Index | Keywords
Mots-clés | Keywords | Indice de palabras clave
- absolutism
- accessibility
- Action
- action
- adaptation
- adolescence
- Adult Education
- affect
- Albert Kahn
- and decompartmentalize national accounts. This relates to two individuals whose family histories link them to the Portuguese colonial presence in Angola
- André Leroi-Gourhan
- anthology
- anxiety
- archive
- archives of the Planet
- area
- Argentine
- armed struggle
- Around the world society
- artesian wells
- asceticism
- assimilation
- association
- attraction
- audience
- audiovisual
- autobiography
- autochrome
- avatar
- cacophony
- Caisses d’Epargne
- candies of Pelotas
- candy makers
- Canetti
- Canudo
- canvas
- capitalism
- Captain Eo
- caricature
- cartoons
- case studies
- case-study
- Catalonia
- catharsis
- Catholic Church
- Catholicism
- cemeteries
- Central America
- ceremonies
- change
- Charlie Hebdo
- children
- China
- choice
- Christian-Jewish relations
- christianity
- Christianity
- chronology
- cinefication
- cinema
- Cinema
- cinema audience
- cinema services
- cinema theatres
- citizen
- City of Paris
- Civil War
- collective
- Collective Memory
- colonial and postcolonial Namibia
- combinatorics
- commemoration
- Committee of ethnographic film
- communities
- community-based natural resource management (CBNRM)
- conceptual accompaniment
- conceptual analysis of art
- conflict
- conmemoration
- connection
- conspiracy
- consumer
- contemporary art
- contextual art
- controversy
- conversion
- Coptic church
- Counter-Reformation
- creation
- crossing
- crowd
- crowd psychology
- crowds
- cults
- cultural heritage process
- Cultural history
- cultural history
- cultural landscapes
- cultural mediation
- cultural studies
- daily mobility
- Dakhla
- Damara / ǂNūkhoen
- dead
- deaf community
- death
- decolonization
- deification
- depression
- descendant
- Desgent
- designation
- destruction
- devices
- dialog
- difference
- digital
- diocese
- disappearance
- discourse
- discourse.
- Discursive Memory
- displacements
- disruption
- Documentary cinema
- documentary film
- domestic
- Dovzhenko (Alexander)
- drama
- Dramatic
- drug trafficking
- Dulac
- dust
- game critic
- game studies
- game-design
- gameplay
- gaming
- gaze
- gender
- Genevieve
- gentrification
- Georg Simmel.
- Gerardo da Venezia
- gesture
- ghost
- ghosts
- Giacomo Salomani
- Goudchaux
- grammar
- grandson of a colonial administrator and son of an anticolonial and antifascist militant actions; and the daughter of an interracial couple of retornados undertaking research on Angola. These case studies also reveal the complexity of social
- Greek
- Greg Girard
- grieving
- identification
- identity
- illegal immigrants
- illusion
- immaterial heritage
- immersion
- immigration
- imprisonment- bridge
- In Portugal
- in this new political relationship with the past
- in-between
- India
- indigenous people
- individualim
- individuals
- indy games
- infinitive
- informal
- intangible heritage
- integration
- interactive documentary
- interactivity
- intercultural policies
- interface
- Interior monologue
- interior troubles
- international students
- internet
- Internet
- interstice
- interview
- intimate
- involved in writing about the past through eye-witness accounts or scientific research: an exiled in France
- islam
- Italian state
- Italy
- madness
- management
- maps
- Maréchal
- marriage
- Maurice Duplessis
- mediaeval devotion
- medias
- mediterranean
- Mediterranean
- memorial
- memorialization
- memory
- Memory
- memory centre
- memory(ies)
- mental dissociation
- mental map
- mexican revolution
- Mexico
- mexico
- Michel Butor
- middle ages
- migrant
- migrant writers
- migration
- migratory trajectories
- military administration zone
- mimicry
- mirror
- missionary
- mobility
- modernity
- modernity.
- moral choices
- mormonism
- motorcar
- movement
- movie
- movie exploitation
- movie programming
- movie screening
- movie theater
- movie theatre
- movie-going and movie-goers
- movies
- multimedia
- Musée de l'Homme
- Museography
- Museum exhibit
- museums.
- mysticism
- myth
- mythology
- Napoleon III
- narration
- narrative
- narrativity
- narratology
- nation.
