Index | Keywords
- Abd al-Rahmān
- Abd el-Kader
- absolutism
- academicism
- Académie de Saint-Luc
- Académie Royale de Musique
- Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture
- Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture
- Académie Royale de Peinture et Sculpture
- Académie royale des sciences
- Académie Royale d’Architecture
- Academy of Argonauts
- Academy of Fine Arts
- accession
- acclamation
- account books
- achromatism
- acting
- adaptation
- administration
- Admiral of France
- Adonis
- aesthetics
- affiche-placard
- Africa Rooms
- Age of Liberty
- agronomy
- akakia
- Akan
- Albert Casimir of Saxony-Teschen
- alchemy
- Alexander the Great
- Alexandria Park
- Alfonso II d’Este
- allegory
- almanac
- ambassador
- Ambassadors’Staircase
- Ambassador’s Staircase
- American independence
- American Independence
- American War of Independence
- Amis du Vieux Marly
- anatomical head
- anatomy
- Ancien Régime
- ancient novel
- ancient Persia
- ancient Rome
- Anderson (Benedict)
- Androuet Du Cerceau (Jacques)
- Angiviller (Charles Claude Flahaut de La Billarderie comte d’)
- Angoulême (Marie-Thérèse Charlotte de France duchesse d’)
- Anne of Austria
- Anne-Marie-Louise d’Orléans
- Ansbach residence
- anthropology of art
- antichambre du Grand Couvert
- antipathy
- antiques
- antiquities
- Antiquity
- Antoine I of Monaco
- Anyi-Ndényé
- apartment
- Apollo Room
- Apostolic Chamber
- aqueduct
- Aranda (Pedro Pablo Abarca de Bolea conde de)
- archaeological excavations
- archaeology
- archaeozoology
- archeology
- archiepiscopal cross
- architect
- architectural painting
- architecture
- archives
- archiving
- aristocracy
- aristocratic military honour
- aristocratic palaces
- aristocratic residence
- aristrocracy
- Armfelt (Gustaf Mauritz)
- armoury
- army
- arrangement
- art history
- art market
- Art Nouveau
- Artagnan (Charles de Batz-Castelmore comte d’)
- artillery
- artist’s house
- Ashanti
- ashlar
- astronomy
- Atsuta Shrine
- Atthalin (Louis)
- Augustus
- Augustus II of Poland
- Augustus III of Poland
- Aumale (Henri d’Orléans duc d’)
- Austria
- Austria (Maria Josepha of)
- Austrian Low Countries
- Avignon
- Avignon Papacy
- Aviler (Augustin-Charles d’)
- backfill
- Bacon (Francis)
- Bagard (Charles)
- ballet
- ballet costume
- ballet mascarade
- banner
- Barba (Genesio del)
- Barberini (Francesco)
- Barby (comte de)
- Bariatinski (Ivan Sergueevitch)
- Baroque
- baroque
- basileia
- basileus
- Basseporte (Madeleine-Françoise)
- Bassin des Boules
- Bassin des Nappes
- Basville (Nicolas de Lamoignon de)
- Bâtiments du roi
- Battle of Yorktown (1781)
- beau idéal
- Beaudet de Morlet (Charles-Nicolas)
- Beauvais
- bed
- bêlon
- Benedict XIV
- Benoist (Antoine)
- Bentz (Bruno)
- Berain (Jean)
- Berchény (Ladislas de)
- Berchény (Ladislas)
- Berlin
- Berry (Louis-Auguste de France duc de)
- Besmaux (François de Montlézun)
- Besser (Johann von)
- Beurdeley (Emmanuel-Alfred)
- Bibliothèque Royale
- bichromy
- Biltmore
- binder
- biography
- bishop
- Blanchard (Jean)
- Blois (Château and gardens)
- Bodenehr (Gabriel fils)
- Boffrand (Germain)
- Bonn electoral palace
- Bontemps (Alexandre)
- Bontous (Jacques-Joseph)
- Bonzi (family)
- boot
- Bordeaux
- botanical garden
- botanist
- botany
- Bouchardon (Edme)
- Bouchardon (Jacques-Philippe)
- Bouchardon (Jean-Baptiste)
- Boucher (François)
- Boudan (Louis)
- Boughton
- Boulle (André-Charles)
- Boullogne (Louis)
- Bourbon (Louis-Alexandre de)
- Bourbon Restoration
- Bourbons
- box tree hedge
- Boyer de Bandol (André-Joseph de)
- Boyer de Bandol (Nicolas de)
- Boyer de Bandol (Pierre-Jules de)
- Boyle (Robert)
- Brandenburg (Friedrich Wilhelm of)
- Brice (Germain)
- brick
- Briot (Pierre-Louis)
- brocken brick tile
- bronze
- Brussels
- Brutus (Lucius Junius)
- Buc’hoz (Pierre-Joseph)
- Buddhism
- Buen Retiro Palace
- building officer
- building site
- Buirette (Jacques)
- bureaucracy
- Burgundy
- burlesque
- bust
- butchery
- butler
- Buyster (Philippe de)
- Byzantium
- cabinet of curiosities
- Cabinet of Paintings
- cabinetmaking
- cadet de Gascogne
- Caffiéri (Jacques)
- Caffiéri (Philippe)
