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List of cited comics
CALVO, Emond-François. DANCETTE, Jacques, Zimmermann, Victor. La Bête est morte ! La Guerre Mondiale chez les Animaux. First part Quand la bête est déchaînée published in 1944 by G.P., second part Quand la bête est terrassée published in 1945 by G.P.
Chargil. Mustang Agent 549. Liège: Gordinne, about 1946.
Charlier, Jean-Michel, and Hubinon, Victor. Les Japs Attaquent & Les Mystères de Midway [Buck Danny]. Originally published in the Belgian weekly Le Journal de Spirou, N° 455-548, 1947-1948, first album publication 19 ?? by Dupuis.
Day, Max. Les tribulations de Jim Spitfire en campagne. Liège: Gordinne, around 1946.
Franquin, André. Spirou, Le dictateur et le champignon. Le Journal de Spirou, N° 801-838, 1953-1954.
Franquin, Jidéhim, Greg. QRM sur Bretzelburg. Originally published in the Belgian weekly Le Journal de Spirou, N° 1205-1237 and 1304-1340, 1961-1963, first album publication 1966 by Dupuis.
Gillon, Paul & Lécureux, Roger. Fils de Chine. Originally published in the French weekly Vaillant & Pif Gadget by 1950-53 , first album publication 1978 by Glénat.
Goscinny & Uderzo. Astérix et les Goths. Originally published in the French weekly Pilote N°82, 1961 - N°122, first album publication 1962 by Dargaud.
Goscinny & Uderzo. Siggi und die Ostgoten. Originally published in the German weekly Lupo modern 3 N° 27- 37, 1965.
Graton, Jean. Michel Vaillant, Le Circuit de la Peur. Originally published in the Belgian weekly Tintin, N° 32 (1959) – N° 11 (1960), first album publication 1961 by Lombard.
Hergé. Tintin, L’Affaire Tournesol. Originally published in the Belgian weekly Tintin, December 1954 – February 1956, first album publication 1956 by Casterman.
Jacobs, Edgar-Pierre, S.O.S. Météores [Blake and Mortimer]. Originally published in the Belgian weekly Tintin, N°2 1958 – N°38 1959, first album publication 1959 by Lombard.
Marijac. Les Trois Mousquetaires du maquis (1944), Originally published in the French resistance publication Le Corbeau Déchainé and later in the French weekly Coq Hardi 1944, first album publication 1945 by S.E.L.P.A.
Pec (Al Pecklers). Roger la Bagarre. Liège: Gordinne, 1946.
Pom, Piet Pienter and Bert Bibber, De dubbel-koolzure-sodabom. Originally published in the Belgian daily De Gazet van Antwerpen, September 11, 1961 – January 29, 1962, first album publication 1962 by De Vlijt.
Vandersteen, Willy. Rikke en Wiske. Originally published in the Belgian daily De Nieuwe Standaard, March 30 – December 15, 1945, first album publication 1946 by Standaard Boekhandel.
Vandersteen, Willy. Suske en Wiske, De Groene Splinter. Originally published in the Belgian weekly Kuifje, June 27, 1956 – September 4, 1957, first album publication 1957 by Standaard Boekhandel.
Vandersteen, Willy. Suske en Wiske, De Sissende Sampam. Originally published in the Belgian daily De Standaard, April 2 – August 10, 1963, first album publication 1963 by Standaard Boekhandel.