- national heritage
- national identity
- nationalism
- Nation ; memory ; heritage’s transmission ; museum ; Canada ; identity
- Nazi occupation
- Nazi occupation regime
- nazism
- neoliberal environmental governance
- neoliberalism
- Network
- news
- Newsreels
- nomadism
- nostalgia
- pacifism
- Paris
- passage
- passion
- people
- perception
- philosophical-biography
- philosophy
- photograph
- photography
- picture
- pictures
- pieces of art
- Pietro Orseolo
- pilgrimage
- Pilgrimage
- Place
- place
- plastic analysis
- player communities
- poetic of knowledge
- poetizing
- Poetry
- poetry
- point of view
- points of articulation
- polemic
- police museum
- policies
- political
- political activism
- political and ethno-racial affiliations in this postcolonial post-imperial context and challenge the social hierarchization inherited from the past and the silence surrounding this heritage.
- political culture
- political film
- political marketing
- politics
- polygamy
- popular culture
- popular districts
- populism
- Porsche
- Portugal
- positivism
- possibilities
- postcolonial
- postcolonial studies — also highlights divergences in Portuguese academia on the role of history and memory — postmemory in particular — in the interpretation of such past events. The second part looks back on two case studies with a heuristic potential t
- postmodernism
- potentialities
- practices
- present
- professionnalization of educational film exhibition
- prohibited
- propaganda
- psychologies
- psychology of representation
- public preview
- public space
- public speakers
- public speeches
- Rabia al Adawiyya
- Rabia de Basra
- racism
- radio listening
- radio speakers
- railway
- railways
- Rajput states
- Rancière
- reception
- reception studies
- recognition
- recongnition
- recovery
- redemption
- Regime of Historicity
- relationship with the past; colonial empire; decolonization; public memory; postcolonial studies; historiography; Portugal; Angola; contemporary period; case study
- relics
- religion
- religious propaganda
- remains
- remnants
- repatriation - less unifying for the national collective identity. The first part of this article focuses on the societal and academic shift resulting from the emergence of memorializing counter-narratives. The aim is to identify the players in these proc
- representation
- representations
- research institutions
- resilience
- Resistance
- retakes
- rhetoric
- rights
- road
- Robert La Palme
- Robert Lynen
- roleplay games
- roma
- Roman economy
- Roman Empire
- romanticism
- Romero
- rural history
- Russia
- sacralization
- sacred/saint
- Saguenay
- Saint Mark
- saints
- saints ; priesthood ; Weber ; Turner ; cognitive anthropology ; Europe ; christianity
- sanctity
- sati
- satire
- saving banks.
- screens
- seat
- seclusion
- Second World War
- secularism
- self
- semiotics
- sensitive culture
- serious game
- Shimon Attie
- short film
- Sighele
- silent movies
- Simmel
- site of memory
- sociability
- Social Actors
- social area
- social history
- social representations
- social space
- social theory.
- sociology
- soglitude
- solitude
- Sophie Calle
- sound propaganda
- souvenir
- Soviet patriotism
- Soviet Union (SSSR)
- space
- Spain
- Spaniards
- spanish democratic transition
- spatial investment
- spectator
- spectatorial practices
- spectators
- Speed
- Spinoza
- state and public commission
- state of being
- strategy
- subaltern
- submission
- suffering
- sufism
- suicide
- surface
- surviving
- symbolic
- synthesis
- Tamil Diaspora
- Tarde
- teacher
- teaching
- technology of recording
- teenagers
- temple rituals
- testimony
- the memory of dictatorship can be imbricated with that of decolonization. Studying current research — historiography
- the official memory of the Empire has overlooked the violent pasts under the dictatorship and decolonization – colonial war
- the transition to sound
- theater
- theater.
- theatre (place)
- Think Pink
- Third Republic
- This War of Mine
- three-dimensional cinema
- threshold
- Threshold
- time
- Time
- time experiences
- traces
- traductology
- train
- Train
- trajectory
- transformation
- transition to sound
- transmission
- transnational
- transportation
- trauma
- trip
- truck
- TV shows
- twentieth century
- twentieth Century
- vampire
- Venezuela
- Venice
- verbs
- victimization
- victims
- video
- video game
- video games
- videogames
- viewers
- violence
- violence ; music
- virtual
- virtuality
- visionary
- visual
- visual culture.
- vitalism.
- Vittorio Sereni
- voice of authoritarian and democratic power
- voice over in documentary films and newsreels
- voicing
- void
- Volkswagen
- Vsevolod Ivanov