S. Montoya, G. Denhière and T. Baccino
Resolving Pronominal Ambiguity: Role of Contextual Constraints.
M. Bensafi, C. Rouby and A. Holley
Do Primacy, Recency and Experimental Amnesia also Exist for Odor Names
F. Zenasni and T. Lubart
Effects of Mood States on Creativity
M.-P. Cousin, P. Largy and M. Fayol
Sometimes Eearly Learned Instances Interfere with the Implementation of Rules: The Case of Nominal Number Agreement
N. Bedouin and P. Dissard
Sonority and Syllabic Structure in Reading: Difference Between French and English Readers
S. Ransdell and B. Lavelle
Quality Measurement: A comparison of two Methods of Assessment
M. Tomonaga
Attentional Capture in the Chimpanzee (Pan Rroglodites): Distractor of a Singleton on Visual Search Performances
S. Mathey and D. Zagar
Similarity in Visual Word Recognition: The Effect of Syllabic Neighborood in French