- Callot
- Calvinism
- Cambray-Digny (Louis-Antoine de)
- cameo
- camera obscura
- Campan
- campanilismo
- Campo-Florido (Luis Reggio y Branciforte prince of)
- Canaye de Fresnes (Philippe)
- candlestick
- cane
- canticle
- Cape Breton Island
- captain
- cardinal-legate
- Carducci (Giosuè)
- career
- Carlton House
- carousel
- Carrare
- cartography
- cartoon
- cascade
- Caserta
- cast
- castrato
- Castries (family)
- Catapani (Filippo)
- Catherine de’ Medici
- Catholicism
- catholicism
- catholicity register
- ceiling
- cement
- censorship
- cent-suisses
- central body
- Central Library (Paris)
- ceremonial
- ceremonial manuscript
- ceremonial report
- ceremony
- ceroplastics
- Chabert (Jean-Baptiste)
- Chaillé (Jean-Baptiste)
- chalcography
- Chambre du roi (institution)
- Champagne
- Chantilly
- chapel
- Charles (duke of Berry)
- Charles II
- Charles II of Spain
- Charles III of Spain
- Charles VI
- Charles X
- Charpentier (Alexandre)
- charterhouse
- Chastellux (François-Jean de Beauvoir de)
- château
- Château de Chambord
- Château de Choisy
- Château de Compiègne
- Château de Fontainebleau
- Château de La Celle-Saint-Cloud
- château de La Chapelle-Godefroy
- Château de Marly
- Château de Meudon
- Château de Saint-Cloud
- Château de Saint-Germain-en-Laye
- Château de Vaux-le-Vicomte
- Château de Versailles
- château de Versailles
- Château de Vincennes
- Château des Tuileries
- Château-Vieux de Saint-Germain-en-Laye
- Chatsworth
- Chaumont
- Chenies Manor
- Chéron (Élisabeth-Sophie)
- Chesterfield (Philip Dormer Stanhope earl of)
- Chestret (Maximilien de)
- chiaroscuro
- children of France
- Chinese House
- chivalry
- chlamys
- Choiseul (Étienne-François de)
- Christian IV (Count Palatine of Zweibrücken-Birkenfeld)
- Christomimesis
- Chrysotriklinos
- church of Saint-Sulpice
- citadel
- civil registration
- civil war
- Clagny
- Clairambault (Pierre de)
- classicism
- Clement XI
- Clement XII
- Clement XIV
- clientage
- clientelism
- clothing
- coating
- Cobham (Richard)
- Cod. Min 52 et 53
- Colbert (Jean-Baptiste)
- Collé (Charles)
- collection
- collectionism
- collectionnism
- collections history
- Collège Louis-le-Grand
- Collignon (Jean)
- colonies
- colonisation
- colour
- combat at the barrier
- commission
- communication
- comparatism
- competition
- Compiègne
- conduct
- conductor of ambassadors
- Confucianism
- conservation
- constable’s sword
- Constantinople
- construction
- constructivism
- Conti (François-Louis de Bourbon prince de)
- Conti (Marie-Anne de Bourbon princesse de)
- controversy
- copper
- copy
- copyist
- Corfey (Lambert Friedrich)
- Coriolanus (Gnaeus Marcius)
- Corneille (Michel the Younger)
- cornice
- Cornu (André)
- Cornu (Jean)
- coronation
- coronation ordines
- correspondence
- cosmopolitanism
- Costaz (Louis)
- costume
- Cotelle (Jean)
- Cotte (Robert de)
- Couder (Auguste)
- Coudray (François)
- Count of Toulouse
- country house
- Couperin (François)
- Cour de Marbre
- cour des Bouches
- Cour des Offices
- court
- court administration
- court ballet
- court capitalism
- court culture
- court festivals
- court identity
- court life
- court literature
- court model
- court of France
- Court of France
- court of Vienna
- court society
- court studies
- courtier
- courtly culture
- Coustou (Guillaume)
- Coysevox (Antoine)
- craftsman
- Crassous (Joseph-Augustin)
- crown
- Crown archives
- crown jewels
- crowning
- Crozat (Antoine)
- Crozat (Pierre)
- Crusades Rooms
- culinary ceramics
- cultural identity
- cultural transfer
- culture
- Curia
- curial chapel
- Cyrus the Great
- Dangeau (Philippe de Courcillon marquis de)
- Danreiter (Franz Anton)
- Darget (Claude-Étienne)
- Daru (Pierre)
- Dasson (Henry)
- Daughters of Charity
- Dauphin
- Dauphine’s Apartment
- Dauphin’s Apartment
- Dauphin’s Household
- David (Jacques-Louis)
- Deane (Anthony)
- décor
- decor
- decoration
- decorative arts
- dedication
- defeat
- deified monarchy
- Delacroix (Eugène)
- Delalande (Michel-Richard)
- delegation
- demography
- Demoiselles de Saint-Cyr
- Denmark
- Dentatus (Manius Curius)
- Desandrouins (Jean-Marie Stanislas)
- Desnoues (Guillaume)
