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Permanent call for papers

The Bulletin du Centre de recherche du château de Versailles publishes articles and studies dealing with European courts in the modern era (especially in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries). It welcomes contributions from scholars, postgraduates and senior researchers in all languages and disciplines, and will give thorough attention to innovative research approaches.

We invite you to submit your publication proposals relating to the following themes:
– models of exercising power;
– the structure and functioning of curial institutions;
– habits and mentalities;
– the circulation of men and ideas;
– the representation of power (portraits, court scenes…);
– palaces (architecture and urbanism, décor and furniture, collections…);
– gardens (layout, botanic, hydraulics…);
– ceremonies, festivities and celebrations.

Authors interested are invited to read the editorial policy of the Bulletin, the submission of articles and peer-review process, as well as the instructions for authors. Complete articles (abstracts alone will not be accepted) are to be submitted by email (text in .doc or. rtf format) to Alexandra Pioch (

The Centre de recherche du château de Versailles
The Centre de recherche du château de Versailles, created in 2004 and directed by Béatrix Saule, is devoted to research and academic teaching and training about sites and expressions of power as represented at Versailles and in other European locations, especially in the 17th and 18th centuries. An international and multidisciplinary meeting place, where researchers and professionals can gather and exchange knowledge and practices, the Centre de recherche seeks to attract new approaches to its fields of study, encourage new research and ensure the widest dissemination of results through its publications and the organization of scientific events. For more information, visit the Centre’s web site :

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