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72 | 2023
Anthropology & Photography

Sous la direction de Pierre Petit et Mikaëla Le Meur
Couverture du n°72|2023
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Crédits : Revue Civilisations 2023
ISBN 978-2-9602017-7-2

This bilingual special issue explores the relationship between the anthropological project of understanding humankind and the practice of photography. Adopting a landscape format in full colour to give visual content pride of place, it brings together eleven articles that focus on the photographic process, spanning multiple approaches that overlap considerably: the anthropologist as a photographer; the anthropologist and photographs; photographic anthropology; anthropology photographed; the relationship between anthropologists and photographers. This edition features case studies ranging from Europe and the Mediterranean to the Great North of Canada, the Andes, West Africa, and East Asia.

With articles on topics including rural communities, pilgrims, migrants, youth, robots, buildings, administrations, portraits, garbage or clothes, the contributions address the technical and methodological, social, and political, scientific, and deontological issues raised by the use of photography in the context of anthropological research. It proposes contextual and tentative answers to the never-ending question of what a ‘good’ photograph is – or ‘good’ photography –, inspiring consideration of ethics, aesthetics, and emotions.

Notes de la rédaction

This special issue was supported by GENEsYs project, hosted by the Université libre de Bruxelles between 2016 and 2022. More information on GENEsYs is available on and on the YouTube channel “ARC GENEsYs–Asian Youth in Public Spaces”.
The coordinators thank Damien Mottier who acted as scientific expert for the edition of this special issue.


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