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Instructions to authors

Civilisations publishes articles from the various fields of anthropology, without regional or temporal exclusivity. The journal is particularly committed to promoting the publication of texts in which the approaches of anthropology, history and sociology mutually reinforce each other, thus revealing the processes of construction of societies. In addition to this interest in cultural dynamics, Civilisations intends to support reflection on the anthropological approach in its relations with the other human sciences. A theme is highlighted in each issue, but varia are welcome.


Proposals written in French or in (British) English must be sent by email to the Editorial Assistant of the journal:

It may not be texts that have already been published, nor intended for any other use that has not been explicitly presented to the publisher.

The word limit for the body text is set by the coordinators of each special issue. It is set at 8,000 words for articles in varia The file must be paginated. Notes are given in continuous numbering, as footnotes, not endnotes.

The articles can be subdivided into headings and subheadings (no more than 2 hierarchical levels), preceded respectively by the indicators: “H1” (Heading 1) and “H2” (Heading 2).

Quotations are given with double quotation marks (“). Quotation marks within quotation marks are single quotation marks (‘). Contiguous quotations of more than 50 words should appear as a paragraph with a larger blank space on the left.

Words in a language other than the language in which the article is written are italicised: with this exception, authors use the minimum of stylistic features (bold, underlining, non-Latin characters, font change, etc.). Exact dates are given in extenso (12 November 1954).

Acronyms are given without dots (NATO and not N.A.T.O.).


Photos (in colour, with a resolution of at least 300 DPI), maps, diagrams and tables are welcome if they support the purpose of the text. They are sent independently of the article, as separate jpeg file(s). All these items must be provided with a number, a caption and, if applicable, a credit line. Their preferred location in the text should be mentioned in brackets (<Figure 1>, etc.). The journal offers infographic support for the creation of maps and diagrams. If certain illustrations are subject to copyright, the author of the article must ensure that these rights are respected, as the journal cannot be held responsible for any fault in this respect.

Abstract, keywords, and biography

Authors are asked to produce an abstract of no more than 200 words in the language of the article. Authors will suggest 5-6 keywords and write a short biographical note (120 words maximum) listing their academic or professional affiliations and outlining their career. These abstracts and keywords must be provided in French and English by the authors. A bilingual template of the biographical note is available upon request (by email to

Template for bibliographic references

References in the body of the text

References cited or used are given in brackets, mentioning the author, the year and, after a colon, the pages [e.g. (Abraham 1958: 278-282)]. Authors’ names are written in lower case, except for the first letter. If there are several references cited, they will be separated by a semicolon (Abraham 1958; Corten & Mary 1995). The first edition may be given in square brackets after the year of the referenced edition (Corten 1994 [1985]).

List of references cited at the end of the paper

References cited are given in a section at the end of the article. They are grouped together in a single list, in alphabetical order of authors, distinguishing by letters the publications of the same year by the same author (1999a, 1999b, etc.). The first edition may be given in square brackets after the year of the referenced edition (Corten 1994 [1925]).

The titles of references in languages not widely used by the readership are translated in square brackets. Authors’ names are given in lower case, except for the first letter.

Refer to the “Guideline for bibliographical references” (PDF file)

Any text submitted for publication is first examined by the Editorial Board of the journal. If it is favourable, it is sent to a peer review committee (chosen by the Editorial Board). On the basis of all the opinions received, the Editorial Board may to accept the publication, refuse it or make it subject to revisions before re-examination.

Document annexe


    Guideline to which authors should refer for the formatting of the bibliography (references cited) at the end of the article.


    Guide auquel les auteurs et auteures doivent se référer pour la mise en forme de la bibliographie (références citées) en fin de texte

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