The Boards
Haut de pageChief Editor
Gauthier Bolle
DPLG Architect (ENSAS, 2006), Doctor in Architectural History (2014), Architectural History and Cultures Associate Professor at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Strasbourg (ENSA Strasbourg), Researcher at the UMR 3400 ARCHE (Arts, civilisations and history of Europe, University of Strasbourg.
Editorial Board
Céline Barrère (since 2022)
Sociologist, Doctor in Urban Planning, Lecturer in Human and Social Sciences for Architecture (SHSA) at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Lille (ENSAPL), Researcher and Co-Director of the LACTH (ENSAPL), Associate Researcher in the Centre de recherche sur l’habitat (UMR 7218 LAVUE).
Coordinator of the “Research News” heading.
Manuel Bello Marcano (since 2017)
Architect, Associate Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Sain-Étienne (ENSASE), member of the « Architectures et Transformations » research group (ENSASE), associate member of the Centre interdisciplinaire d’études et de recherches sur l’expression contemporaine (CIEREC).
Coordinator of the “Research Materials” heading.
Gaia Caramellino (since 2021)
Architect, Historian, Assistant Professor in Architectural History at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering (AUIC) of the Politecnico di Milano, Researcher at the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU), member of the Supervisory Board of the PhD Program in Architecture, History and Design (DASP) at the Politecnico di Torino.
Coordinator of the “Research Materials” heading.
Enrico Chapel (since 2017)
Architect, HDR Full Professor in the field of Architectural History and Cultures (HCA) at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Toulouse (ENSA Toulouse), Researcher in the Laboratoire de recherche en architecture (LRA) (ENSA Toulouse).
Coordinator of the “Research News” heading.
Benjamin Chavardes (since 2017)
Geometrician-Topographer and Architect, Doctor in Architecture, Associate Professor in Theories and Practices of Architecture and Urban Design (TPCAU) at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Lyon (ENSAL), Researcher in the UMR 5600 EVS (Environnement, ville, société) and member of the LAURE team (Laboratoire Lyon architecture urbanisme recherche, ENSAL), holder of the teaching and research Chair “Architectural solutions for the design and reuse of sacred spaces” (SACRES), Coordinator of the scientific and educational network “Architecture, patrimoine et création” (APC).
Audrey Courbebaisse (since 2021)
Architect, Doctor of Architecture, Professor of Habitat Design at the Faculty of Architecture, Architectural Engineering and Urban Planning LOCI at the Catholic University of Leuven, member of the research unit Uses and Spaces.
Coordinator of the “Research Materials” heading.
Maxime Decommer (since 2022)
Architect, Doctor of architecture, Lecturer in Human and Social Sciences for Architecture at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Bretagne (ENSAB), Researcher at the UMR 3329 Architecture, urbanisme, société : savoirs, enseignement, recherche (AUSser) in the team Architecture, culture, société XIXe-XXIe siècles (ACS) and Associate Researcher at the Groupe de recherche sur l’invention et l’évolution des forms (GRIEF).
Anat Falbel (since 2021)
Engineer, PHD in Architecture History, Lecturer Researcher at the PROURB/FAU Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, member of the LAURD/ Acervo Robeto Segre.
Coordinator of the “Research Materials” heading.
Yankel Fijalkow (since 2017)
Sociologist and Town Planner, Full Professor at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-Val de Seine (ENSAPVS), researcher in the UMR 7218 LAVUE (Laboratoire architecture, ville, urbanisme, environnement), Codirector of the Centre de recherche sur l’habitat (LAVUE).
Ralph Ghoche (since 2021)
Historian of 19th century architecture, PhD in Architectural History (2015), Lecturer in History and Theory of Architecture and Urban Planning at Barnard College, Columbia University. His current research focuses on French architecture in Algeria in the 19th century and in particular on the territorial and urban interventions of the Catholic Church in Algiers.
Coordinator of the “Research Materials” heading.