- devolution
- devolution of Ferrara
- Devonshire (Georgiana Spencer Cavendish Duchess of)
- devotion
- devotional practice
- diadem
- diagnosis
- Diana
- Dido’s Cave
- Dientzenhofer (Johann)
- Diesel (Matthias)
- Dijon
- diplomacy
- diplomat
- diplomatic reception
- diplomaty
- distribution
- ditch
- dithyramb
- Dolemieu (marquise de)
- door casing
- Doric order
- Dossier (Nicolas)
- drama
- drawing
- Dresden
- dress
- drum
- Duchy of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
- Dufour (Alexandre)
- Dufour (Guillaume-Henri)
- Duhamel du Monceau (Henri-Louis)
- Duke Leopold of Lorraine
- Dumesnil (Louis-Claude)
- Dumesnil (Louis-Michel)
- Dumesnil (Louis-Pierre)
- dump
- Duplessis-Mornay (Philippe)
- duplicity
- Duportail (Louis Le Bègue)
- Duquesne (Abraham)
- Duqueylar (Paul)
- Duroc (Michel)
- Dutch painting
- Dutch War (1672-1678)
- dynasty
- early modern period
- earthenware
- earthworks
- ecclesiastical jurisdiction
- eclecticism
- education
- educational journey
- ekphrasis
- election
- Electoral Guard
- Electorate of Saxony
- Elias (Norbert)
- elite
- elite culture
- elite nobility
- emblem
- emigration
- emperor
- Emperor’s Household
- Emperor’s private garden (Trianon)
- empiricism
- emulation
- encomiastic
- encomiastic code
- encomiastic literature
- encomiastic poetry
- endotic
- Endymion
- energeia
- England
- engraved portrait
- engraver
- engraving
- Enlightenment
- ennoblement
- enthronement
- envoy
- ephemeral architecture
- epic
- equestrian portrait
- equestrian statue
- Erthal (Philipp Christoph Freiherr von und zu)
- Escorial
- Esterházy (family)
- Esterhazy (Valentin-Ladislas)
- Eszterháza
- etiquette
- Eton College
- étranger
- Eugénie (Empress)
- Europe
- Evelyn (John)
- exhibition
- exotic
- exotic shell
- facade
- Facchinetti (Violante)
- facing
- faience
- Fain (Camille)
- family
- family networks
- fancy goods seller
- farming
- Farnese (Alessandro)
- Farnham Castle
- fashion
- Fatimids
- Favier (Claude)
- favor
- favour
- favourite
- feast
- feint stone
- Félibien (André)
- Féron (Éloi-Firmin)
- Ferrier (Jérémie)
- Ferrner (Bengt)
- fête galante
- fibula
- fiction
- firework machines
- fireworks
- First French Empire
- First World War
- five-year plan
- Flamen (Anselme)
- Flemish painting
- Fleury (André-Hercule de)
- flower painter
- flowerbed
- flowers
- flying table
- Fontaine (Pierre François Léonard)
- Fontaine (Pierre)
- Fontaine (Pierre-François-Léonard)
- Fontainebleau
- food
- foreigner
- forests
- fortress
- fountain
- fountain worker
- Fouquet (Nicolas)
- France
- Francis II Rákóczi
- Franco-American relations
- Franco-American Treaty (1778)
- François Lemoyne
- François-Antoine Vassé
- Franklin (Benjamin)
- Franzén (Frans Michael)
- Fredensborg Palace
- Frederick Augustus II of Saxony
- Frederick William I of Prussia
- Frederick I of Prussia
- Frederick I of Saxe-Gotha-Altenburg
- Frederick II of Prussia
- Frederick IV of Denmark
- Frémin (René)
- French Academy in Rome
- French art
- French Empire
- French Guiana
- French monarchy
- French Revolution
- French Wars of Religion
- French-Hungarian connections
- French-Polish relations
- French–Polish relations
- Frézier (Amédée-François)
- Friedrichswerth Palace
- funeral
- furnishing
- furniture
- Gabriel (Ange-Jacques)
- Gabriel (Jacques-Ange)
- Gaignières (François de)
- Gaignières (François-Roger de)
- Galerie d’Apollon
- Galeries Historiques
- gallery
- Gallery of Battles
- Garde-Meuble
- garde-robe
- garden
- garden archeology
- gardener
- gardens
- gardens archaeology
- gardens conservation
- gardens history
- garland
- garment
- Gaston d’Orléans
- Gaultier (Léonard)
- Gavard (Charles)
- gender history
- gender studies
- general
- generation
- Gennari (Cesare)
- Gentillet (Innocent)
- geography
- geology
- geophysics
- George IV
- geotechnics
- Gérard (Conrad-Alexandre)
- German art
- Germany
- Ghana
- Gibbs (James)
- gift
- Gilded Age
- gilding
- Girardin de Vauvré (Jean-Louis)
- Girardon (François)
- girls’ education
- Giusti (Giardino)
- glassware
- glazed brick
- globe
- glorification
- glove seller
- Gobelins Manufactory
- gods of Olympus
