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The Cahiers Jean Moulin are an online journal published annually by the Centre Lyonnais d'Histoire du Droit et de la Pensée Politique. The journal aims to expand, along with other older journals, an original intellectual space that avoids a purely utilitarian vision of legal knowledge. Each issue of the journal proposes to deal with a topic that may interest the different fields of law, history and political thought, without isolating the legal approach from other approaches in the social sciences. The conviction expressed in the Cahiers Jean Moulin is that the richness of the legal debate comes from the confrontation of disciplinary approaches. In a context of fragmentation due to the increasing technicalisation of the different branches of law, the journal aims to bridge the gap between legal disciplines. The transversal approach associates especially history and the positivist approaches of law (private law and public law).

Cahiers Jean Moulin welcomes articles from specialists in various disciplines: professors, research supervisors, lecturers and young researchers.

The journal also includes book reviews and articles on free topics, as well as interviews with personalities whose work has left its mark on legal research. In the context of the internationalisation of legal knowledge, the journal welcomes articles in French and English, as long as they deal with subjects likely to interest the French-speaking academic field.

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