Índice | Keywords
- academic field
- access
- action theory
- action.
- adolescentes
- aesthetic-erotic; failure; shame; homonormativity; queer performativity
- affectation
- affections
- Affections; adolescence; siblings; conflict resolution
- affirmation
- Africa
- African literatures
- African literatures in Portuguese
- African Studies
- Aging
- agrarian reform
- agribusiness
- agricultural decline
- agriculture
- Agriculture Family
- Air Force
- Alcohol consumption
- Alternative Dispute Resolution
- alternative lifestyle
- altruism
- Amazon
- american
- Amselfeld
- Angeiras
- Angola
- anthroposcience
- Architecture
- archive
- Argentina
- Argentine elections.
- art
- art and community
- artistic competence; aesthetic disposition; field of art; Pierre Bourdieu.
- ASEBA Battery.
- ative policies
- audiences
- audiovisual art
- austerity
- authoritarianism.
- cancer
- Cape Verde
- capitalism
- Capitalism
- capitalist time; temporality; cultural time; development
- care
- career
- case study
- casualization of labour
- Charisma
- child protection.
- children
- children and youth
- children and youth at risk
- China trade.
- ciganos/Roma; education; public policies; social inequalities; metropolitan areas.
- cinema/video games
- citizen participation
- citizenship
- civic and political participation
- Civil patronage
- civil society
- civilising process
- class
- classes and ethnicities
- classifications
- clients
- clinical nursing practice supervision
- Clubbing; club cultures; subcultures; gender; intersectionality; dispositions.
- CNPq
- collaborative learning
- collective action
- Collective imagery
- collective memory.
- collective.
- colonial past
- colonial Virginia
- colonization
- communication studies
- community
- comparative analysis
- complementarity of the senses
- complex organisations
- concealment
- configuration
- Confinement
- Conflict
- conflict
- conflicts
- construction
- consumption citizenship
- contact
- contemporary feminist poetry
- contemporary theater
- contratado
- cooperation
- cork
- cork business
- Cork oak forest
- coronavirus pandemic
- corporatism
- counter-discourse
- Courts of peace
- Covid-19
- Covid-19 virus
- creative destruction.
- Creole.
- Criminalisation of migration
- crisis
- Crisis
- critical discourse analysis
- CSI Effect
- cultural competence
- Cultural diversity
- cultural freeze
- cultural heritage
- cultural landscape
- cultural pluralism
- cultural tourism
- culture
- curriculum
- curriculum enrichment
- curriculum; memory
- Daniel Blaufuks
- debates on the future of work; perceptions of young university students; trade union perceptions; industry 4.0; regulation.
- Decolonialism
- decolonisation
- decolonization
- decolonization of thought
- deconstruction
- degraded and native categories
- deliberation
- delivery
- democracy
- dependency
- Devaluation of labour
- development
- Development
- Development of mediation; mediators; Portugal; recognition
- diagnosis
- disability
- discrimination.
- disinformation
- diversity
- docudrama
- document
- domestic space
- download
- Durkheim
- dyslexia
- eco-critical paradigm
- ecomuseum
- Economic crisis
- Economic policy
- economical justice
- education
- education.
- Educational Centre
- embodied knowledge
- embryo research
- Empire
- empire
- employment
- entrepreneurship of necessity
- entrepreneurship of opportunity
- environment
- environmental education
- environmental ethics
- epistemologies of the South
- Epistemologies of the South
- epistemology
- Epistemology; constructivism; language; Bourdieu; Wittgenstein
- Estado Novo
- ethics.
- ethnography
- Euroregion
- evolutionary biology
- excess
- Execution requester; Professional status; Technical and tactical autonomy; Social intervention.
- expectations
- externalizing problems
- Fabienne Kanor
- failure
- Fake news
- family
- family business
- Family reunification
- faxinais
- feast
- female same-sex couples
- Feminism
- feminisms
- Feminist epistemology
- films
- Financial globalization
- financing
- Flexibilization
- food
- food insecurity
- Foreigners
- forensic science
- forgetting
- formation of the working class
- Foster care
- foster families
- fragility
- France
- full time school
- gameplay
- Gender
- gender
- Gender and sexuality
- Gender Equality Plans; higher education; participation.
- gender inequality
- Gender violence; female inmates; interviews; individual cases; marital homicide.
- Gender; stereotypes; military woman; inequality; Portuguese Armed Forces
- generation
- ghetto
- girls’ delinquency
- globalization
- globalization capitalism
- Globalizations
- Good living
- governamentality.