- gold
- Golden Gallery
- Goltzius (Hendrick)
- Gondoin (Jacques)
- gospel
- Gothic Temple of Liberty
- grace
- Gramont (Philibert de)
- Grand Admiral
- Grand Appartement
- Grand Canal
- Grand Commun courtyard
- grand décor
- Grand Duchy of Lithuania
- Grand Duchy of Tuscany
- Grand Tour
- Grand Trianon
- Grand Veneur
- Grande Cascade
- Grandes Eaux
- Granier (Pierre)
- granite
- graphic arts
- Great Britain
- Great Century
- Great Gallery
- great man
- Great Outbuilding
- Great War
- greenhouse
- Grignan
- Grimaldi (Honoré II prince of Monaco)
- Grotto of Tethys
- groundwater
- guards
- guards’ room
- guild
- Guillaumot (Auguste)
- Guillaumot (Auguste-Alexandre)
- Guillaumot (Étienne)
- Guillaumot (Eugène)
- Guillaumot (Louis)
- guilt
- Guisan (Henri)
- Guyenne
- gypsum plaster
- Habert de Montmort (Jean-Louis)
- habit à la française
- Habsburg
- Habsburgs
- Hall of Mirrors
- hammock
- Hampton Court
- hand of justice
- Hardouin-Mansart (Jules)
- Hårleman (Carl)
- harpsichord
- Harrach (Ferdinand Bonaventure Count of)
- Harris (James)
- Hassan II
- hat
- hatred
- health
- hegemony
- heir
- Henri IV
- Henry II
- Henry II (king of France)
- Henry III
- Henry III of France
- Henry IV
- Henry VI of England
- heraldry
- Hercules
- heritage
- hermitage
- Hermitage Pavilion (Peterhof)
- hero
- high society
- Hildebrandt (Johann Lucas von)
- hinge
- hinge maker
- historic gardens
- historical museum
- historical style
- historicism
- historiographer
- historiography
- history
- history and literature
- History Galleries
- history of France
- history of gardens
- history of representations
- history of technology
- history of the book
- history painting
- Hoensbroeck (César-Constantin de)
- Hohenlohe (Karl Ludwig von)
- Holy Roman Empire
- Holy Thursday
- Homer
- homosexuality
- Honoré II of Monaco
- Honoré III of Monaco
- Honoré V of Monaco
- horses
- Hôtel Crozat
- Hôtel de Choiseul-Praslin
- Hôtel de Mayenne
- Hôtel de Rochechouart
- Hôtel de Toulouse
- Hôtel des Invalides
- Hôtel du Châtelet
- Hôtel d’Hallwyl
- hôtel particulier
- Houasse (René-Antoine)
- Houdon (Jean-Antoine)
- housing
- Houzeau (Jacques)
- humanism
- Humbaire (Jean-Louis)
- Hungarian migration
- Hungarian nobility
- Hungary
- hunting
- hydraulic network
- hydraulics
- hygiene
- iconographic programme
- iconography
- iconography of power
- identity
- Idrissids
- Île-Royale
- illness
- illumination
- illustrated book
- image
- imagination
- immigration
- imperial administration
- imperial house
- incensation
- incognito
- Infant
- infant of Spain
- informal power
- information
- inheritance
- insignia
- intaglio
- integration
- intercession
- interior decor
- interior decoration
- interior design
- intermediary
- international relations
- Iraq war (2003-2011)
- Isabella of Bourbon-Parma
- Ise Shrine
- Italian opera
- Italy
- Ivory Coast
- Jabłonowski (family)
- Jabłonowski (Józef Aleksander)
- Jacob-Desmalter (François-Honoré-Georges)
- Jacques de La Guesle
- Jacques I of Monaco
- Jacquet (François-Henri)
- James II of England
- Jans (Jean)
- Japan
- Jardin (Nicolas-Henri)
- Jardin des Plantes
- Jarosław St. John’s College
- Jefferson (Thomas)
- Jesuit school
- jewel
- jewellery cabinet
- Joan of Arc
- John II Casimir Vasa
- John III Sobieski
- joinery
- joint
- Joinville (François-Ferdinand d’Orléans prince de)
- Joly (Jean)
- Joseph of Austria
- Joseph II of Austria
- journalism
- journalist
- Jouvenet (Jean)
- July Monarchy
- Jussieu (Bernard de)
- Jussieu Pavilion
- justice
- Juvara (Filippo)
- kampagia
- Karcher (Johann Friedrich)
- Karl von Hessen-Kassel
- Kashikodokoro
- Kent (William)
- king
- King’s Bedchamber
- king’s body
- King’s Garden (Grand Trianon)
- King’s Household
- King’s stables (institution)
- Kircher (Athanasius)
- Knesebeck (Christian Friedrich Gottlieb von dem)
- Knesebeck (Friedrich Gottlieb von dem Knesebeck)
- knight
- knight academy
- Konfidenztafelzimmer
- Kôreiden
- Krieger (Johan Cornelius)
- Krystynopol
- La Fontaine (Jean de)
- La Pérouse expedition
- La Sapienza
- La Ville (Jean-Ignace de)
- labarum
- Laborde (Alexandre de)
- Lachowice
- Lafayette (Gilbert Du Motier de)
