English documents
Haut de pageThis section exists thanks to the work of the members of the English section subgroup.
Its members are:
Miriam Perier
Christian Olsson
Julien Jeandesboz
Phillippe Bonditti
Richard Spooner
Translated articles
These articles are translated from french published articles in the Journal.
English articles from "Articles inédits"
Roland Bleiker, "Politics After Seattle: Dilemmas of the Anti-Globalisation Movement", Articles inédits
English articles from "Regards sur l'entre-deux" online
Jill Magid et Miriam Perier, « Look ! » About Jill Magid’s work on surveilance and security tools
Antonia Garcia Castro et Miriam Perier, « Art has the power of its undefinability »”. An interview with Banu Cennetoglu
Landon Mackenzie et Didier Bigo, «Vancouver is not where it is supposed to be ». An interview with Landon Mackenzie (november 2009, Paris)
Lucía Cedrón et Antonia García Castro, « Literal Metaphors »
Günter Schwaiger, « On Santa Cruz, por ejemplo (Santa Cruz, For Example) »
Tomás Ruiz-Rivas, « The Earth Beneath Our Feet »