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Scientific integrity charter

Commitments of the editorial board of the journal

After having verified the adequacy of its topic with the fields covered by the journal, the editorial committee gives all submitted articles a double-blind peer-review within a reasonable time frame. Anonymized articles are evaluated by two specialists in the field concerned. The anonymized reviews are sent to the authors of the proposals and are not circulated outside the editorial committee.

The editorial committee makes the final decision regarding the publication. Publication may be subject to formal or substantive changes. In this case, the author must submit a new version of the article, which is reviewed by the editorial committee. The editorial committee is guided in its choice by the scientific quality of the articles, their clarity of exposition and their relevance to the field covered by the journal.

Book reviews and interviews are reviewed by the editorial committee only.

All article proposals are screened for plagiarism by Compilatio software.

Author commitments

Authors may submit articles to the journal in either French or English. Articles must be original and never have been published, but translation of foreign articles are possible, as long as the rights of the first publication are respected. The submitted articles must meet scientific standards and accurately present the sources and references used. They must be original and reflect the personal work of the authors.

Authors are asked to comply with the guidelines published by the journal.

The publication of images, illustrations or graphics is possible, provided that the necessary rights and authorizations are obtained.

If the journal or the author finds after publication that the article contains significant errors, the author undertakes to correct these errors and a correction will be added to the published text.

Authors should indicate in their article any source of funding that helped them to carry out the work required to write the article.

Commitments of reviewers

The reviewers solicited for the evaluation of the articles commit themselves not to disclose the content of the text before publication, even partially. After accepting the evaluation, they commit themselves to communicate it to the editorial committee within the agreed deadline.

Their evaluation may follow the scheme proposed by the journal. The evaluation is based exclusively on the scientific quality and originality of the article. It indicates whether the article should be published and, if so, whether formal or substantial modifications should be made. In all cases, the reviewers only make constructive suggestions for improvements to the article.

If the reviewers suspect that the article has been plagiarized from other sources, they will inform the editorial committee.

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