Xavier Guillot (since 2017)
Urban Designer, Architect, HDR Full Professor at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux (ENSAP Bordeaux) in the field of Cities and Territories (VT), Researcher in the UMR 5319, member of the Passages team (Bordeaux Montaigne University), Head of the scientific thematic network “Espace rural et projet spatial” (ERPS) of the Ministry of Culture.
Caroline Maniaque (since 2017)
Architect, HDR Full Professor at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Normandie (ENSA Normandie) in the field of Architectural history and cultures (HCA), Director of the ATE research laboratory (Architecture, Territoire, Environnement), Associate Researcher in the UMR 3329, AUSser, member of the IPRAUS team (ENSAPB).
Coordinator of the “Research Materials” heading.
Roberta Morelli (since 2022)
Engineer-Architect and Doctor in Construction Engineering and Territorial Planning, Lecturer at ENSA Paris-Belleville and a Researcher at the IPRAUS laboratory (Institut parisien de recherche architecture urbanistique société), Codirector of the LabEx Futurs urbains (2017-2021) (University Paris-Est). Her teaching activities as well as her research carried out within the framework of various scientific programmes focus on the critical analysis of the design and manufacturing processes of buildings and the city in the face of contemporary environmental issues.
Coordinator of the “Research News” heading.
Juliette Pommier (since 2022)
Architect, Doctor of Architecture, Lecturer at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-La Villette (ENSA Paris-La Villette), Researcher at the Laboratoire Architecture, histoire, techniques, territoires, patrimoines (AHTTEP UMR 3329, AUSser), and Associate Researcher at the Laboratoire Architectures, cultures, sociétés (ACS) and at the Laboratoire Architecture, conception, territoire, histoire (LACTH)
Frederic Pousin (since 2017)
Architect, CNRS Research Director HDR, UMR 3329 AUSser (Architecture, urbanisme, société), member of the IPRAUS research team, École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB).
Former Chief Editor (2017-2022)
Paola Savoldi (since 2021)
Architect, Urban Planner, Associate Professor of Urban Policies at the School of Architecture Urban Planning Construction Engineering (AUIC) of Politecnico di Milano, Researcher in the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (DAStU, Politecnico di Milano).
Coordinator of the “Research Materials” heading.
Jean Souviron (since 2024)
Architect, Ponts et Chaussées Engineer, Doctor in Building Design and Urban Planning, Associate Professor at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB), Researcher with UMR 3329 AUSser, member of the IPRAUS team (Institut parisien de recherche : architecture, urbanistique, société), Associate Member of the Mission régionale d’autorité environnementale (MRAe) d’Île-de-France.
Corinne Tiry-Ono (since 2022)
Architect, Full Professor of Urban and Territorial Studies at the Paris-Val de Seine National Graduate School of Architectture (ENSAPVS), Researcher at the CRH (UMR 7218 LAVUE) and Associate Researcher at the CRCAO (UMR 8155, Japan team).
Coordinator of the “Research News” heading.
Andrea Urlberger (since 2020)
HDR Full Professor in Aesthetics, Sciences and Technologies of the Arts at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Toulouse (ENSA Toulouse), Researcher in LRA laboratory (Laboratoire de recherche en architecture, ENSA Toulouse).
Coordinator of the “Research News” heading.
Editorial Assistant
Aude Clavel
Former members of the editorial board
Franck Besançon (2017-2023)
Laurent Devisme (2017-2022)
Sandra Fiori (2017-2022)
Francois Fleury (2017-2020)
Beatrice Mariolle (2017-2021)
Valerie Nègre (2017-2022)
Daniel Siret (2017-2021)
Hélène Vacher (2017-2022)
Scientific Board
Denis Bocquet
Full Professor HDR at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Strasbourg (ENSAS) in History and Theory of Architecture and Urban Planning.
Maurizio Brocato
Engineer, Full Professor HDR at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-Malaquais (ENSAPM) and at the École nationale des ponts et chaussées, Director of the GSA laboratory (Géométrie, structure, architecture, ENSAPM).
Olivier Chadoin
HDR Full Professor in Sociology at the l’École nationale supérieure d’architecture et de paysage de Bordeaux (ENSAPB), researcher in UMR 5116, Director of PAVE laboratory (Professions architecture ville environnement, Centre Émile Durkheim).