- Lagergren (Claes)
- Lamballe (Marie-Thérèse Louise de Savoie-Carignan princesse de)
- lamentation
- Lamoignon (Guillaume de)
- lampoon
- landscape
- landscaping
- Languedoc
- latrine pit
- latrines
- lattice work
- Laugier (Marc-Antoine)
- Lauzun (Antonin Nompar de Caumont duc de)
- Lavater (Johann Kaspar)
- Lavoisier (Antoine)
- lawn
- La Fosse (Charles de)
- La Luzerne (Anne-César de)
- La Noue (François de)
- La Popelinière (Henri-Lancelot Voisin de
- Le Brun (Charles)
- Le Nôtre (André)
- Le Vau (Louis)
- lead
- Lécuyer (Charles)
- Lefèvre d’Ormesson (Olivier)
- Lefuel (Hector-Martin)
- legitimation
- Legros (Pierre I)
- Leibniz (Gottfried Wilhelm)
- Lemoyne (François)
- Lemoyne (Jean-Louis)
- Lenoir (Alexandre)
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Leopold I
- Leopold I of Lorraine
- Lepautre (Pierre)
- Leplat (Raymond)
- Lespingola (François)
- Leszczyński (Stanislas)
- Leszczyński (Stanisław)
- letters
- levade
- Leyniers (Urbain)
- Le Brun (Charles)
- Le Maistre (Rodolphe)
- Le Nôtre (André)
- Le Notre (André)
- Le Vau (Louis)
- libel
- library
- libretto
- Liège
- Ligne (Charles-Joseph de)
- Lille
- lime
- lime coating
- limestone
- limewash
- lineage
- Linlithgow Palace
- Linné (Carl von)
- linseed
- Lisbon
- lit de justice
- literature
- Lithuania
- livery
- loggia
- Lord Cobham’s Monument
- lôros
- Lorraine
- Lorraine (Charles-Alexandre de)
- Louis Buisson
- Louis Dauphin of France (duke of Burgundy)
- Louis de France (Grand Dauphin)
- Louis Marin
- Louis XIV
- Louis-Philippe
- Louis-Philippe I
- Louis-Philippe Ier
- Louisa Ulrika of Prussia
- Louisbourg
- Louise de Lorraine
- Louis XIII
- Louis XIV
- Louis XV
- Louis XVI
- Louis XVI style
- Louis XVIII
- Louvois (François-Michel Le Tellier marquis de)
- Louvre
- Louvre Palace
- love
- Low Countries
- loyalists
- Ludwigsburg Palace
- Lunéville
- Lusace (comte de)
- Luther (Martin)
- lyric art
- mace bearer
- Machiavelli (Niccolò)
- machine
- Machine of Marly
- Madame Adélaïde
- Madame de Maintenon
- madrague
- Magdalen College (Oxford)
- magnate
- Magnaura
- Maintenon (Françoise d’Aubigné marquise de)
- Maison de l’Empereur
- Maison du Paumier
- Maison Royale de Saint-Louis
- Mansart (François)
- Mantes
- mantle
- Manufacture des Gobelins
- Manufacture Royale de Glaces de Miroirs
- manuscript
- manuscript circulation
- mappa
- marble
- Marble Courtyard
- marbre
- Marguerite Louise d’Orléans
- Maria Feodorovna
- Maria Theresa of Austria
- Maria-Teresa of Austria
- Marie Antoinette
- Marie de’ Médici
- Marie Leszczyńska
- Marie Louise Gonzaga
- Marie-Amélie de Bourbon-Sicile
- Marie-Antoinette
- Marie Antoinette
- Marigny (Abel François Poisson marquis de)
- Marillac (Louise de)
- marine engineering
- Marly
- Marly Palace (Peterhof)
- Marly-le-Roi
- Marot (Jean)
- marquetry
- marriage
- marriage alliance
- Mars Room
- marshal’s baton
- Marsy (Balthazar)
- Marsy (Gaspard)
- martial feast
- Martin (Jean-Baptiste)
- Martin (Pierre-Denis)
- martyrdom
- masonry
- Massey (Placide)
- Massiac (Pierre de)
- Massou (Benoît)
- masterpiece
- Maurel de Pontevès (Catherine de)
- Mayer (Johann Prokop)
- Mays of Notre-Dame
- Mazarin (Jules)
- mechanics
- medals
- mediation
- Medici
- Medici (Alessandro de’)
- Medici court
- medicine
- meditation
- Mehmed II the Conqueror
- memoires
- memoirs
- Ménagerie
- menagerie
- Menus Plaisirs
- Menus Plaisirs
- Merian (Ana Maria Sibylla)
- Michaux (André)
- Middle Ages
- Mignard (Pierre)
- Milani (Aureliano)
- military campaign
- military engineering
- military portrait
- military power
- military royal household
- military school
- military service
- mirror
- mirror cabinet
- mirror gallery
- model
- modernity
- Mohammed V
- Mohammed VI
- Molière
- monarchism
- monarchy
- Monnoyer (Jean-Baptiste)
- monochromy
- Monplaisir Palace (Peterhof)
- Monsieur
- Mont-Valérien
- Montagu (Ralph)
- Montagu House
- Montargon (Nicolas de)
- Montmorency
- Montpensier (Anne-Marie-Louise-Henriette d’Orléans duchesse de)
- monumental iconography
- monumentum virtutis
- Monza
- Morangis (Madame de)
- Morisot (Claude-Barthélemy)
- Mornay (Charles de)
- Morocco
- mortar
