L. Ferrand
Grammatical Gender is also on the Tip of French Tongues
J. K. Kaakinen, J. Hyönä et J. M. Keenan
Individual Differences in Perspective Effects on Text Memory
V. Ferrari, E. Marmèche et A. Didierjean
Problem Similarity Effects in Case-Based and Schema-Based Knowledge Activation
O. Houdé, N. Angard, B. Pillon et B. Dubois
A New Window on Child Prefrontal Functions: Inhibition of a Non-Strategic Alternation-Pointing Scheme
H. Sauzéon, B. N'Kaoua et B. Claverie
The Effect of self-Generated Category Cues on Organizational Processing in the Recall Performance of Young, Middle-Old and Old Adults.
S. de Rammelaere et A. Vandierendonck
Are Executive Processes Used to Solve Simple Arithmetic Production Tasks
G. Molina et J.-M. Fabre
Conflict between two Dichotomies: Dichotomization of Stimuli and Judgements