Elena Cogato-Lanza
Architect, Professor at the Urban Planning Laboratory of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); associate editor at MetisPresses and member of various international editorial boards.
Filippo De Pieri
Architectural historian, Associate Professor at the Politecnico di Torino, DAD (Dipartimento di Architettura e Design). His research focuses on the history of European and Asian cities, on the socio-architectural history of housing (XIX-XXI centuries), on the intersections between architectural history and public history.
Zhuo Jian
Architect, Professor and Vice-Director of the Department of Urban Planning at the Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning of Tongji University (Shanghai); Director of the Urban Renewal Research Centre (TJUPDI); Director of the Research Network “Mobility in Historic Cities” in China.
Sonia Keravel
Landscape Architect, Associate Professor in Landscape Project Theory and Practice at the École nationale supérieure du paysage de Versailles-Marseille, researcher at the LAREP (Laboratoire de recherche en paysage), and member of the editorial board of the Journal of Landscape Architecture (JoLA).
Jean-Pierre Lévy
Geographer, HDR CNRS Research Director, researcher at UMR 8134, member of the LATTS team (Laboratoire techniques, territoires et société, UPEM-École des Ponts ParisTech), teaching at the École nationale supérieure d’architecture de Paris-Val-de-Seine (ENSAPVS).
Émilie d’Orgeix
Historian of Architecture and Technology, Director of Cultural History of Techniques since the Middle Ages Studies at the École pratique des hautes études, Associate Professor in the Department of Historical Sciences at the Université Laval (Québec) and researcher at EA Histara 7347.
Daniela Poli
Architect, PHD in Territorial Planning and Design, Professor at the University of Florence in the Department of Architecture, Director of the LAPEI (Laboratorio di Progettazione Ecologica degli Insediamenti) and the Master in City and Territory Planning and Design; Director of the international review of territorialist studies Scienze del Territorio.
Michel Rautenberg
Anthropologist, HDR Full Professor of Sociology at the Université Jean Monnet-Saint-Étienne, researcher in the UMR 5283 at the Centre Max Weber.
Emmanuel Rey
Architect, partner of the Bauart office in Bern/Neuchâtel/Zurich, Professor of Architectural Design at the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Founder and Director of LAST (Laboratoire d’architecture et technologies durables).
Rémi Scoccimarro
Associate Professor in Japanese Languages and Civilization at the University of Toulouse-Jean-Jaurès and researcher at the Institut français de recherche sur le Japon (Maison franco-japonaise de Tôkyô). He is working on the changes in urban space, recent demographic changes, and the socio-spatial consequences of the tsunami and the nuclear accident of March 11, 2011.
Catherine de Smet
Teacher-Researcher HDR at the Université Paris-8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, and at the École européenne supérieure d’art de Bretagne-Rennes.
Loïc Vadelorge
Full Professor of Contemporary History at the Gustave Eiffel University, Scientific Manager of the Labex Urban Futures of Paris-Est.
Éric Verdeil
Professor of Geography and Urban Studies at the CERI/Sciences Po Paris.
Nicolas Verdier
Senior researcher at the CNRS within the Géographie-cités laboratory (CNRS/Paris 1/ UPC/ EHESS) and directeur d'étude at the EHESS (Chair of geohistory).
Sharon Zukin
Sociologist, Professor at the Brooklyn College et au Graduate Center, City University of New York ; winner of the Lynd Price of Urban Sociology of the American Sociological Association.
Reading Committee
The reading committee includes all the personalities who participated in the peer review of the articles submitted to the Craup, whether published or not.