- Moscow
- Moulay Abderrahmane
- Moulay Ismâ’îl
- moulding
- mullion
- Munich
- muntin
- Musée de l'Armée
- musée de l’Histoire de France
- Musée de l’Histoire de France
- Musée d’Histoire de France
- Musée-Promenade de Marly-le-Roi-Louveciennes
- museography
- museum
- museum administration
- Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle
- music
- myth
- mythography
- mythological culture
- mythology
- Nancy
- Nanteuil (Robert)
- Napoleon
- Napoléon I
- Napoleon I
- Napoléon Ier
- nation
- National Committee for the Safeguarding of the chateau of Versailles
- national fundraising
- national identity
- National Museum of Natural History
- national sentiment
- national stereotypes
- National Trust
- nationalism
- Natoire (Charles-Joseph)
- natural science illustration
- naturalization
- naval architecture
- navigation
- Navona piazza
- Navy
- navy
- nef
- Nemours (Louis d’Orléans duc de)
- neo-Latin
- neoclassicism
- Nepveu (Frédéric)
- Netherlandish traveller
- network
- networks
- New France
- Nicholas II of Russia
- nobility
- Nolin (Pierre-Charles de)
- Norbert Elias
- Normandy landings
- North Wing
- Norway
- Notariat de Brabant
- novel
- November Uprising (1830–1831)
- numismatics
- nursemaid
- oath
- obelisk
- objects of curiosity
- observatory
- ochre
- office
- officers
- official portrait
- Ogiński (family)
- Oldenburg (Henry)
- olive oil
- opening of Parliament
- opera
- Oppenordt (Gilles-Marie)
- optical view
- optics
- orange tree
- Orangery
- orangery
- oration
- Order of the Golden Fleece
- Order of the Holy Spirit
- Order of the Slaves of Virtue
- ordinance
- ordinary painter of the Hôtel de Ville
- Orléans (Élisabeth-Charlotte de Bavière duchesse d’)
- Orléans (Ferdinand-Philippe d’)
- Orléans (Gaston d’)
- Orléans (Philippe I Duke of)
- ornament sculptor
- ornamental lake
- Ornano (Jean-Baptiste d’)
- Orry (Philibert)
- Orry de Fulvy (Jean-Louis)
- Österreichische Nationalbibliothek (Vienna)
- Ostrowski (Antoni Jan)
- otherness
- Ottoman Empire
- Ovid
- oyster
- Pac (family)
- page
- painted ceiling
- painted stone
- painting
- painting on vellum
- palace
- Palace of Compiègne
- Palace of Fontainebleau
- Palace of Rambouillet
- Palace of Versailles
- palaeoparasitology
- Palladianism
- Palladio (Andrea)
- Pamphilij (Giovanni Battista)
- Pamphilj (Camillo)
- panelling
- pantheon
- papacy
- papal cross
- papal protection
- Papillon de La Ferté (Denis-Pierre-Jean)
- parasol
- Paris
- Pâris (Pierre-Adrien)
- parliament of Aix
- parterre
- Paruta (Filippo)
- Pasinelli (Lorenzo)
- passions
- Patel (Pierre)
- patrimonialism
- patriotism
- patriots
- patronage
- Paul Godet des Marais
- Paul I of Russia
- Pavilion du Levant
- Pavillon du Levant
- Pavillon du Roi
- Pavillon Royal
- peace
- peace of Vervins
- Peale (Charles Willson)
- Peale (James)
- Peale (Rembrandt)
- pedagogy
- Penthièvre (Louis-Jean-Marie de Bourbon duc de)
- Percier (Charles)
- perfumery
- Périgord
- Perrault (Charles)
- Perrault (Claude)
- Perrin (Pierre)
- personal lyricism
- perspective
- Perspective pavilion
- Peru (Pierre)
- Peterhof
- Petit Trianon
- Petite Académie
- Philadelphia Museum of Art
- Philippar-de Boucheman herbarium
- Philip II of Spain
- Philip V of Spain
- physical body
- physics
- physiocracy
- physiognotrace
- Piazza di Spagna
- Piazza San Marco
- pier mirror
- Pierre Mignard
- Pierre-Josse Perrot
- pietas
- pietra serena
- pigment
- pilaster
- Pitzler (Christoph)
- Pius VI
- Place de Grève
- place of memory
- plan-relief
- planets
- planned excavation
- planning
- plant nursery
- Plantar (Jean-Baptiste-Louis)
- planted walk
- planting pit
- planting trench
- plants nursery
- plaster
- plaster cast
- poetry
- poetry of the occasion
- Poissant (Thibault)
- Poland
- Polignac (Melchior de)
- Polish nobility
- Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
- Polish–French relations
- Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth
- political body
- political communication
- political education
- political history
- political influence
- political representation
- political thought
- politics
- polychromy
