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Instructions for authors

Open Access policy

Clio@Themis is an open access journal, which makes its publications freely available without any embargo. The journal charges no submission fees or publication fees.

Editorial process

Articles submitted for publication must be the result of original work on first-hand sources. They must not have been previously published, nor be submitted simultaneously to other journals.

Each submitted article is anonymized by the editor-in-chief, then evaluated by two reviewers appointed from among the journal members, and, if a certain level of scientific knowledge is needed for the evaluation, from outside the journal. The reviewers who are appointed submit a written evaluation to the editorial board.

The editorial board, which meets two to three times a year, may decide to publish the article as is, reject it, or publish it subject to modifications. The modifications requested may be minor or major. If major modifications are requested, the modified article will be once again subject to a blind evaluation by two reviewers and submission to the board, which will decide whether to publish it or not.

The editor-in-chief will email the article’s author with the editorial board’s final decision after the board meeting and, if applicable, a summary of the minor or major modifications requested and clarifications suggested by the board.

Authors of accepted articles authorize Clio@Themis to publish said articles on its website in all formats used by the journal. They undertake to name Clio@Themis in all references to the article and respect the CC BY-NC-SA license.

In order to fight plagiarism, articles submitted to the journal are checked with the COMPILATIO anti-plagiarism software.

Submit an article

Submission and format. Articles submitted to Clio@Themis must be sent to the journal’s editor-in-chief (xavier.prevost[at] by email, as a Word, LibreOffice or OpenOffice attachment, in strict compliance with the formatting rules and specifications relating to graphics below.

Language. Articles can be written in French, English, German, Spanish or Italian. The formatting rules presented below may be adapted to the specific conventions for each language for articles in German, English, Spanish and Italian.

Length. Articles may be up to a total of 100,000 characters long, spaces, footnotes, bibliographical references and tables included.

Composition. Articles must be constructed in the following way:

  • Title.

  • Abstracts: in French, English and the language of the article, if not French or English; each summary should be no longer than 600 characters (spaces included).

  • Five keywords: in French, English and the language of the article, if not French or English.

  • Article text, in strict compliance with the formatting rules.

  • Author signature. First name, last name, institution, email. This information will be removed by the editor-in-chief before the text is sent to the reviewers for evaluation.



The article title must be in DejaVU Serif, size 18, bold (or otherwise, Times New Roman, size 18, bold).

In the article body:

  • Level 1 titles (I, II, III, etc.), must be in DejaVU Serif, size 16, bold (or otherwise, Times New Roman, size 16, bold).

  • Level 2 titles (A, B, C, etc.), must be in DejaVU Serif, size 14, italic (or otherwise, Times New Roman, size 14, italics).

  • Level 3 titles (1, 2, 3, etc.), must be in DejaVU Serif, size 12, bold (or otherwise, Times New Roman, size 12, bold).

  • Level 4 titles (a, b, c, etc.), must be in DejaVU Serif, size 12, italic (or otherwise, Times New Roman, size 12, italics).

Article body

  • The article body text must be as simple as possible; in DejaVu Serif, size 12 (or otherwise, Times New Roman, size 12), single line spacing, no indent (except for long quotes, see infra) with no style sheet, tabulation or dropcap.

  • Numbering. Each paragraph must be numbered, without automatic formatting. Numbers must be marked manually. Numbering must be continuous across paragraphs.

  • Quotes. Quotes must be placed between double quotation marks: “quote”. Any author intervention within the quote (omissions, substitutions, comments) must be signaled by square brackets: […]. Quotes in foreign languages and Latin words should be in italic. Long quotes (more than one line) are detached from the text body and appear in a separate (non-numbered) indented paragraph; therefore there is no need to frame them with quotation marks.


  • Short: “This is a short quote […] because I shortened it.”

  • In a foreign language: “De gustibus et coloribus non disputandum.”

  • Long:
    Most writers are perfectly normal in the head and just carry on like wild men; I behave normally but I’m sick inside.

Footnote numbers

Footnote numbers are always in Roman script, even when following a word in italics. They appear next to the word they are referring to (no space) and are therefore placed before any punctuation, with the exception of closing quotation marks (the number appears after the quotation marks, with no space).


Footnotes should be used, not endnotes or section notes. They must be in DejaVU Serif, size 10 (or otherwise, in Times New Roman, size 10) without specific formatting, no indent or bullet points.