Experts for the review in 2017
Suzel Balez
Franck Besançon
Jean-Claude Bignon
Claire Brossaud
Jean-Pierre Chupin
Helena Cogato
Ana Bela De Araujo
Emmanuel Eveno
Michael Fenker
Francois Fleury
Catherine Grout
Isabelle Grudet
François Guena
Guzin Konuk
Guy Lambert
Anne Lefebre
Hervé Lequay
Caroline Maniaque
Eleonore Marantz
Xavier Marsault
Roberta Morelli
Philippe Potie
Cécile Regnault
Andrea Ulberger
Vincent Verschambre
Experts for the review in 2018
Sharam Abadie
Helena Angotti
Laure Baridon
Julien Bastoen
Tim Benton
Jean-Claude Bignon
Eglantine Bigot-Doll
Denis Bocquet
Jean-Louis Bonillo
Aiche Boussad
Sabrina Bresson
Christophe Camus
Maurice Casciato
Olivier Celnik
Malik Chebahi
Jean-Pierre Chupin
Pierre Clément
Jean François Coulais
Bastien Couturier
Stéphanie Dadour
Christian Darle
Alessia De Biase
Maxime Decommer
Nicolas Douay
Xavier Dousson
Philippe Dufieux
Emmanuel Dufrasne
Daniel Estevez
Cécile Feriel
Bernard Ferries
Jean-Pierre Goulette
François Guéna
Gilles Halin
Damien Hanser
Rainier Hoddé
Corinne Jaquand
Marinela Kourniati
Bernadette Laurencin
Caroline Lecourtois
Philippe Liveneau
Khedidja Mamou
Eleonore Marantz
Sonia Parvu
Céline Poisson
Carmen Popescu
Jean-François Staszak
Estelle Thibault
Karine Thilleul
Nicolas Tixier
Yannis Tsiomis
Nicolas Verdier
Roberta Williamson
Experts for the review in 2019
Yves Bocquet
Éric Chauvier
Olivier Gaudin
Caroline Adler
Paulina Ahumada
Eric Alonzo
Cécile Asanuma-Brice
Daniel Barber
Silvia Benedito
Angelo Bertoni
Véronique Biau
Catherine Blain
Yves Bocquet
Jean-Louis Bonillo
Xavier Bonnaud
René Borruey
Laure Brayer
Denis Bruneau
Jiat-Hwee Chang
Enrico Chapel
Marianna Charitonidou
Anne Chatelut
Eric Chauvier
Grégoire CHelkoff
Isabelle Chesneau
Bernard Davasse
Hervé Davodeau
Denis Delbaere
Amandine Diener
Emmanuel Doutriaux
Marie-Jeanne Dumont
Federico Ferrari
Yankel Fijalkow
Sandra Fiori
Kent Fitzsimons
Antonello Frongia
Jean-Philippe Garric
Olivier Gaudin
Caroline Guittet
Guy Lambert
Gilles-Antoine Langlois
Olivier Lugon
Marie Mangold
David Marcillon
Louis Martin
Catherine Maumi
Gilles Maury
Guillemette Morel-Journel
Alexandre Neagu
Magali Paris
Nicolas Pauli
Sophie Paviol
Maria Antonella Pelizzari
Dominique Pety
Alexandra Pignol
Thierry Pillon
Juliette pommier
Claire Revol
Caroline Rozenholc
Rémi Scoccimarro
Giuliano Sergio
Artur Simoes Rozestraten
Daniel Siret
Jean-François Staszak
Léa-Catherine Szacka
Simon Texier
Estelle Thibault
Peter Uyttenhove
Joanne Vajda
Line Valdorff Madsen
Jean-Louis Violeau
Mercedes Volait
Experts for the review in 2020
Sharam Abadie
Junko Abe
Ilaria Agostini
Jean-Yves Andrieux
Helena Angotti
Dominique Argoud
Judith Audin
Catherine Aventin
Laurent Baridon
Céline Barrere
Basile Baudez
Caroline Bauer
Alessia de Biase
Véronique Biau
Denis Bocquet
Karen Bowie
Sabrina Bresson