- Pombal (Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo Marquês de)
- Pomey (François)
- Ponz (Antonio)
- pool
- porcelain
- Porcelain Trianon
- portrait
- portrait gallery
- portrait of power
- portraiture
- Portugal
- Potocki (Franciszek Salezy)
- pottery
- Poussin (Nicolas)
- power
- praying figure
- precedence
- preservation
- preventative conservation
- preventive archaeology
- Prévost (Guillaume)
- Prévost (Jean-Jacques)
- Prévost (Jean-Louis)
- Prévost (Jean-Louis-Robert)
- prince of the blood
- prince of the Holy Roman Empire
- princely residence
- prince’s behaviour
- Prince’s Palace of Monaco
- printed publication
- private dining room
- private sphere
- propaganda
- proskynesis
- protection
- protestantism
- Protestantism
- protocol
- Provence
- Prussia
- Prussian blue
- public
- public monument
- public sphere
- publication
- purple
- pyrotechnics
- radicals
- Rákóczi (Francis II)
- rank
- Raon (Jean)
- Rastrelli (Bartolomeo)
- Rayol (Joseph)
- reason of state
- reception
- receptive filter
- recumbent statue
- red ochre
- Redouté (Pierre-Joseph)
- Reformation
- refurnishing
- regalia
- regicide
- Regnesson (Nicolas)
- regulations
- Reims
- reinstatement
- reissue
- religious architecture
- religious conflicts
- religious history
- religious painting
- religious rite
- religious wars
- Rembrandt
- Renaissance
- renovation
- repainted part
- replica
- representation
- representative strategy
- republic
- Republic
- residence
- Restoration
- restoration
- reuse
- Revel (Gabriel)
- revenant
- Reynolds (Joshua)
- rhetoric
- Ricaud de Tirregaille (Pierre)
- Richard (Antoine)
- Richard (Claude fils)
- Richard (Claude père)
- Richard (Claude)
- Richelieu
- Richelieu (Armand-Jean du Plessis duc de)
- Riesener (Jean-Henri)
- Rigaud (Hyacinthe)
- ring
- Risorgimento
- ritual
- Robert (Nicolas)
- Robert de Cotte
- rocaille
- Rochambeau (Jean-Baptiste-Donatien de Vimeur de)
- rockery
- roi philosophe
- roman à clef
- Romanticism
- Rome
- roof
- Rossel (Auguste-Louis de)
- Roullet (Jean-Louis)
- Rousseau (Jacques)
- Roussel (Jacques-Jérémie)
- Royal Abbey of Saint-Denis
- Royal Academy of Painters and Sculptors
- Royal Academy of Sciences
- royal administration
- royal audience
- royal axis
- Royal Chapel
- Royal Chapel (institution)
- royal chapel of Versailles
- royal court of Warsaw
- Royal Courtyard
- royal cult
- royal effigy
- royal engineer
- royal entertainment
- royal family
- royal favourites
- Royal Garden of Medicinal Plants
- Royal Guard
- Royal Guards
- royal household
- Royal Household
- royal mythology
- Royal Palace of Aranjuez
- Royal Palace of La Almudaina
- Royal Palace of La Granja de San Ildefonso
- Royal Palace of Madrid
- Royal Palace of Riofrío
- Royal Pavilion
- royal power
- Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences
- royal residence
- royal service
- Rubens (Peter Paul)
- ruddle
- ruins
- ruling elite
- Russia
- Sabatini (Francesco)
- Sachetti (Juan Bautista)
- Sadeler (Aegidius II)
- Saint Petersburg
- Saint-Aignan
- Saint-Aignan (Paul de Beauvillier duc de)
- Saint-Étienne
- Saint-Germain-en-Laye
- Saint-Simon (Louis de Rouvroy duc de)
- Saintonge
- Saint‑Étienne
- Salon
- Salon of Mars
- Saltet (Marc)
- Salzdahlum Palace
- Sammlung von Handschriften und alten Drucken
- sand
- sandal
- sandstone
- Sapieha (family)
- satire
- Savage (Edward)
- Savary (mademoiselle)
- Saverne
- Savoy
- Savoy (Eugène Prince of)
- saxon-polish prince
- Saxony
- Saxony (Frederick Augustus I of)
- Saxony (Frederick Augustus II of)
- Scandinavia
- Sceaux
- sceptre
- Schinkel (Karl-Friedrich)
- scholarship
- Schönborn (Johann Philipp Franz von)
- Schönborn (Lothar Franz von)
- school
- science
- sciences
- scientist
- Scipio Africanus
- Sciugatrosce (Filippo)
- Scotland
- Scudéry
- sculpted trophy
- sculptor
- sculpture
- seasons
- seat
- Séchelles (Jean Moreau de)
- Second French Empire
- secrecy
- secularization
- selfhood
- Servandoni (Jean-Nicolas)
- servant
- Seven Years’ War
- shell
- Shiite
- Shinden
- Shinto
- Shintoism
- ship
- shipbuilding
- shooting
- silver furniture
- silverware
- singer
- site of memory
- slate
- Slodtz (Michel-Ange)
