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Les Cahiers: Journal for the Study of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape

Inscribed within the fields of architectural, urban and landscape studies, Les Cahiers was originally developed in the 1970s, in research centers of schools of architecture across France. As an international, peer-reviewed journal, it addresses communities of scholars attentive to the processes of spatial transformation at multiple scales. Les Cahiers: Journal for the Study of Architecture, Urbanism and Landscape aims to engage with issues of contemporary interest and relevance, while also bringing new considerations to the fore in an effort to reinvigorate debate and open new avenues of study. 

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20 | 2024
Penser la technique à l'ère du dérèglement global

Questioning Technology in a Time of Global Upheaval
Edited by Roberta Morelli and Jean Souviron

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Credits: Roberta Morelli
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