- Guenny Pires
- gypsies (Ciganos); integration; educational policies; ethnography; Lisbon.
- Hawaii
- hazing
- health
- health communication
- Health institutions
- health literacy
- health of public servant
- health policies
- health policy
- health professionals
- health professionals.
- health promotion
- healthand work
- heritage
- hidden transcript
- Higher education
- Higher Education
- higher education
- historic centres
- historic narratives
- historical heritage
- historical process
- history
- history of ideas
- home office
- homegrown pride
- Homeless people; homicide; police investigation.
- hotels
- housing
- housing programmes
- human resources
- Human trafficking
- humanisation
- hybridism
- hyper-incarceration
- hypermedia
- identity
- identity (re)construction.
- identity politics
- illness
- image
- immaterial labour
- immigration
- indentured servant
- independent-living.
- Indigenous Peoples
- indigenous peoples
- indigenous peoples.
- individual responsibility.
- industrial sector
- inequalities
- inequalities structuring
- inequality
- inequality and poverty
- informality of labour
- Information Society
- inherited memory
- insertion of graduates
- institutional survival.
- intensity
- inter-historicity
- interactor
- interculturality
- Interculturality
- interdependence
- interdependency
- interface
- Intergenerational succession
- internalizing problems
- international comparison
- international politics.
- Internationalization
- Internet
- interorganizational coordination
- interpersonal skills
- intervention.
- intolerance
- island states
- labour
- Labour market
- labour relations
- labour segmentation
- Latin America
- laughing
- law
- law of value
- law; labour; sex; market; psychiatry.
- learning by practice
- learning disabilities
- levelling and reproduction of inequalities
- life-expectancy
- literacies; Roma people; inclusion; interculturalism; success at school.
- literacy
- literary criticism
- literature
- local development
- Local government
- Luhmann
- Lusophony
- lusophony
- Maieutics
- maritime
- masculinities
- masculinity
- mass media
- mass media influence
- materialism and post materialism
- measure of social support equality
- Mediation
- mediation
- Mediator
- mediators
- Medical Anthropology.
- medical imaging
- medicine
- memories
- memory
- Men
- Mental health
- metamorphoses of labour
- method
- methodology
- Mexican Government
- Mexico
- Mia Couto
- migration
- Migration
- migration of women
- military academy
- Military personnel
- Military Police musical associations
- military university education
- Minho/Barcelos
- minorities
- mirror
- missions
- mixed-methods
- mobility; mobilization; expatriation.
- modernity
- modes of life
- moral sociology
- mortality
- movements and social protest
- Mozambique
- Multiculturalism
- multifunctionality
- music
- nanotechnology
- Nanotechnology
- narrative community
- nation
- Nation; cultural capital; cosmopolitanism; globalisation.
- national identity
- natives
- Nature
- necropolitics
- Negotiation
- Negotiation efficacy
- Neo-marxism
- neocorporativ
- Neoliberalism
- neoliberalism
- network
- networks
- new citizenship
- nigerians
- nomanians
- non-representation
- nuclearity
- panic disorder
- participation
- participatory democracy
- Participatory Research Action
- partnerships
- peace
- pedagogical experience
- pedagogical practice
- pedagogy
- peer education
- Peer education; prison; empowerment and personal development.
- penal state
- Perceptions
- performance appraisal.
- peripheral capitalism
- peripheries.
- Peronism
- photography
- Pierre Bourdieu; reflexivity; subject/object; scientific practice; Gaston Bachelard.
- pluralism
- police musician
- Police; urban violence; thug phenomenon; city of Praia; young people.
- Policies of attention to childhood and youth; legal standards; sheltering institutions; psychical constitution.
- political action
- political crisis
- political economy
- political support and personal trajectory
- politically engaged literature
- politics
- politisation.
- polycentrism
- popular culture
- populism
- Portugal
- Portugal.
- Portuguese American memoirs
- Portuguese Ciganos gender inequalities
- Portuguese colonial history
- Portuguese Colonial War
- Portuguese decolonization
- Portuguese judicial disctrict courts
- Portuguese literature
- Portuguese postcolonialism
- Portuguese universities
- post-1988 Brazil
- post-identity logical
- post-independence
- post-memory.
- post-modernity
- post-rurality
- post-truth
- postcolonial Portuguese society
- postcolonial studies
- Postcolonial studies
- Postcolonial theory
- postcolonialism
- postmemory
- power
- power.
