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Submission guidelines

Selection process for texts

The Cahiers Jean Moulin publishes an annual issue that includes either a special dossier proposed by authors who submit a project to the editorial board, or articles submitted in response to a call for contributions issued by the journal, as well as bibliographical reviews and interviews. The journal also encourages spontaneous submissions, as long as they are in line with its editorial project.

Proposals for articles should be sent to the following email addresses

Each article is peer-reviewed (on a double blind basis) by specialists in the field. The editorial committee makes the final decision of publication or rejection and notifies the author (or the person responsible for the dossier). Acceptance may be conditional on formal or substantive corrections. The author must then submit a corrected version of the article, reviewed by the editorial committee. Article proposals must be in line with the editorial line of the journal. In the case of an article proposal that is not in line with the editorial line of the journal, the editorial committee can reject it without having it reviewed.

Before being peer-reviewed, the articles are analyzed by means of an anti-plagiarism software (see Scientific integrity charter).

Articles must be accompanied (except for book reviews) by

- a list of key words in French and English (without capitalization, except for proper names or those requiring capitalization) ;

- an abstract (about 10 lines) in French and English.

Editorial policies

The journal respects the open access policy. All articles published by the journal are accessible without restriction, without delay and free of charge. The journal provides a double free access, excluding any subscription fee for readers and any submission or publication fee for authors.

Author's rights

Authors of the journal grant Cahiers Jean Moulin the right to exploit their contribution in digital form and in particular to reproduce their article in electronic form in all formats, to represent it on the journal's website, to allow communication to the public and to adapt the contribution. The distribution of the contribution is done under a Creative Commons license.

The transfer of rights to the journal is free of charge and made on a non-exclusive basis. The author is free to upload the final version of his or her contribution accepted for publication in an open archive under the CC license of his or her choice, as soon as the contribution is published in Cahiers Jean Moulin.

Publication policy

All articles are freely available (without restrictive period). They are published under a Creative Commons license and can be shared under the following conditions:

- obligation to mention the author of the article (BY) ;

- no commercial use (NC);

- obligation to apply the same CC license to the Derived Contribution (SA).

Creative Commons: Attribution - Noncommercial - Share Alike 4.0 France


Deposit policy

The author is encouraged to deposit the PDF of his article in an open institutional depository, under the CC license of his or her choice, as soon as the article is published in the Cahiers Jean-Moulin. If he or she wishes, he or she can also deposit the submitted version (not peer-reviewed) and the author's version (accepted by the reading committee), provided that he or she explicitly mentions that the version deposited is not the one approved by the journal.

1. Formatting

All articles must be submitted in an electronic version (Word or Open Office format).

Font: Times new roman.

The preferred maximum length for articles is 100,000 signs (all included).

The text should be one-and-half spaced with a minimum of 2,5cm for all margins. Text should be standard 10 or 12 point and justified. Do not use bold.

Italic should be limited to latin, greek or foreign terms, courts decisions and book or journal titles.

All quotations are in roman and put into French quotation marks (« … »). Long quotations should be separated from the main text.

Titles are to be presented as follows:

I – Bold

A. Italic bold

1. Italic

Footnotes should be automatic and numbered consecutively. They appear only to complement the development or to add a quotation. Bibliographic references must be indicated directly in the body of the text, according to the abbreviated notation indicated below.

Do never place a note after a punctuation mark, except for closing quotation marks (e.g. … preuve1. and not … preuve.1; « …contrat »1. and not « …contrat1 ».].

2. Bibliographical references

The bibliographic references must be mentioned in the body of the contributions in an abbreviated form, according to the following notation:

Beaud, 1994, p. 17

Any references in footnotes are also in abbreviated form.

When two quotations from the same book, article or source follow each other immediately, but correspond to different pages, put ibid. on page ##. When the two quotations correspond to the same work and the same page, write only ibid.
All references must be developed in the final bibliography. It should be organized without subdivisions, in alphabetical order of authors' names, in the following form (the author's name must appear in small capitals):

O. Bᴇᴀᴜᴅ, 1994, La puissance de l’État, Paris, PUF, coll. Léviathan.
F. Bᴜʀᴅᴇᴀᴜ, 1989, « 1789, l’Administration territoriale et nous », Annuaire des collectivités locales, t. 9, p. 5-7.
J.-L. Hᴀʟᴘᴇʀɪɴ, 2007, « La représentation de la laïcité parmi les juristes français et étrangers », in P. Weil (dir.), Politiques de la laïcité au xxe siècle, Paris, PUF, p. 181-202.
F. Sᴀɪɴᴛ-Bᴏɴɴᴇᴛ, 2016, « L’abnégation des hommes, le sacrifice de la légalité. La Grande Guerre et l’impossible naissance d’un droit administratif d’exception », Jus Politicum, n° 15,

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