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Networks as an approach to research and professional development

Interview with avec Anca Anton
Anne-Marie Cotton
Cet article est une traduction de :
Les réseaux comme supports de la recherche et du développement professionnel [fr]

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Her involvement in networks linked to research associations
Her investment in organisational development and internationalisation networks
Networking activities and projects linked to her research interests

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Anca Anton is a senior lecturer in marketing and public relations at the University of Bucharest and a member of the SPARTA laboratory (Center for research on the role of mass communication in the development of Public Space, Analysis of Reception and Advanced Technologies).

Academic networkers can be compared to chief digital officers. They act as multiskilled “transformers in chief” by propelling knowledge transformation, they connect internal and external stakeholders by advocating the university’s research aims, and they provide vision and direction by guiding students and peers through change processes (Reck & Fliaster, 2019).

Anca Anton, who holds two Masters degrees (one in Public Relations and one on Media Communication she did in French) and a PhD on the conceptualisation of Romanian popular culture (for which she went the last half a year with JOMEC, which is the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media and Culture of Cardiff University, Wales, UK), worked as a communication pers...

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Référence électronique

Anne-Marie Cotton, « Networks as an approach to research and professional development »Communication et organisation [En ligne], 62 | 2022, mis en ligne le 01 décembre 2022, consulté le 07 novembre 2024. URL : ; DOI :

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Anne-Marie Cotton

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