Antonio Brucculeri
Alberto Budoni
Grégory Busquet
Christophe Camus
Fausto Carmelo Nigrelli
Olivier Chadouin
Florent Champy
Anne-Marie Châtelet
Isabelle Chesneau
Jean-Sébastien Cluzel
Anna Maria Colavitti
François Cusin
Maxime Decommer
Franck Delorme
Arnaud Dercelles
Valéry Didelon
Marc Dilet
Pierre Donadieu
Xavier Dousson
Jean-Claude Driant
Simon Edelbutte
Etienne Faisant
David Fanfani
Marion Fontaine
Jean-Pierre Frey
Jean-Philippe Garric
Philippe Genestier
Mathieu Gimat
Catherine Grout
François Guena
Gilles Guiheux
Bernard Haumont
Juliette Hernu
Corinne Jacquand
Sonia Keravel
Thomas Kirszbaum
Anne Labit
Guy Lambert
Réjean Legault
Renaud Legoix
Carlo Leonardi
Laurent Lescop
Michel Lesourd
Elise Macaire
Thea Manola
Panos Mantziaras
Eléonore Marantz
Rosa de Marco
Béatrice Mariolle
Gilles Marseille
Dominique Massounie
Catherine Maumi
Aurore Merle
Dominique Mons
Guillemette Morel-Journel
Barbara Morovitch
Lucie K Morrisset
Yoann Morvan
Sophie Nemoz
Olivier Ninot
Soline Nivet
Anne d’Orazio
Emilie d’Orgeix
Laetitia Overney
Fabio Parascandolo
Thomas Perrin
Claudine Piaton
Virgine Picon Lefebvre
Massimo Preite
Jean-Claude Rabier
Michel Rautenberg
Sylvie Renaut
Nadine Roudil
Artur Simões Rozestraten
Stéphane Safin
Clara Sandrini
Thierry Sanjuan
Daniel Siret
Léa-Catherine Szacka
Souha Tahrani
Liliane Terrier
Jean-Paul Thibaud
Karine Thilleul
Corinne Tiry-Ono
Pieter Uttyenhove
Nicole Valois
Damien Vanneste
Paula Vaquez
Corine Vedrine
Stéphanie Vermeersch
Vincent Veschambre
Philippe Vidal
Frédérique Villemur
Véronique Zamant
Experts for the review in 2021
Julie Ambal
Elena Cogato Lanza
Clara Sandrini
Jean Attali
Céline Barrère
Manuel Bello Marcano
Tim Benton
Franck Besançon
Gauthier Bolle
Philippe Bonnin
Stephan Bonzani
René Borruey
Florence Bourillon
Sabrina Bresson
Antonio Brucculeri
Nick Bullock
Gaia Caramellino
Robert Carvais
Benjamin Chambelland
Gregoire Chelkoff
Jean-Sébastien Cluzel
Audrey Courbebaisse
Stéphanie Dadour
Christian Darle
Michele Dassa
Caroline De Saint Pierre
Luna D’Emilio
Laurent Devisme
Rosa Di Marco
Pierre Donadieu
Emmanuel Dufrasnes
Marc Dumont
Anat Falbel
Georges Farath
Cedric Fériel
Federico Ferrari
Viviana Ferrario
Yankel Fijalkow
Sandra Fiori
Marie Gaimard
Jean Philippe Garric
Philippe Genestier
Mathilde Girault
Yola Gloagen
Chito Guala
Xavier Guillot
Jean-Marc Huygen
Corinne Jacquand
Benoit Jacquet
Thierry Joffroy
Lorraine Kennedy
Georges-Henry Laffont
Raphael Languillon
Remy Laporte
Judith Le Maire
Anais Leger-Smith
Lisa Lévy
Elise Macaire
Thea Manolas
Giulia Marino
Beatrice Mariolle
Cyrille Marlin
Laurent Matthey
Juliette Maulat
Lionel Maurel
Cristiana Mazzoni
Laetitia Mongeard
Yann Nussaume
Clément Orillard
Daniela Ortiz
Sylvie Paradis
Christian Pédelahore
Giuseppe Pini
Gilles Pinson
Hélène Roth
Paola Savoldi
Nadia Sbiti
Lise Serra