Bibliographical references are given as follows:

  • For a book: First name initial, Last name, Title, Place of publication, Publisher, year, page(s).
    Example: É. Laboulaye, Contes bleus, Paris, Furne, 1864, p. 34.

  • For a journal article: First name initial, Last name, “Article title”, Journal name, volume number, year, page(s).
    Example: C. Eisenmann, “Deux théoriciens du droit : Duguit et Hauriou”, Revue philosophique, 55, 1930, p. 231-279.

  • For contributions in an edited volume: First name initial, Last name, “Article title”, Volume name, ed. First name initial and Last name of the editor(s) of the volume, Place of publication, Publisher, year, pages.
    Example: J. Baubérot, “La laïcité comme acte laïque”, La laïcité. Une valeur aujourd’hui ?, eds. J. Baudoin and P. Portier, Rennes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2001, p. 39-50.

Capital letters

When appropriate, capital letters should have accents. À, É, Û, à, é, û, etc.

Capital letters should only be used in the following cases:

  • Proper nouns (but not particles). Examples: Jacques Cujas, Jean de La Fontaine.

  • Place names. Examples: Paris, Garonne, the United States.

  • Events. Examples: World War I, the French Revolution.

  • Periods. Examples: the Middle Ages, the Renaissance.

  • Institutions or bodies. Examples: the National Assembly, Rouen Parliament.

  • Titles of works. Example: General History of French Law.

  • National nouns and adjectives. Example: French people, American writer Samuel Beckett.


Capitals are used for:

  • Regnal numbers: Louis XIV, François I.

  • Primary structural divisions of a text (Part III, Volume II).

  • Lower case is used for secondary divisions of a text (Act I, scene ii).


Italics are mainly used for:

  • Citing the title of a work, journal or review.

  • Signaling a (non-anglicized) word or quotation in a foreign language, including most Latin expressions and their abbreviations.

  • Draw the reader’s attention to a word, phrase or passage (author to specify in this case that the italics are theirs). In general, use of bold or underline is to be avoided.

Non-breaking spaces

Non-breaking spaces must be used:

  • After all abbreviations followed by a number: p. 1; no. I; ch. xx; vol. 5.

  • To avoid a number appearing alone at the start of a line, specifically: 9 August 2016; Louis XIV; 16th century.

  • Between abbreviations and the next character: P. Corneille; M. Paul; op. cit.


The following characters must appear as ligatures: Æ, æ, Œ, œ.

Dashes and hyphens

There must be a difference between:

  • Hyphens (-), used between two terms to connect them. Example: father-in-law.

  • Em-dashes (–), used to mark an aside or before each item in a list. Example: They are causing a rise in the exchange – and therefore transport – of merchandise and currencies.

Abbreviations and conventions

Abbreviations should be avoided in the text body.

In footnotes, the following common abbreviations may be used:

  • cf.: confer

  • ch.: chapter

  • coll.: collection

  • ed., eds.: editor, editors

  • et al.: and other authors

  • etc.: and other similar things

  • ibid.: in the same work, can only be used to refer to the citation directly above (first time write Ibidem in full)

  • id.: by the same author, that is, the same author as the citation directly above, but not the same work (first time write: Idem in full)

  • infra : below

  • loc. cit.: loco citato, passage cited from the same page as the citation directly above

  • op. cit.: opere citato, in the previously mentioned work by the same author, op. cit. must appear after the first words of the title of the work in question

  • no.: number

  • p.: page(s), not pp.

  • para.: paragraph

  • r: recto

  • n. d.: no date

  • n. p.: no place

  • n. p. o. d.: no place or date

  • supra: above

  • v: verso

  • vol.: volume


The submitted text must include all graphics in their correct places.

As well as appearing in the text, each graphic must be sent in a separate document (with as many files as there are graphics). For online publication, the following formats and attributes must be respected (otherwise the graphics will not be able to be processed):

  • TIFF format (.tif), otherwise JPEG or PNG. Proprietary formats must especially be avoided.

  • One batch with 100 DPI (with the image dimensions) for the online version and one batch with 400 DPI (with the image dimensions) for the PDF version.

  • CMYK colorimetry for 400 DPI images and RGB for 100 DPI images.

For maps and plans, ensure all elements are included (potentially provide a PDF version, including the fonts in the PDF document).

For all graphics, authors must indicate the source and related rights for each document.

Obviously, legislation in force pertaining to use of graphics must be respected.

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