For more than thirty years, the journal Communication & Organisation, produced by the MICA research laboratory (UR 4426 University Bordeaux Montaigne), has played an active role in the structuring and the dynamics of fields of research in organisational communication in France and internationally.
Since 1992 Communication & Organisation has proposed two themed issues a year, as well as special issues.
A qualifying journal recognised by the CNU section 71 and HCERES, it is published by Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux and supported by University Bordeaux Montaigne (l'Université Bordeaux Montaigne), accessible in paper format (format papier) and digitally on Cairn.info for the more recent issues and on Openedition Journals for all articles over three years old.
The journal is referenced on search engines: Google Scholar, Base, Dimensions and Isidore. It is listed in the following directories Mir@bel, Miar, ERIH+ and HCERES, and the bibliographic databases Sudoc, AureHAL, Worldcat and International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBBS). The journal's ethics charter (La charte éthique de la revue) complies with international standards as set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
The editorial committee (comité éditorial) and the reading committee (comité de lecture) are made up of scientific specialists in communication, including a strong international presence. Communication & Organisation thus confirms its culture of openness to the most varied forms of contemporary thought in the fields of communication, organisations, work, and public relations.
The journal's pages are open to well-known researchers, some of the biggest names in the field, and also to young researchers, whose original contributions cannot be overlooked. It publishes scientific articles on the basis of double-blind expert appraisal, with a great concern for rigour, to promote research that meets the highest standards of quality.
Aimed at all those - academics, students, and practitioners - who wish to deepen their understanding of organisational communication, each issue of the journal devotes a major dossier to a particular area or aspect of the field. Non-feature articles provide flexibility in relation to the theme. The reviews section (Recensions) and information on research trends in France and abroad are a valuable aid to updating knowledge thanks to a network of correspondents in Europe, North America and Africa.
The journal is in partnership with l’Association EUPRERA - European Public Relations Education and Research Association – for the distribution in English of its "Research news" section.