- Pre-School education
- precarious
- precarious forms of work
- precarious work
- precarious work/job insecurity
- Precariousness
- precariousness
- Precarity
- President Jair Bolsonaro
- precariousness
- Prison
- prison and society
- prison boundaries
- Prison counsellors
- prison culture
- Prison ethnography
- prison experience.
- prison officer
- Prison population
- prison reform
- Prison; discourses; poetic inquiry; poetry of witness.
- prison; prison guard; professional stigma; institutionalization; contamination.
- Prisons
- private setor
- privatisation
- profession
- professional
- professional identity
- professionalization
- professionals
- professionals.
- prospective post-memories
- Prostitution
- prostitution
- protection system
- protests
- Psycho-Pass; cyberpunk; converging technologies; life course criminology.
- psychopathology
- psychotropic drugs
- public health
- Public Policies
- public policies.
- public policy
- Public Prosecutor’s Office
- public setor
- public space
- race
- racism
- Racism
- radio
- reform
- Refugees
- regenerative Medicine
- Regional development
- regional flows
- regulation of affection and emotional expression.
- religion
- Religious diversity; indirect discrimination; religious minorities; courts
- representation
- representations
- reproduction
- requalified
- research
- Residential care
- residential care
- residential care.
- residential child care.
- resistance
- result
- Retention
- return
- rice growing.
- risk
- risk factors
- risk perception
- roma children
- roma communities; women; gender; empowerment.
- roma; education; school failure; segregation.
- rural social areas
- rural working class
- s torytelling
- Saltillo
- sandalwood
- Sao Paulo
- Sao Tome and Principe
- sargassum
- satisfaction with life
- satisfaction with work schedule
- school and hospital organizations
- school-aged children
- science
- science audiences
- science outreach
- Scientific mobility
- secondary education
- self
- sensory studies.
- sentencing
- servant law.
- services
- sexuality
- Shelters
- Site effects; State; community; Bairro do Aleixo; Porto.
- skills
- slavery
- Sleepwalking Land
- social
- social capital
- social capital; LinkedIn; social networks; social ties; job search.
- social classes
- social development
- social deviance
- social dialogue
- social discrimination; rural women; life courses.
- social exclusion
- social exclu¬sion and the classics
- social inequalities
- social inequality
- social intelligence
- social interaction
- social intervention
- social media.
- Social memory
- social memory.
- social movements
- social movements.
- social networks
- social order
- social policies
- social reintegration
- social representations
- social responsibility of organisations
- Social Sciences
- social sciences
- social service
- social theory
- social work
- Society
- society
- socio-environmental conflicts
- socio-historical context
- socio-spatial inequalities
- sociocultural sector
- sociology
- Sociology
- Sociology of Professions
- sociology of special education
- sociology of work
- sociotechnical relations
- Socratic Method
- soil degradation.
- solidarity.
- South
- Spain
- Stalking; persistent harassment; persecution; domestic violence
- State
- state
- state of exception
- state social policy
- stigma
- structure-social action
- subcontracting
- subjectivation
- surveillance
- suspended spaces
- sustainability
- sustainable development
- symbolic take off.
- synesthetics
- tangibility
- tea.
- teachers
- teaching
- teaching-learning methodologies
- teamwork
- technique
- techno-scientific capitalism
- technology
- teen dropouts
- temporality
- temporality of employability
- Temporary work
- Territorialities.
- Territory
- testimony
- the body
- theatre
- theoretical-methodological rigor.
- theory and practice
- third setor
- third way
- timorese society
- to be affected
- Toni Morrison
- total problems
- trade
- trade unionism
- Tradition
- trafficking
- trafficking networks
- trans-nationalization of education
- transculturality
- transformation
- transgressive pathways
- translating
- trauma
- traumatic experience
- triple bottom line
- truth
- tutelary educational intervention
- tutelary regime of truth
- values
- values.
- video
- video games
- video surveillance
- violence
- violence at work
- violence of war
- violence.
- Violence; social organization; social theory; discrimination; free speech.
- Violent crime; immigration; inmates; convictions
- Virtual museum
- Visual impairment; employment; good practices; people management
- War experience
- welfare state
- well-being
- Western thought
- White Collar Crime; Prison; Resocialization; Social Exclusion.
- Women; prisoners; war; power relations; patriarchalism.
- work
- work and employment
- Work schedules
- Work-family balance
- Work-Family Balance
- Work-Family conflict
- worker’s health
- workfare
- working condition
- world literature