de Tokyo (Institut français de recherche sur le Japon, UMIFRE 19 MAE-CNRS), publie des textes en langue française – articles, traductions, comptes rendus d’ouvrages – dans le domaine des études japonaises. Les articles concernent surtout des questions de culture, de philosophie, d’anthropologie, de sociologie, d’économie, de géographie humaine et sociale, le plus souvent avec une dimension historique. Les propositions d’articles sont évaluées par deux referees de manière anonyme. La revue est soutenue par le CNRS (Institut des sciences humaines et sociales) et classée B par l’AERES. Elle est indexée par l’Academic Search Complete (Ebsco Database), la Bibliography of Asian Studies, l’International Political Science Abstract, Le Monde diplomatique et le Réseau Asie.
Editée sur papier et diffusée essentiellement sur abonnement jusqu’en 2013, Ebisu est devenue une revue numérique en accès libre et gratuit dès parution depuis 2014 sur OpenEdition Journals. Les numéros parus depuis 2012 (à partir du n° 47) y sont également en ligne.
Les anciens numéros jusqu’en 2011 (du n° 1 au n° 46) peuvent être consultés sur le portail Persée.
Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident
Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident consacre chaque numéro à un thème ou une question (la divination, le divertissement, le politique, l’art des jardins, l’existence d’une philosophie chinoise, etc.) intéressant l’ensemble des productions culturelles du monde sinisé (Chine, Corée, Japon, Viêt Nam).
Extrême-Orient Extrême-Occident est disponible de 1982 à 2007 sur Persée et de 2008 à aujourd’hui sur OpenEdition Journals.
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
A semi-annual journal dedicated to the academic study of Japanese religions. The JJRS publishes articles and materials that advance interreligious understanding and further the pursuit of knowledge in the study of religion, particularly Japanese religion. One of its functions is to break through the language barriers that separate Japanese scholarship in religion from the international scene. Usually one of the two semi-annual issues is a special topical collection with guest editors.
Published by: Nanzan University. Coverage: 1974-2011 (Vols. 1-38). Content for this title is released as soon as the latest issues become available to JSTOR.
Japanese Language and Literature
Japanese Language and Literature publishes contributions in the areas of Japanese literary studies, Japanese linguistics, and Japanese language and literature pedagogy, as well as articles from other disciplines that help interpret or define the problems of Japanese literary history, literary or linguistic study, or classroom practice. Occasionally, an issue contains several articles on a single topic and is designated a « special issue. »
Published by: American Association of Teachers of Japanese. Coverage by JSTOR: 2001-2008 (Vols. 35-42). Moving Wall: 3 years.
Japan Review
Japan Review is the refereed journal published by the International Research Center for Japanese Studies. Japan Review solicits outstanding manuscripts relating to Japan. It also publishes shorter Research Notes, Review Articles as well as annotated translations of important texts. Submission to Japan Review is open to all those engaged in the study of Japanese culture past and present.
Japan Review est disponible sur Jstor de 1990 à 2011.
Japanese Journal of Political Science
The Japanese Journal of Political Science is a broadly based journal aiming to cover developments across a wide range of countries and specialisms. Its scope is wide-ranging both in terms of subject matter and method. The journal features articles in all fields of political science, especially where these have a conceptual thrust including political theory, comparative politics, political behaviour, political institutions, public policy, and international relations. At the same time, the journal seeks to attract the best comparative articles featuring both the domestic and international politics of Japan and East Asia. Each issue contains full length research articles, review articles and book reviews.
Journal of Asian and African Studies
JAAS is a peer reviewed journal of area studies recognized for consistent scholarly contributions to cutting-edge issues and debates. The journal welcomes articles, research communications, and book reviews that focus on the dynamics of global change and development of Asian and African nations, societies, cultures, and the global community.
The Journal of Asian Studies (JAS)
Published in February, May, August, and November, The Journal of Asian Studies (JAS) has long been recognized as the most authoritative and prestigious publication in the field of Asian studies.
This quarterly has been published regularly since 1941, offering Asianists a wealth of information unavailable elsewhere.
JAS publishes the very best empirical and multidisciplinary work on Asia, spanning the arts, history, literature, the social sciences, and cultural studies. Experts around the world turn to this quarterly journal for the latest in-depth scholarship on Asia’s past and present, for its extensive book reviews, and for its state-of-the-field essays on established and emerging topics. With coverage reaching from South and Southeast Asia to China, Inner Asia, and Northeast Asia, JAS welcomes broad comparative and transnational studies as well as essays emanating from fine-grained historical, cultural, political, or literary research and interpretation. The JAS also publishes clusters of papers representing new and vibrant discussions on specific themes and issues.
All current AAS members receive the print and online Journal of Asian Studies as a benefit of membership.
Journal of the American Oriental Society
The American Oriental Society is the oldest learned society in the United States devoted to a particular field of scholarship. The Society was founded in 1842, preceded only by such distinguished organizations of general scope as the American Philosophical Society (1743), the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1780), and the American Antiquarian Society (1812). From the beginning its aims have been humanistic. The encouragement of basic research in the languages and literatures of Asia has always been central in its tradition. This tradition has come to include such subjects as philology, literary criticism, textual criticism, paleography, epigraphy, linguistics, biography, archaeology, and the history of the intellectual and imaginative aspects of Oriental civilizations, especially of philosophy, religion, folklore and art. The scope of the Society’s purpose is not limited by temporal boundaries: All sincere students of man and his works in Asia, at whatever period of history are welcomed to membership.
Monumenta Nipponica
Monumenta Nipponica was founded in 1938 by Sophia University, Tokyo, to provide a common platform for scholars throughout the world to present their research on Japanese culture, history, literature, and society. One of the oldest and most highly regarded English-language journals in the Asian studies field, it is known not only for articles of original scholarship and timely book reviews, but also for authoritative translations of a wide range of Japanese historical and literary sources. Previously published four times a year, since 2008 the journal has appeared semiannually, in May and November.
MN appears semiannually and is sent out to individual and institutional subscribers in some sixty countries. From Volume 60 (2005), issues are available online through Project MUSE. In addition, the complete run of back issues is available online, with a five-year moving wall, through JSTOR.
Social Science Japan Journal
Social Science Japan Journal (SSJJ) publishes high-quality, refereed scholarly articles on modern Japan. All social science disciplines (anthropology, economics, history, law, political science, and sociology) are represented, including studies of Japan’s international relations and comparisons with other countries.
SSJJ’s substantial book review section contains reviews of English and Japanese language monographs on Japanese society. SSJJ occasionally publishes surveys of research materials and scholarly debates in Japan, as well as reviews of the current state of research on Japanese society in various countries.
SSJJ is listed in Thomson Reuters’ internationally renowned Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), and is being incorporated in the authoritative online journal archive JSTOR.
Published by The Institute of Social Sciences at the University of Tokyo.