Nathalie Simonnot
Daniel Siret
Liliane Terrier
Michèle Tranda Pittion
Pascal Urbain
Hélène Vacher
Marc Verdier
Franck Vermandel
Pieter Versteegh
Aurélie Vissac
Chris Younes
Experts for the review in 2022
Tiphaine Abenia
Giulio Barazzetta
Michela Barbot
Céline Barrère
Julie Beauté
Manuel Bello-Marcano
Denis Bocquet
Céline Bonicco
Michele Bonino
Véronique Boone
René Borruey
Vincent Bradel
Sabrina Bresson
Jennifer Buyck
Daniele Campobenedetto
Aysegul Cankat
Stefania Chipa
Damien Claeys
Audrey Courbebaisse
Sheila Crane
Françoise Crémel
Pierre Alain Croset
Emeline Curien
Caroline de Saint Pierre
Catherine de Smet
Anne Debarre
Fanny Delaunay
Vanina Deneux-Le Bach
Catherine Deschamps
Laurent Devisme
Amandine Diener
Cornélia Escher
Jean Estebanez
Anat Falbel
Fabrice Flahutez
Cécile Fries-Paiola
Kent Fritzsimons
Andrea Gatti
Rafael Goncalves
Michel Grossetti
Gilles Guiheux
Xavier Guillot
Iona Iosa
Savitri Jalias
Louise Jammet
Dimitra Kanellopoulou
Bernard Kaufmann
Maud Laethier
Emmanuelle Lallemand
Gisela Lameira
Gilles Antoine Langlois
Alexia Lebeurre
Anne Lefebvre
Jean Michel Léger
Christine Lelevrier
Gery Leloutre
Khedidja Mamou
Giulia Marino
Pauline Neisch
Amélie Nicolas
Nabila Oulebsir
Laetitia Overney
Sergio Pace
Sandra Parvu
Juliette Pommier
Frédéric Pousin
Michel Rautenberg
Maria Paola Repellino
Clément Rivière
Carolina Rodiguez
Anolga Rodionoff
Gaëlle Ronsin
Alessia Rosa
Hélène Roth
Élise Roy
Caroline Rozenholc
Loïc Vadelorge
Corine Vedrine
Bruna Vendemmia
Nicolas Verdier
Nathanael Wadbled
Ornella Zaza
Experts for the review in 2023
List updated on 26/12/23
Hassan Ait Haddou
Francesca Albani
Mariella Annese
Manuel Appert
Giulio Barazzetta
Laurent Baridon
Raphaelle Bertho
Véronique Biau
Céline Bonicco
Florence Bourillon
Serge Briffaud
Aline Caillet
Andrea Canziani
Matteo Cassani Simonetti
Pierre Chabard
Olivier Chadoin
Anne-Marie Châtelet
Jean-Pierre Chupin
Bernard Davasse
Ana Bela de Araujo
Alessia de Biase
Lieven De Cauter
Filipo De Pieri
Anne Debarre
Xavier Dousson
Philippe Dufieux
Mathieu Duperrex
Cornélia Escher
Yankel Fijalkow
Hervé Gaff
Françoise Ged
Sofia Guevara Viquez
Xavier Guillot
Elodie Hochscheid
Ziad Jamaleddine
Louise Jammet
Corine Jaquand
Andrew Kirk
Maros Krivy
Beatrice Lampariello
Gilles-Antoine Langlois
Daniel Le Couédic
Gwenaelle Le Goullon
Dominique Lefrançois
Jean-Michel Léger
Elise Macaire
Khedidja Mamou
Nina Mansion-Prudhomme
Américo Mariani
Beatrice Mariolle
Julie Martin
Gabriele Mastrigli
Juliana Maxime
Cristiana Mazzoni
Guillaume Meigneux
Eric Monin
Roberta Morelli
Estelle Morle
Joe Nasr
Karen O’Rourke
Stephen Parnell
Gabriele Pierluisi
Daniel Pinson
Juliette Pommier
Cécile Regnault
Frédéric Saunier
Yannick Sencébé
Philippe Simon
Daniel Siret
Frédéric Sotinel
Daniel Talesnik
Nicolas Tixier
Dimitri Toubanos
Jodelle Zetlaoui-Léger