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28 | 2020
Affects et émotions numériques : matérialité(s) et instrumentalisation(s)

If research on digital affects are a matter of tension, this issue of the journal Communiquer intends to propose lines tense by the authors between different theoretical and methodological approaches for the analysis of digital affects and emotions. Following a conference at the 86th Congress of ACFAS (2018) and an issue published in Revue française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication (2017), this issue questions these tensions from original fields and corpus. The diversity of these fields, analyzed objects, methods, disciplinary fields and invited authors is part of a desire to exhibit the richness and potential of digital affects studies for communication. Taken as a whole, the presented articles allow the identification of the different components of affect et emotion.

Editor’s notes

Dossier coordonné par :
Camille Alloing, Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada
Julien Pierre, Audencia Business School, France

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