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Submission Guidelines

1. Comunicação Pública is an open access online academic journal created by the academic community of the School of Communication and Media Studies; it is open to contributions from external researchers working in the same areas of interest.

2. Articles submitted for publication must be original and not been published previously

3. Editorial process involves peer review of all submitted full-length articles each manuscript is reviewed by double blind referees. The evaluation produced can have one of three outcomes: rejection, acceptance with changes suggested by referees, or acceptance for publication without changes. If accepted, the author will be notified on the forecast issue of the journal in which the article will be inserted.

4. The journal does not charge authors for processing, reviewing and publishing their articles (APCs – article processing charges).

5. Articles submission is done by e-mail (as attachment) to Manuscript should be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, in Word Format, in Times New Roman, 12 pts for text, line spacing 1.5. Full-length articles, including bibliography and annexes, must be under 50.000 characters.

6. The first page of the manuscript must have title (both Portuguese and English), name(s) of author(s), affiliation, e-mail address, phone number and address of the first author. Manuscripts must be anonimously.

7. First page must include an abstract, both in Portuguese and English, under 900 characters and a maximum of 5 key-words, also in both languages.

8. Quotations and references should be made according to Harvard system (author-date), plus page number in case of direct quotations. Direct quotations with more than 2 lines should be separate from the body of text, in Times New Roman, 9pt. Quotation with less than 2 lines should be inserted in the body of the text between commas.

9. Complete bibliographic references, to figure in the final bibliography, should include only sources actually quoted or used in the text must be written in Times New Roman, 11pt, single-spaced.

10. Each bibliographic reference should respect the following forma structure: PERIODICALS: Gomes, O. (2005) Comércio electrónico e pesquisa óptima de informação. Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, 4 (1) Janeiro-Março, pp.30-39. ARTIGOS OU CAPÍTULOS EM OBRAS COM EDITOR LITERÁRIO: Mesquita, M. (1998) Não acredito que o serviço público possa ser adequadamente assegurado por operadores privados. In: Portela, A. ed. A Galáxia de Bill Gates. Lisboa, Editorial Bizâncio, pp.63-91. ATAS DE CONGRESSOS: Actas do III Congresso Luso-Afro-Brasileiro de Ciências Sociais. 1994. Lisboa, (1996) Dinâmicas multiculturais, Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa.

11. Text and images as well as the first page of the article should respect the following format rules:

  • Submitting text

  • Submit files in Word (‘97-’10).

  • Files can be e-mailed; in addition, we would welcome a print-out of the article.

  • Single-spaced, no paragraph indentations.

  • Single space after full stop.

  • Serial commas (e.g. one, two, and three).

  • Paper size 8.5×11, align text left.

  • Use Times New Roman, 12 pts for text and Arial, 9 pts in illustration captions.

  • Spelling should conform to British practice (-ise, not -ize) and follow the Oxford English Dictionary. If you wish to use American spellings, please agree to this in advance with your editor and follow the Webster’s English Dictionary.

  • Submit text with as little ‘formatting’ as possible. If you want a word to be italicised, italicise it in the manuscript. If you want a word to be bolded, set it in bold in the manuscript. The same goes for small capitals and other special formatting. Other than that, refrain from using layout.

  • Artwork titles should be italicised and in the original language (English translation in parentheses, along with year of production.

  • Quotations longer than one sentence should be separated from the text.

  • Do not use Harvard style in-text referencing.

  • Be consistent when using references:

    • – quotations within a sentence do not include the final punctuation mark, e.g. Gerritsen said that ‘this was the best way’.15

    • – quotations that form a complete sentence include the final punctuation mark, e.g. ‘This is the best way.’16

  • Only endnotes are allowed (Times New Roman, 10 pts). They may be submitted in the standard word-format as part of the text. Keep their number and length limited.

  • Submit (end) notes using Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9…), single-spaced.

  • Endnote referencing as follows: Johnson 2012, pp. 10-15. For texts by multiple authors: Smith & Wilson 2010, p. 6.

  • Only use abbreviations when it is strictly necessary.

  • Only numbers under 20 should be written out as words (so, nineteen but 345). You may depart from this rule when numerals or numbers form the main part of the text.

  • Be consistent in spelling and transcribing foreign names (for instance, either ‘Dostoyevsky’ or ‘Dostoevskii’, but not both.

  • Use extra lines of space only when absolutely necessary.

  • Use single quotation marks (‘ ’) and inside that quotation grouping, use doubles (“ ”) when needed.

  • Add headings where relevant, making a clear distinction between heading levels.
    Subtitles/section headings in bold.

  • Submit tables, diagrams and figures in separate attached files. These should be numbered consecutively; indicate in the text where exactly you want the tables etc. to be inserted and incorporate in the main text on a separate line: ‘ Table #’ and the desired caption text.

  • Submit figures and diagrams separately in their original format and not as a Word file.

  • Tables should be submitted as an Excel file. Use Arial, 8 pts for texts and use a standard layout.

  • Please include a short bio (in italics) of no more than 150 words at the end of your text immediately before the References section.

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