- Slodtz (Paul-Ambroise)
- Slodtz (Sébastien-Antoine)
- Smalah Room
- snuffbox
- sociability
- social ascension
- Société dramatique
- society column
- solemn entry
- solidarity
- Sommer (Johann Jacob)
- son of France
- Sophie of France
- South Wing
- sovereign
- Spain
- Spanheim (Ézéchiel)
- Spanish monarchy
- Spanish Netherlands
- Spinoza (Baruch)
- splendour
- spur
- spy
- St. John de Crèvecoeur (J. Hector)
- St. John de Crèvecœur (J. Hector)
- St. James’ palace
- staff
- stage
- stage set
- staircase
- stamp
- Stanisław August Poniatowski
- State Apartements
- State Apartment
- statue
- Stirling castle
- Stockholm
- stole
- stone
- stoneware
- Stowe
- stucco
- Sturm (Leonhard Christoph)
- Stuttgart
- stylistic evolution
- substrate
- Succession of Spain
- Sully (Maximilien de Béthune duc de)
- sumptuary edict
- Süssmilch (Johann Peter)
- sustenance
- Sweden
- Swiss Confederation
- Swiss Guard
- Switzerland
- sword
- symbolic communication
- symbolism
- symmetry
- tableware
- tablion
- Tacitism
- Tacitus
- tailor
- talisman
- Tanzimat
- tapestry
- technology
- tegolozza
- Teleki
- Temple of Ancient Virtue
- Temple of Concord and Victory
- Temple of Jerusalem
- Temple of Venus
- Tendai
- tent
- term
- Ternant (Jean-Baptiste de)
- Terni (Francesco Gregorij da)
- Tessin (Nicodemus)
- Tessin (Nicodemus I)
- Tessin (Nicodemus II)
- textbook
- Thalwitzer (Christian)
- theatre
- Théâtre de la Monnaie
- Théodon (Jean-Baptiste)
- theology
- Thierry (Jean)
- Thomas (Graham Stuart)
- throne
- tiara
- timber lodging
- Timentes
- tomb
- top coat
- topographic representation
- toufa
- Tourville (Anne Hilarion de Costentin comte de)
- town house
- trabea
- trajectory
- transatlantic studies
- transcription
- translation
- transmission
- transnational networks
- travel
- travel guide
- travel literature
- traveller
- travelogue
- travertine
- Treaty of Paris (1763)
- Trianon
- Trianon botanical garden
- Tristan L’Hermite
- trompe-l’œil
- trough
- Troyes
- Truffaut (Georges)
- Trumbull (John)
- Tschirnhaus (Ehrenfried Walther von)
- Tschoudi (Louis-Théodore de)
- Tuby (Jean-Baptiste)
- Tuileries Garden
- Tuileries Palace
- Ubaydites
- Uffenbach (Johann Friedrich Armand von)
- Uffenbach (Johann Friedrich von)
- Uffenbach (Zacharias Konrad von)
- uncanny
- unction
- undercoat
- United Kingdom
- United Provinces
- United Sates
- United States
- Universal Exhibitions
- universal history
- university
- University of Virginia
- upward social mobility
- urban planing
- urban planning
- Val-de-Grâce Abbey
- Valvassori (Gabriele)
- Van Blarenberghe (Louis-Nicolas)
- Van Clève (Corneille)
- Van Swanevelt (Herman)
- Vanbrugh (John)
- Vanderlyn (John)
- Vandières (Abel-François Poisson de)
- Vatican
- Vatout (Jean)
- Vauban (Sébastien Le Prestre de)
- vegetable garden
- Velbrück (François-Charles de)
- Vellum Collection
- venality
- Venetian painting
- Venice
- Venus
- Verberckt (Jacques)
- Vergennes (Charles Gravier comte de)
- Vergennes (Charles Gravier de)
- Vernet (Horace)
- Verona
- Verrier (Étienne)
- Versailles
- Versailles (Palace)
- Versailles palace
- veterans
- vice-legate
- viceroyalty
- Vienna
- Vienna court
- Vigée Le Brun (Élisabeth)
- Villanueva (Juan de)
- Villiers (George)
- Vincent de Paul
- Vinchon (Auguste)
- Viollet-le-Duc (Eugène)
- vision of power
- visit
- visitor
- visual culture
- Vleughels (Nicolas)
- Voronikhine (Andrei)
- voyage
- vulgate
- Wales
- Walpole (Horace)
- war of images
- War of the Austrian Succession
- War of the Spanish Succession
- Warsaw
- Washington (George)
- Wąsowski (Bartłomiej Nataniel)
- water features
- Watteau (Antoine)
- wax sculpture
- Waynflete (William)
- weapon
- wedding
- wedding present
- Weikersheim Palace
- well
- West (Benjamin)
- Wettin
- whitewash
- Wilanów Palace
- wild hunt
- wildfowl
- Wilhelm VIII von Hessen-Kassel
- Wille (Ulrich)
- William III
- William III of England
- window casing
- Winterhalter (François-Xavier)
- Witch House
- Władysław IV Vasa
- Wolfenbüttel
- Wolff (Christian)
- World War II
- writing practices
- writings
- Wurtemberg (Marie d’Orléans duchesse de)
- Württemberg (Eberhard Louis of)
- Würzburg residence